@Participants:CHI Eve Target_Child, MOT Sue Mother, FAT David Father, COL Colin Investigator, RIC Richard Investigator

@Age of CHI:1;8.0

@Sex of CHI:Female

@Time Duration:10:45-11:45

*CHI:more grape juice .

*MOT:more ?

*CHI:no .

*MOT:didn't think so .

*CHI:no Eve play bouillon cube .

*MOT:you must put the blocks in the box first before you can play with

*MOT:put the blocks away first .

*CHI:a block first .

*COL:what's this ?


*COL:you sit by me .

*COL:eh ?

*CHI:there .

*COL:there .

*CHI:Fraser read Eve Lassie .

*COL:ok .

*COL:I'll do that .

*COL:that's Lassie .

*CHI:that Lassie .

*COL:m:hm .

*COL:that's Lassie .

*COL:what are you going to do now ?

*CHI:Fraser gink [: drink] Lassie .

*MOT:no # he doesn't want to read Lassie again .

*MOT:he doesn't want to read Lassie .

*CHI:tape+recorder .

*CHI:Fraser tape+recorder floor .

*MOT:it's on the floor .

*MOT:that's right .

*CHI:Mom get red bicycle .

*MOT:get the red bicycle ?

*MOT:where is it ?

*MOT:where are they ?

*CHI:here .

*MOT:say music # Eve .

*MOT:music .

*MOT:say music # Eve .

*MOT:music .

*MOT:did you find the bicycle ?

*MOT:did you find the little red bicycle ?

*CHI:yep .

*MOT:where's the little red bicycle # Eve ?

*COL:where is it ?


*COL:a:h # yes .

*CHI:what doing # Mommy ?

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:what doing # Mommy ?

*MOT:I'm making tapioca for your lunch .

*CHI:make tapioca # lunch .

*MOT:for your lunch # yes .

*CHI:Fraser .

*MOT:Fraser .

*MOT:uhhuh .

*CHI:Cromer .

*MOT:no .

*MOT:when's Cromer coming ?

*CHI:on Wednesday .

*MOT:on Wednesday .

*MOT:that's right .

*CHI:Eve jump # Mommy kitchen .

*MOT:you're jumping in Mommy's kitchen ?

*MOT:why don't you jump in the livingroom ?

*MOT:go and jump in the livingroom .

*CHI:go jump livingroom .

*MOT:yes # you jump in the livingroom .

*CHI:jump livingroom .

*CHI:jump livingroom .

*CHI:jump livingroom .

*CHI:jump livingroom .

*CHI:Mommy make # tapioca lunch .

*CHI:Mom # Mommy make Eve tapioca lunch .

*CHI:Eve make xxx tapioca . [+ bch]

*CHI:my tapioca .

*MOT:what are you doing ?

*CHI:Eve make # tapioca .

*MOT:no # I'm almost finished .

*MOT:I'm almost finished .

*MOT:you stay in the livingroom .

*CHI:Eve [/] Eve making tapioca .

*MOT:but I'm almost finished .

*CHI:tapioca .

*MOT:do you want to help me turn ?

*CHI:yeah .

*CHI:Mom [/] Mom make a tapioca .

*MOT:yes .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:what is that ?

*CHI:hot .

*MOT:it's hot .

*MOT:but what is it ?

*CHI:Eve tapioca .

*MOT:yes .

*MOT:it's hot tapioca .

*CHI:hot tapioca .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:it's hot water .

*CHI:xxx water hot . [+ bch]

*CHI:Eve tapioca hot .

*MOT:uhhuh .

*CHI:hot .

*MOT:m:hm .

*CHI:and cool .

*MOT:and cool # yes # by the time you have lunch it'll be cool .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:what is that ?

*MOT:vanilla .

*CHI:vanilla .

*MOT:vanilla .

*CHI:vanilla .

*MOT:vanilla .

*CHI:Eve play bouillon cube .

*MOT:you can play with the bouillon cubes if you put the blocks back in

*MOT:# c'mon I'll help .

*CHI:help me .

*MOT:yes # I'll help .

*MOT:# you help me put them in the box .

*MOT:you help me put them in the box .

*MOT:you can help me put them in the box # then you'll get the bouillon

*CHI:in box .

*MOT:that's right .

*CHI:Eve cry .

*MOT:why were you crying ?

*MOT:hmm ?

*CHI:Eve put blocks Mommy .

*MOT:yes # you help me put the blocks away .

*CHI:tinker+toy doing there ?

*MOT:what is that tinker+toy doing in there ?

*MOT:it doesn't belong in there .

*CHI:there more .

