Ladder of Engagement Worksheet
Corresponding Activist Milestones:
Ladder of Engagement / Behavior Cues: What might people be saying or thinking? / How can we support them up the ladder? / Top 1-4 Corresponding Activist Milestones + Additional ResourcesLevel 9: Start or grow a group / -“RESULTS is a powerful way to create change, and I want to be a change agent and have others around me doing the same. I want to start a group.”
-“Yes, I can help grow my group in our community.” / Support them to develop others. / 1. Milestone for Working with Your Community #1 – Host a Table in Your Community
2. Milestone for Working with Your Community #3 - Speak to a Local Community Group
3. Milestone for Working with Your Community #5 – Host a Successful Outreach Meeting
Then connect with our expansion staff for next steps.
Level 8: Take leadership / -“Yes, I would be willing invite people to a RESULTS meeting.”
-“Yes, I would like to be the point person for my member of Congress, or for my local paper.” / Support them in becoming a group leader, host, or some other role within a group. Engage them in more sophisticated actions. / 1. Empower Yourself Milestone #3 – Take a Leadership Role in Your Group
2. Empower Yourself Milestone #4 – Attend the RESULTS/REF International Conference
3. Milestone for Working with Congress #4 - Establish a Relationship with the Congressional Aide Who Handles Your Issue
4. Milestone for Working with the Media #2 - Write or Generate an Op-ed
Level 7: Become an activist / -“Yes, I am willing to be supported by my local group/by the free agents group to be active.” / Make sure they are connected with their local group or the relevant free agents group. Ask if they are currently engaged in action and, if they are not, point them to the current action(s) being undertaken by the national network. Make sure they are in our database. / 1. Milestone for Working With Congress #2 – Make a Phone Call to Your Member of Congress
2. Milestone for Working with Congress #3 – Write a Letter to Your Member of Congress
3. Milestone for Working with Media #1- Write a Letter to the Editor
Level 6: Training and follow up / “Yes, I want to learn how to become an advocate.” / Engage them in action. Help them understand what it’s like to be an advocate. Create expectations of it being a process. Help them feel more knowledgeable about our issues. / 1. Empower Yourself Milestone #1 – Choose one RESULTS Global or Domestic Issue and Learn its Basics
2. Empower Yourself Milestone #2 – Create and Deliver an EPIC Laser Talk
Level 5: Have a 1:1 conversation to assess interest & previous experience / -“I really care about global poverty/domestic poverty.”
-“This seems interesting, and I’m starting to get the hang of it, but I still have questions.” / Inspire them about the difference they can make. Listen to their interests. Share recent success stories. / 1. Empower Yourself Milestone #4 – Attend the RESULTS/REF International Conference
2. Empower Yourself Milestone #5 – Set Personally Challenging Goals and Achieve Them
Level 4: Attend an Intro call or a local RESULTS meeting / “Yes, I want to learn more about RESULTS. How would I do that?” / Encourage them to invest a bit of time learning more about what it means to be in RESULTS. Share recent success stories. / 1. Empower Yourself Milestone #1 – Choose One RESULTS Global or Domestic Issue and Learn its Basics
Then give them a Basics CD/show them the Basics online. Help them RSVP to an Intro Call online. Introduce them to the group leader in their area or invite them to the next free agents call.
Level 3: Take an online action / “Yes, I would be willing to do something simple online.” / Encourage them to take some sort of online action. Show them how to do it. Invite them to offer feedback on the experience. Share recent success stories with them. / 1. Milestone for Working with Congress #1 – Send an E-mail to Your Member of Congress
2. Milestone for Working with the Media #1 – Write a Letter to the Editor
Level 2: Follow us on social media / “Yes, I have a Facebook and/or Twitter account. How do I follow RESULTS?” / Encourage them to find out more about RESULTS. Share recent success stories with them, including current actions we’re taking. / Empower Yourself Milestone #1 – Choose One RESULTS Global or Domestic Issue and Learn its Basics
Then point out how to find us on social media.
Level 1: Sign up for e-mails / “Yes, I’d like to stay in touch with what RESULTS is up to.” / Encourage them to find out more about RESULTS, including where we are on social media. Share recent success stories with them, including current actions we’re taking. / Empower Yourself Milestone #1 – Choose One RESULTS Global or Domestic Issue and Learn its Basics
Then help them sign up for our national action network and/or their local network.