Termination outside of a Progression Review – Stage 4 (TOPR4):Exceptional Progression Review follow-up meeting
Where a student’s progression gives significant cause for concern, to the extent that there are well-founded and demonstrable reasons to doubt the eventual submission of the doctoral thesis within the maximum period of candidature remaining, the procedure for Termination outside of a Progression Review due to significant academic concerns, as detailed in Section 2 of the Procedures for Circumstances that may lead to Withdrawal or Termination should be followed.
The ‘Termination outside of a progression review’ forms follow this procedure. Completion of these forms will ensure that the procedure is followed correctly, giving parity of experience to students across the University. These forms will also ensure that the procedure is fully documented.
Stage 4 is applicable at the point of the Exceptional Progression Review follow-up meeting.
PART 1 – Recommendation from Exceptional Progression Reviewfollow-up meeting
To be completed by the Independent Assessor at/shortly after the meeting. Please note that the form requires signatures from all panel members
The panel must meet with the student to assess their progress against the targets of the action plan. The panel may subsequently recommend that the student can continue, or they may recommend termination to the Faculty Graduate School.
a)Details of meeting
Date, time, and location of follow-up meetingPanel members in attendance*
*Note that the follow-up meeting should be conducted by the same panel members as the initial viva. If, due to exceptional circumstances, a different assessor had to be appointed, they should give valid reasons for doing so.
b)Recommendation of the panel to the Faculty Graduate School:
Please tick
Recommended to progressRecommended to terminate candidature
c)Please detail reasons for your recommendation:
d)Has the student submitted any further mitigating circumstances?
Please tick
Yes (if yes, please go to question f)No (if no, please go to question g)
e)If the student submitted further mitigating circumstances, please detail the evidence provided for these circumstances, and how the panel took them into consideration:
f)If the recommendation is to progress, please provide any written guidance to the student that may help to guide them in their future work:
g)We, the Independent Assessors, have conducted this Exceptional Progression Review follow-up meeting according to the regulations of the University of Southampton and recommend that the outcome above is endorsed by the Director of the Faculty Graduate School
Signature of Independent Assessor 1 (Lead Assessor): / Date:Name:
Signature of Independent Assessor 2: / Date:
PART 4 – Exceptional Progression Review Follow-up Meeting – Independent Chair’s Report
To be completed by the Independent Chair
The Independent Chair should confirm that:
- The follow-up meeting has been conducted according to the University’s regulations;
- The student has been treated fairly and appropriately;
Please comment on the conduct of the viva
c) I, the Independent Chair, confirm that the Exceptional Progression Review follow-up meeting was completed according to the regulations of the University of Southampton and in compliance with the University’s Code of Practice on Research Candidature and Supervision
Signature of Independent Chair: / Date:Name:
Please return to the Faculty Graduate School Office immediately following the review
For office use only: Enter the outcome into SHANCRS
PART 5 – Consideration of recommendedoutcome
a)Approval of Director of Faculty Graduate School (DFGS)
I (DFGS), support the recommendation of the Exceptional Progression Review Panel
Signature of DFGS: / Date:Name:
a)Approval of the Chair of the Faculty Programmes Committee (FPC)*
*Approval of the Chair of FPC is necessary only for termination of candidature
I (Chair of the Faculty Programmes Committee), support the recommendation of the Exceptional Progression Review Panel
Signature of Chair of FPC: / Date:Name:
PART 6 – For office use only
1)Save a copy of this form into the student’s e-file
2)Send the appropriate outcome letter (as saved on the PGR Functional Network Groupsite), and save a copy in the student’s e-file
3)If the outcome is ‘terminate’, consult the PGR Administration Guide for guidance on any further action necessary (as saved on the SAA Groupsite). Please note that students must be notified of termination within ten working days of receipt of the documentation from the panel