Membership Renewal 2018/19

I wish to renew my membership of the Kings Norton and District U3A for the year to 31 March 2019. My personal details remain unchanged. (Please Print).

Title ……. Forename …...………………… Surname ………………………..………………… Membership No………

Full member(£16) / Associate member (£12)
These fees include a £3.50 membership fee paid to our national organisation, the Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover.
Membership fees can be payable by (please tick one):
Bank transfer to 20-45-4503367851
Cheque to ‘Kings Norton & District U3A’ / Cash


All members must:

  • Abide by the Principles of the U3A movement.
  • Always act in the best interests of the U3A and never do anything to bring the U3A into disrepute.
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution.
  • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times.
  • Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee.
  • Advise the committee of any change in your personal details.

I wish to renew membership and confirm that I will abide by the terms of membership as stated above.
Signed / Dated

Please hand or send this completed form to Jennifer Snashall, 9 Springfield Rd, Birmingham B14 7DT

Please note: Name, email address and membership details are held on the Beacon computer system for the purposes of U3A administration.



Please complete if you are a taxpayer and you wish to Gift Aid your subscription to Kings Norton & District U3A - Registered Charity No 1176838.

Please treat all U3A subscriptions since 1 February 2017, and all future U3A subscriptions, as Gift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise. My personal details are includedon the Beacon database.

Signature …………………………………………...Date……………………………………………………………..

  • Kings Norton and District U3A will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give under this declaration.
  • Please note that you must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the U3A will reclaim on your gift for that tax year
  • Please notify the U3A Membership Secretary if you want to cancel this declaration or if you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains tax.
  • If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you can claim additional tax relief by including all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment Tax Return.


Please tick the box below to give us permission to use the information you have supplied in the following ways:

  • To store it securely for membership purposes.
  • To communicate with you as a U3A member.
  • To share with group leaders for those groups that you are a member of.
  • To send you general information about the Third Age Trust (the national organisation to which U3As are affiliated.

I consent to my data being used for membership purposes as detailed above.

Are you happy to be added to the direct mailing list for the Third Age Trust magazines – Third Age Matters and Sources? If so, please tick the box below:

I consent to my data being shared with the company who oversee the distribution of the Trust Magazines.

Please be advised that you can request for your data not to be used for any of these purposes at any time by contacting the Membership Secretary:

Email: Telephone: 0121-444-6225

For internal use:

Received / Paid / Logged / Membership Number