Tentative 11th grade AP/ IB syllabus
Fall 2014
Hove/ Van Norman
Phone (after 2:30) 480-812-7780 or leave a message anytime at 812-7756
NOTE FOR 0 HOUR: Students with excessive absences and/or tardies during their zero hour course, may be dropped from that 0 hour course, and then asked to take it another time periods 1-6. Please make your parents away in case you need to change your schedule right away.
REMIND 101: Please sign up tonight with these instructions:
To join you will send a text to this number:
720-627-6860 Then, depending on w
Which class you are in, type in this message:
0 Hour: @973d1 and you have to put the @ sign
1st Hour: @ b8452
2nd Hour : @ 5149e
3rd Hour: @ thirdh
4th Hour: @ 58895
turnitin class ID number: on School Wires
Remember to sign up for Remind101. Edmodo, and Turnitin by
July 25 since your first assignment is due on the 29th.
Turnitin password: awesomeclass
Your Class # can be found on SchoolWires
This year’s open house date: Thursday, July 31
Required Text: The McGraw-Hill Reader- will stay in the classroom
Required Novels: summer read: Into the Wild
Scarlet Letter Into the Wild (summer read)
(1st quarter)
Raisin in the Sun
(2nd quarter)
Street Car Named Desire(2nd quarter)
Great Gatsby (3rd quarter)
Grapes of Wrath (3rd quarter)
Things Fall Apart (4th quarter)
Required Materials:
- Journal notebook for all notes and activities. Must be a spiral notebook used for this class ONLY and must have five sections
- Three-inch binder- for this class, only
- Lined paper
- Pencils
- Variety of blue and black ink pens for essays and timed writing
- Notepad for taking notes- optional because of spiral
- Flash drive to back up all work
- Email address for turnitin.com
- Required novels in class while the literature study is in place
- Required writing handouts
- Yellow, green, blue and pink high lighters pens
Note: not all quizzes, discussions, and/or timed writings are listed in this syllabus.
All discussions must be made up with an essay if you are absent
All essays are due at the beginning of the class period. All essays must be handed to me before you leave for a school-related field trip. Again, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS for field trips for school activities.
This syllabus is subject to change....
Quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trial.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday/Tuesday July 21/22
Common Core Standards:
(1)11th RL.1: Cite strong evidence from Into the Wild to support your opinions during discussions and your written analysis of the work.
(2)11th RL.2: Determine 2-4 themes from Into the Wild
(3)11th RL.3: Examine Krakauer’s literary choices as he developed this true story and its settings, how he used the action such as flashbacks, and how he introduced each new character through McCandless’s journey.
(4) 11th W. 1: Write an argument supporting claims in your analysis of the main topics in this work using evidence such as quotes, reason, and even your own experiences.
Essential Questions:
(1)What does it mean to be a rebel?
(2)How dangerous id knowledge
Welcome to AP/IB English
- Review syllabus (on my website)
- Seating Chart-
- Fill out Name Plates and on the blank side write three things you would like me to know
- Write a letter to yourself: What are your expectations, what are you scared about, and what do you think will go well or as expected?
- Set up folders with goals:
- Write goals about the expectations for this course and a plan of action- keep in academic/ writing folder.
- Review IB rubric from last year and then staple into folder
Review Game:
40- minute timed writing: Question #2
Ticket out: Hand me your name plates before you leave
On a post-it note. Put your first and last name, period #, and one literary term you know well and will be using in your writing. Put the word, its definition, and scrabble points according to your nameplate.
Homework: read/annotate the Rhetoric handout and be ready to discuss by July 25
Work on summer assignment #4 due on August 6 and 7 and then Assignment #5 due August 11
July 23/24- get out your name tags
View sample anchor essays (yesterday’s test) Use the IB rubric and use the coloring chart. Review the color marking as used last year.
- Green- insight/evidence
- Blue-techniques used by the author’s writing (whether it be you or another author) to show analysis of the work. What affect do these techniques have on the actual writing?
- Pink- organization such as topic sentences, transitions, etc…
- Yellow- Language such as academic language
Introduce Introduction Writing: Take notes in your spiral notebook
You must use two of the following in every single paragraph and it must be highlighted in pink every time:
- Transitions
- Appositives- A noun or noun phrase that renames another noun like Mrs. Hove, our favorite teacher, is super nice.
- Compound sentences- This sentence contains at least two independent clauses. You can use coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, or just a colon.
- Complex sentences – A sentence that contains an independent clause and a dependent clause.
- Subordinate clauses- Is basically the same as a dependent clause. It begins with a subordinate conjunction like after, even though, once, until, while, or since and contains a subject and verb.
- Prepositional phrases at the beginning of some of your sentences.