*MOT:more .

*MOT:alright .

*CHI:tinker+toy .

*MOT:no # it doesn't belong in that box .

*MOT:it belongs in the tinker+toy box .

*MOT:there .

*CHI:there .

*MOT:there's one by the rocking+chair .

*CHI:by .

*MOT:by the rocking+chair # there's one .

*MOT:the rocking+chair .

*CHI:by rock+chair [: rocking+chair] .

*CHI:get it .

*MOT:that's right .

*MOT:now # are there any more ?

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:where ?

*MOT:where ?

*MOT:there's one under the table .

*MOT:under the table .


*MOT:there's one under the other chair .

*MOT:under the other chair # by the window .

*MOT:over by the couch .

*MOT:by the couch # under the chair .

*MOT:see it ?

*MOT:over by the couch .

*MOT:the chair .

*MOT:the chair by the couch .

*MOT:under .

*CHI:under .

*MOT:under the chair by the couch .

*CHI:I seed@n it .

*MOT:you see it ?

*MOT:ok .

*MOT:now what ?

*CHI:Eve play bouillon cube .

*MOT:alright .

*MOT:now we'll play with the bouillon cubes .

*MOT:thank you .

*CHI:thank+you .

*MOT:yes .

*CHI:Eve play the bouillon cube .

*MOT:there .

*CHI:Mom open .

*MOT:ask Fraser if he'll open it for you .

*CHI:drop .

*COL:what do you want me to do ?

*COL:what do I have to do ?

*COL:what do I have to do ?

*CHI:op(en) # bouillon cube .

*COL:ok .

*CHI:op(en) it # bouillon cube .

*CHI:xxx more bouillon cube . [+ bch]

*MOT:I didn't think you'd miss it .

*MOT:this one's empty .

*MOT:that one's empty .

*CHI:empty .

*MOT:it's empty # yes .

*CHI:empty .

*COL:yes .

*CHI:come back .

*CHI:come back .

*CHI:Eve find top .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:Eve find top .

*MOT:where do you find the top ?

*MOT:where is it ?

*MOT:hmm ?

*CHI:where top ?

*MOT:I don't know .

*MOT:find it .

*CHI:no .

*MOT:where is it ?

*CHI:Fraser coat .

*MOT:Fraser's coat ?

*MOT:is it by Fraser's coat ?

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:is it ?

*MOT:well you go and find it .

*MOT:is it there ?

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:you get it then .

*MOT:it's lost .

*MOT:too bad .

*CHI:too bad .

*MOT:too bad .

*CHI:too # bad .

*COL:what top is it you're looking for ?

*CHI:want find top .

*CHI:no # a top .

*COL:the top for what ?

*COL:what top ?

*CHI:no .

*MOT:where is it ?

*MOT:it's right there on the floor .

*MOT:you see it ?

*CHI:see it .

*MOT:that one has a top .

*CHI:xxx see it .

*MOT:here's the other top . [+ bch]

*MOT:right there .

*MOT:that's the other one .

*CHI:that other one .

*MOT:yes .

*CHI:get back .

*CHI:get back .

*CHI:get back .

*CHI:what doing # Mommy ?

*MOT:I'm making orange peel .

*CHI:orange +...

*MOT:peel .

*CHI:# peel .

*CHI:<hi hi> [/] hi .

*COL:hi .

*COL:are those your bouillon cubes ?

*CHI:xxx bouillon cube . [+ bch]

*CHI:Mommy .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:Eve sit Mom lap .

*MOT:you want to sit on my lap ?

*MOT:oh # but I'm very busy +...

*MOT:you can sit on my lap later .

*CHI:Eve sit on Mommy lap .

*MOT:you can sit out here by me on the other stool .

*CHI:by me .

*MOT:yes # on the stool .

*MOT:but you'd better get the big stool # Eve .

*MOT:not the little stool # the big one .

*CHI:big one .

*MOT:the big one .

*CHI:the big xxx one . [+ bch]

*MOT:the big one # like I'm sitting on .

*MOT:the big stool .

*CHI:a big xxx stool . [+ bch]

*MOT:yes # you get the other big stool .

*CHI:Pap study .

*MOT:it's not in Papa's study .

*MOT:it's not in Papa's study .

*MOT:it's under the tape recorder .

*CHI:the tape+recorder .

*MOT:I'm sorry .

*MOT:it's not # it's beside the tape recorder .

*MOT:beside the tape recorder .

*MOT:that one .

*CHI:that one .

*MOT:no # the big stool .

*MOT:like this one .

*MOT:the big stool # like I'm sitting on .

