Off hire intimation
This document will describe the usage of off hire container intimation which is used by the user to flag the containers to be off hired in a specific location
Once the intimation note is updated, then the user will get a message or error log file while doing the single move entry, multi move entry, CODECO/COARRI or AGT upload from the respective locations
Using Off hire intimation
Top part will be to select the parameters to fetch the details and the detail level to update the remarks and the location where the container needs to be off hired
Selecting the parameters to fetch the records
Lesser : Leasing company name can be selected here
Agreement number : Leasing agreement number can be selected here
Booking number : Lease booking number can be selected here
Release No: Leasing number can be selected here
From date/ To date : These 2 dates will be checked against the “date to be off hired” in the leasing entry
Days: If the user wants to fetch the containers which are going to be expired within ‘N’ number of days, then the same can be selected here
Include overdue containers: If the user selects this option then system will fetch the over due containers irrespective of the user selecgted date range
Ex: User selects the agreement number A and select from date and to date as 01-May-2013 to 31-May-2013 (with over due check box)
Suppose one container is there for the same agreement but the off hire date mentioned as “15-Apr-2013” but yet to be off hired
If the user select the over due check box, then the above mentioned container will be listed
Update notes and off hire location
Click the “Show Location” button to see the preferred off hire locations updated for that particular container’s agreement
Update the notes to be reflected to the off hire location’s agent and type the location where the container needs to be off hired
Finally, select the “To be off hired” check box and press save to save the remark
Agent File Upload
After save the record in lease off hire intimation screen, if the agent create the move for the lease off hire intimation containers means system will show warning error message as like below for those container number . Same system will show the warning message , but corresponding move code will created also
9 c) Warning Error log - Off Hire Intimation for the Container
S.No. Container No. Cont Type Date to be Off hired Off Hire Location Remarks By Remarks
Do Generation
At the time of DO Generation, if the any B/L having the one way container means. Then user can able to check the one way container details in the ONE Way List of value