Think about always reading the same paper over and over again, and nothing is changed. That would get very boring, very quickly so you always want to put variety in your writing, especially in your word choice and sentence structure.
Visit Websites on DOC camera: This will be completed in class
After each site, have the students pair/share comments. If you are absent today, you are expected to visit these at home, and put some notes into your spiral.
- Christophermccandless.info
- Backtothewildbook.org
- Wikepedia- Into the Wild
- You Tube: Chris McCandless/Alexander Supertramp
- Outsideonline.com- The January 1993 issue
Homework: work on your summer assignments. Assignments one and two are due on Friday .
Get onto my website and on the left hand side under
Vocabulary will be a required lit. term list that you need in class by FRIDAY. Again, you are responsible to bring a copy of this list to class on Friday.
Ticket Out:
What essential tool did you take away from “ How to Mark up a Book”?
And how will you implement this into your annotation?
Get signed onto Edmodo and turnitin. Part of the process is using my website. You have an assignment on Edmodo already.
Friday, July 25:
Bellwork: Read and annotate article, “ How to Mark up a Book”
This is in your textbook so if you are absent, you will need to check out a text.
Hand in summer reading assignment #2 today and article annotations
Discuss the Rhetoric Article- answer essential question,
“ How does rhetoric affect your overall writing?”
“ How have writers, past and present, brought about change in the world of persuasion?”
“ What affect has advertising had on our way of purchasing and making decisions?”
Put discussion notes into your spiral
Use my annotation sheet in addition if you want
Quiz #1 for Into the Wild (Use Socrative. Com Quiz #1)
You will have to make up on Monday if you are absent…
Lecture:Jonathan Krakauer and Chapters 1-7. If you are absent, you are still responsible for all lecture notes
Lit. Term List. Study for future test. Go over terms, and begin to find examples of each of the terms from examples in Into the Wild. Put these terms and definitions into your spiral notebook.
Ticket Out:
Continue to work on summer assignments due on the 4th, 5th, and 6th
Quote of the week, “ Experience is not what happens to you; It’s what you do with what happens to you.”
Monday, July 28:
Discuss Chapters 7- 13 from Into the Wild (use questions from workbook)
If you were absent today:
Type a one-page essay (using MLA format) answering the following: Discuss Krakauer’s style of writing up to this point. Do the flashbacks and the implementation of Krakauer’s narrative throughout make the story more effective or less effective?
Question Techniques for Formative Assessment #1:
Standards for this week: DOK: highlighted
11.02. Analyze an author’s unstated ideas and analyzing evidence that supports those unstated ideas.11.07: Use textual to develop and support an interpretation of a work from U.S literature.
11.15: Develop a thesis, cite sources where appropriate.
11.02. Analyze an author’s unstated ideas and analyzing evidence that supports those unstated ideas.
11.03: Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose, basic beliefs, and perspectives.
11.07: Use textualto develop and support an interpretation of a work from U.S literature.
Questions for Chapters 1- 5 . If you are absent, answer the following questions on paper and hand in when you return.
A) In these first few chapters, this story elicits strong reaction from several different people. Discuss the reactions, and how do you interpret their meaning?
B) Chapters 4 and 5 discuss McCandless’s true distaste for society. Discuss many of these dislikes and how he attempts to put himself back into society. What does that mean?
C) Discuss Krakauer’s style of writing up to this point. Do the flashbacks and the implementation of Krakauer’s narrative throughout make the story more effective or less effective?
D) How has this story affected you so far?
E) What do you think about the transitional quotes that are placed at the beginning of every chapter?
F) Identify a theme that has been expressed thus far into the novel. Supply supporting examples that support that theme.
Hand out Literary Term Set One – Quiz this Friday – Practice first. We will pronounce and review 10 of the terms to start. Students will get into partners and when I call out a literary terms, the teams will find an example of that word from Into the Wild.
As you are looking over your Into the Wild annotations,
Look to make sure you have included the following:
Chapters 1 and 2: Use this annotation guide:
a)Why are the maps important at the beginning of each of the chapters
b)The purpose of each short epigraph at the beginning of each chapter.
c)Chris McCandless’s character and personality traits- especially the changes.
Chapter 3-7:
a)Importance of map in Chapter #4
b)Why did people either love or hate Chris?
c)Purpose of Chapter #4
d)Purpose of Ronald Franz and why does he continue to be important in this story?
e)Evidence that Chris truly did prepare for this journey
f)The tone and attitude in Chris’s personal letters
Chapters 8-11
a)The function of this group of chapters
b)Why did McCandless leave trials
c)Chapter 8 and why people are so against Krakauer
d)The purpose of the map in Chapter #9
e)Outcasts and who are they and why are they considered outcasts
f)McCandless’s development in his personality
Chapters 12 and 13:
a)These are considered background chapters. What is learned in these background chapters, and why does Krakauer introduce background half way through the book?
b)Significant facts from his childhood and using psychoanalytical theory, what does Chris’s childhood have to do with the decisions he makes as an adult?
c)Did these chapters change your view of Chris McCandless now?
d)Have you changed since your childhood? How?
e)His family members
f)Parents and Chris’s anger towards his parents. Why is this important?