*CHI:Eve stool .

*MOT:# right by the tape recorder .

*CHI:right tape+recorder .

*MOT:the big stool .

*CHI:big xxx stool . [+ bch]

*MOT:right .

*CHI:by tape+recorder .

*MOT:that one .

*CHI:that a one .

*CHI:that a one .

*CHI:that a one .

*CHI:the banjo .

*MOT:I know it's your banjo .

*CHI:come back .

*CHI:come back .

*MOT:there .

*MOT:are you gonna sit down on the stool ?

*CHI:Eve sit down .

*MOT:well # this is my stool .

*MOT:you sit on the other side .

*CHI:Mommy stool .

*MOT:this is Mommy's stool # right .

*CHI:Eve sit down (a)nother +...

*CHI:Eve came back .

*MOT:hmm ?

*CHI:Eve came back .

*MOT:you came back ?

*CHI:yeah .

*CHI:<Eve ta> [/] ta [/] Eve tapioca .

*MOT:that's right .

*MOT:you're gonna have some for lunch .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:it's an orange peel .

*CHI:orange peel .

*MOT:Mommy's gonna make a goodie .

*CHI:make cookie .

*MOT:make a goodie .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:that's more orange peel .

*CHI:make a gookie@c .

*MOT:goodie # uhhuh .

*CHI:Eve sit bottom .

*MOT:you sit on your bottom ?

*MOT:alright .

*CHI:Mommy sit bottom .

*MOT:Mommy's sitting on her bottom .

*MOT:right .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:the cooker .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:that's the stove # but you don't touch the stove +...

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:that's part of the stove .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:more .

*CHI:that ?

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:that's another part of the stove .

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:what's that ?

*CHI:more .

*CHI:that ?

*CHI:that ?

*CHI:that ?

*CHI:xxx hot . [+ bch]

*MOT:it is hot +...

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:what's that ?

*CHI:water .

*MOT:m:hm .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*MOT:what's that ?

*CHI:came back .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:cap(tai)n # [/] captain Bob .

*MOT:captain Bob ?

*MOT:no .

*MOT:will you please sit on your stool .

*MOT:you're in my way .

*MOT:please sit on your stool .

*CHI:on stool Mommy way .

*MOT:you're in my way .

*MOT:yes # put your foot on your own stool .

*MOT:# on your own stool .

*CHI:own stool .

*MOT:that's right .

*MOT:this is my stool and that belongs to you .

*CHI:Mommy # help .

*MOT:help ?

*MOT:what do you want ?

*CHI:Mommy help .

*MOT:help you with your water ?

*CHI:Eve help .

*CHI:Eve help .

*MOT:# you can get down by yourself .

*MOT:big girl .

*MOT:yes you did .

*MOT:all by yourself .

*CHI:again .

*MOT:again ?

*MOT:alright .

*CHI:big self .

*MOT:by yourself .

*MOT:uhhuh .

*CHI:Mommy sit Eve stool .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:Mommy sit Eve stool .

*MOT:I'm not sitting on your stool .

*MOT:I'm not on your stool .

*CHI:my Eve stool .

*MOT:oh my foot ?

*MOT:you want me to move my foot ?

*CHI:yep .

*CHI:again .

*MOT:what are you doing ?

*CHI:# not again .

*MOT:not what ?

*CHI:Eve hand pocket .

*MOT:oh # your hand's in your pocket .

*CHI:Eve puzzle .

*MOT:that's your puzzle .

*CHI:Mommy find Eve puzzle .

*MOT:want me to find the rest of it .

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:alright .

*MOT:# is it in the toy box ?

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:well # we'll see if it's in the toy box .

*MOT:# there's another one .

*CHI:in the toy xxx box .

*CHI:toy box .

*CHI:xxx Becky puzzle . [+ bch]

*MOT:no # that's not Becky's puzzle .

*MOT:that's Eve's puzzle .

*CHI:Becky have puzzle .

*MOT:that's right .

*MOT:Becky's puzzle's at home .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:Eve fix Eve puzzle .

*MOT:you fixed your puzzle ?

*MOT:# why don't you try again ?

*CHI:try again .

*MOT:you put them in the holes .

*MOT:put the pieces in the holes .

*CHI:piece a hole .

*CHI:Eve horsie .

*MOT:you're a horsie ?

*CHI:yeah .

*MOT:what's your name when you're a horsie ?

*CHI:Eve Clip+clop .

*MOT:you're Clip+clop when you're a horsie .

*MOT:that's right .

*MOT:you be a horsie and run fast .

*CHI:Eve horsie .

*MOT:yes # you are a horsie .

