NewsletterSpring 2017
A belated welcome back after the Christmas holidays. Many thanks for all our lovely cards and presents. This term we are talking about our family, our homes, our country, continents and outer space. Looking forward to a fun term ahead.
Term Dates –Spring Term:9th January 2017 – 31st March 2017
(Half-term: 13th – 17th February)
Summer Term:18th April 2017 – 21st July 2017
(Half-term: 29th May – 2nd June)
Donations – Thank you to everyone who kindly donated last term.For BBC Children In Need we raised £122.00& our collection after the Christmas play raised £185.00 for Footprints Sri Lanka.
Car Park –Please do not use the church car park, this is for users of the church only; there are alternative parking options on our notice board.
Please may we remind you that for the safety of all our children and parents the car park is for staff parking only, this includes picking up and dropping off your children (unless special permission has been obtained from Michelle).
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March 2017 – If your child attends on this day we are inviting them to come dressed as a character from their favourite book.
Red Nose Day – Friday 24th March 2017 – If your child attends on this day they are welcome to dress up for red nose day. We will be collecting donations for this charity.
Absence – If your child is absent from pre-school for any reason e.g. holidays, sickness etc. please inform us by email (), or your child’s contact book or by phone (01689 850904) as we are now required to record this information by Bromley.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids – Once again we are collecting and would appreciate any tokens.
Allergies/Food – we have some children with very severe allergies so please do not send your child to pre-school with any food/drinks. Water is freely available throughout the day and milk and water are offered at snack time. In the past some parents have very kindly sent in sweets or cake to share when it is their child’s birthday, if you would like to do this please ensure they are nut free.
Labels – Please ensure that all items of clothing, such as, sweatshirts, coats, shoes/wellie boots are all clearly labelled.
Nature School - If your child attends nature school please send any change of clothes/shoes (named) in a clearly labelled bag (not their Bright Start Backpack). Please ensure that they have a change of shoes that they are able to put on themselves (with help).
Nappies – If your child is wearing nappies please remember to provide spare nappies in your child’s bag.
Illness – If children are unwell they should not be sent into pre-school. Children who have been sick or had diarrhoea should not return for at least 48 hours after the last episode. Please advise us by phone (01689 850904) of absence and inform us of any contagious or serious conditions immediately.
If your child attends more than one setting please will you give your keyworker their contact information, as they will need to liaise with them.
Information Session – I will be holding an information session to explain the Montessori method and materials we use and answer any questions you may have on Friday 24thMarch from 2.00 – 3.00pm, (parent/carers only please.) Please let us know if you would like to come. ()
Mobile phones – Please do not use your phone while collecting your child.
Fond Regards
Michelle and the Bright Start Team xxx