Chapters 14 and 15”
a)Why does Krakauer put himself in the story at this point?
b)How is Krakauer’s life related to McCandless
c)Does Krakauer experiences help him write this story?
Chapters 16- 18:
a)Was McCandless crazy, ignorant, and or selfish?
b)Why did he real
c)Were the berries truly toxic and did he want to die? ic?
d)What mistakes did McCandless make on this journey?
Epilogue- Ticket Out question- This answer will go onto a post-it note
“What do you think of Chris now and what did you think of his parents visiting him in Alaska after his death?”
Tuesday, July 29:
Essential Question: “ What is Success”
Lecture: Into the Wild Chapter 8 to the end of the book
Review annotation handouts from yesterday
Using the yellow anthology: Read excerpt from Walden in class today.
(yellow anthology book) You may check it out if you are absent today
Be able to answer the essential question, “ How has Transcendentalism influence the literature we read today?”
Homework: Get onto my website and down load excerpt from “Civil Disobedience” and have it read/ annotated by tomorrow.
Be prepared for formative assessment discussion. You will be allowed to use your spiral.
Essential Question: “ How has Transcendentalism influenced our literature today?”
Standards: DOK highlighted
11.02. Analyze an author’s unstated ideas and analyzing evidence that supports those unstated ideas.
11.03: Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose, basic beliefs, and perspectives.
11.07: Use textualto develop and support an interpretation of a work from U.S literature.
11.12: Analyze the wayin which a work is related to the themes, issues, political movements, and events of its historical period.
Wednesday, July 30/Thursday July 31: Open House
ACT Bellwork: Sentence Structure
After practice, get into discussion groups and discuss similarities of style and purpose with Civil and Walden. Notes will be recorded into spirals.
Activity: Using both the excerpt from “ Walden” and from “ Civil Disobedience” compare and contrast both of these to Krakauer’s Into the Wild.
Review Transcendentalism . I would take notes
- How do all show examples of rebellion?
- How do all show examples of success?
- How do all of these show true identity?
- How do all these show the importance of nature and importance of human development?
- How do each show the importance of community?
- How do these works all show transcendentalism?
If you are absent today, complete this assignment at home. You have read “ Walden” so you need to Google and read excerpt from “ Civil Disobedience” and then answer the questions to be handed in tomorrow.
Writing Lesson: How to write an analysis composition- AP style
Follow these steps:
(1)Dissect your prompt and choose three keys would you will use throughout your essay.
(2)After really understanding what the question is asking you, brainstorm ideas, prewrite, organize your ideas using a graphic organizer, plot out all your ideas.
(3)Arrange all your ideas like important points with the first one the most important as well as ending with an important point. If you have multiple points, then put those in the middle.
(4)Now put some style into your essay. Evaluate your language, word choice, and sentence structure.
(5)Decide how you will hold the audience’s attention
Requirements on every single essay
And it must be highlighted in pink- starting today:
YOU MUST have at least two of these highlighted in every single paragraph and in all your essays this year:
- Transitions
- Appositives- A noun or noun phrase that renames another noun like Mrs. Hove, our favorite teacher, is super nice.
- Compound sentences- This sentence contains at least two independent clauses. You can use coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, or just a colon.
- Complex sentences – A sentence that contains an independent clause and a dependent clause.
- Subordinate clauses- Is basically the same as a dependent clause. It begins with a subordinate conjunction like after, even though, once, until, while, or since and contains a subject and verb.
- Prepositional phrases at the beginning of some of your sentences.
Activity/ Formative Assessment #2: Into the Wild:
NOTE: If you are absent for this activity, type a one-page answer to the following question, “What are Krakauer’s credentials for writing Into the Wild?”
Ticket Out: Write down one new fact you learned about Into the Wild today.
Homework: summer assignments
Friday, August 1:
Explain how to do the rhetorical journal. (Weekly formative assessment. WE will complete one together. Always due on the block days- unless stated otherwise.
Must use the form off of my website or will NOT be accepted.
I will model an example under the DOC camera.
Quiz: Into the Wild
If you are absent, stay after school on Monday to make up a quiz.
It is your responsibility to be in my office by 2:30 for this quiz or if you have class, then you may come in at lunch after you check with me.