*CHI:Eve Clip+clop .

*MOT:you're Clip+clop .

*MOT:right .

*CHI:Eve running fast .

*MOT:you were running fast .

*CHI:xxx came back . [+ bch]

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:oh I'm not sure .

*MOT:let me see .

*CHI:man .

*MOT:there's a man on it # yes .

*MOT:this is a coin .

*MOT:a coin .

*MOT:a baseball coin .

*CHI:man .

*MOT:picture of a man # m:hm .

*MOT:why don't you put the man in your pocket ?

*MOT:put the man in your pocket .

*CHI:xxx pocket . [+ bch]

*MOT:yeah # put him in your pocket .

*CHI:there .

*CHI:xxx came a man . [+ bch]

*MOT:here comes the man ?

*MOT:coming out of your pocket ?

*CHI:came a man .

*CHI:that ?

*CHI:baseball coin .

*MOT:baseball .

*MOT:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:man baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:baseball coin .

*CHI:came back .

*CHI:xxx came +... [+ bch]

*CHI:there sugar Fraser .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:there sugar Fraser .

*MOT:well you ask Fraser if he'd like some more coffee .

*CHI:Fraser more coffee .

*MOT:is there more coffee ?

*CHI:yep .

*MOT:would he like sugar in his coffee ?

*CHI:yep .

*CHI:Fraser more coffee .

*MOT:yes # I'll give him more coffee .

*MOT:you get your [!!] sugar bowl .

*CHI:you sugar bowl .

*MOT:your sugar bowl .

*CHI:Fraser napkin .

*MOT:that's his napkin .

*MOT:right .

*CHI:hi .

*MOT:hi .

*CHI:hi .

*CHI:Eve xxx pencil . [+ bch]

*MOT:Eve .

*MOT:is this my pencil ?

*CHI:xxx pencil . [+ bch]

*CHI:Eve xxx pencil . [+ bch]

*MOT:where is your pencil ?

*CHI:xxx table . [+ bch]

*MOT:Eve # would you bring me Fraser's cup ?

*MOT:you bring me Fraser's cup and we'll give him some more coffee .

*CHI:bring cup .

*MOT:right .

*CHI:bring cup .

*MOT:right .


*MOT:thank you .

*CHI:# sugar coffee .

*MOT:he'll put sugar in his coffee .

*MOT:uhhuh .

*CHI:Eve tapioca .

*MOT:you can have tapioca at lunch time .

*MOT:it's not ready yet .

*CHI:ready yet not ready yet .

*MOT:it's not ready yet .

*CHI:jump Mommy kitchen .

*MOT:that was jump in Mommy's kitchen !

*CHI:tape+recorder .

*MOT:m:hm .

*CHI:(a)nother tape+recorder .

*CHI:two # four # five # six .

*CHI:one # two # three # four # five .

*COL:very # very good .

*CHI:one # two # three # four # five .

*CHI:one # two # three # five .

*COL:seven # eight # nine # ten .

*CHI:one # two # three # four .

*CHI:one # two # four .

*COL:you say this .

*COL:three # nine # six .

*COL:you say that .

*COL:three # nine # six .

*CHI:tapioca .

*MOT:yeah # you want tapioca # don't you .

*MOT:are you ready for your lunch ?

*CHI:yep .

*MOT:alright .

*MOT:move your high chair .

*CHI:move a high+chair .

*MOT:move the high+chair .

*CHI:Mommy .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:xxx look at the high+chair . [+ bch]

*MOT:cheese ?

*MOT:would you like some cheese ?

*CHI:want tapioca .

*MOT:you will have tapioca # in just a second .

*CHI:xxx .

*MOT:what ?

*CHI:that ?

*MOT:it's cheese .

*MOT:oh # I'm sorry there's a piece of paper on it .

*MOT:a piece of paper .

*MOT:it probably didn't taste very good # did it ?

*CHI:hmm ?

*CHI:paper .

*MOT:there was paper on your cheese .

*MOT:there it's alright now .

*CHI:oh paper cheese .

*MOT:what # sweetie ?

*CHI:a paper cheese .

*MOT:paper on the cheese # yes .

*CHI:tapioca .

*COL:is that my lunch ?

*COL:is it ?

*COL:is it my lunch ?

*CHI:Eve lunch .

*COL:yes # your lunch .

*CHI:more .

*MOT:more what ?

*CHI:more tapioca .

*MOT:alright .

*MOT:I'll give you more tapioca .

*MOT:I'll be right back .

*COL:is that nice tapioca ?

*CHI:yeah .

*CHI:Mommy came back .