Training and Exercise Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2012

Delaware Fire School


On May 2, 2012, the Training and Exercise Subcommittee meeting was held at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover, with representatives from the Training and Exercise Subcommittee and DEMA.

Attendees were:

a.  Robert Newnam, DSFS, Chairman

b.  Deidre Gleason, DEMA

c.  Thomas Nesbella, DEMA

d.  Claudette Martin-Wus, DTI

e.  Suzanne Raab-Long, DE HC Assoc.

f.  Jack Anderson, DVFA

g.  Matthew Higgins, DNREC

h.  Joe Wessels, League of Govt.

i.  Harvey Velott, DSP/DIAC

j.  Jim Cubbage, DEMA

k.  Dave Mick, Kent County EMA

l.  Betty Decker, PHPS

m.  Robert Pflaumer, DEMA

n.  Bruce Von Goerres, DSP

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Newnam of the Delaware State Fire School at 8:30 a.m. The minutes were amended and approved from the April 4, 2012 meeting.

The April minutes were approved. (Velott/Higgins)

Chairman Robert Newnam asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Exercise Program

Thomas Nesbella, DEMA, briefed committee on 2012 Exercise schedule.

-  DETF TTX, 14 May 2012

-  DTI COOP, 19 June 2012

-  Sussex Airport, FE, 26 June 2012; changed

-  Kent TTX 28 June 2012

-  Port Wilmington FSE, 8 Sept 2012

Training Program

Thomas Nesbella, DEMA, briefed on the 2012 WMD Training schedule.

1.  MGT-386 Advanced Crisis Comm Strategies for Public Safety, 29 Mar, 22 enrolled

2.  MGT-343 Disaster Management Wastewater Utilities, Milford RWA,10-11 Apr, 30 enrolled

3.  MGT-331 COOP, 17-18 Apr, 18 attended

4.  MGT-341 Disaster Hospitals and Healthcare Organization Course, 1-2 May, 20 enrolled

5.  AWR-209 Dealing with the Media, 5 June, enrolled 10 enrolled

6.  MGT 339 Resource Inventory Management, 20 June, awaiting announcement

After Action Report Improvement Plan

- AAR’s

- None

Financial Statements

Tom Nesbella briefed the committee on the FY07. Stressed that for FY07 all training and invoices need to be complete and handed in by May 31, 2012.

Old Business

-  None

New Business

  1. Review Improvement Plans (IP’s)

-  None

  1. WMD course Training requests

Training Request

Harvey Velott requested the expenditures of $1,682.00 for the FBI Rappel Masters Course: The Delaware State Police have been offered an opportunity to send two personnel to this course. This course will provide the state with two certified rappel masters to be utilized to train other police officers and departments in rappelling operations. Point of Contact: Sgt. Rodney L. Workman. Location: Youngstown, OH. Date(s) of Trip: June 3-8, 2012.

Approved: (Higgins/Martin-Wus)

Harvey Velott requested the expenditures of $12,693.00 for the FBI’s Hazardous Devices School located on the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL. This 6 week school is the only school certified to train all U.S. Bomb Technicians in basic render safe techniques. Acceptance into the school is on an as needed basis and must be approved by the director of the school prior to submitting an application. This request is for two Delaware State Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians. Both technicians have successfully completed the pre-requisite course of a Hazardous Materials Technician. Point of Contact: Sgt. Chris Ennis. Location: Huntsville, AL. Date(s) of Trip: May27- July 7, 2012.

Approved: (Higgins/Martin-Wus)

Harvey Velott requested the expenditures of $5,784.00 for the DSP/EOD Team to go to the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI) International Training Conference. Attendees will discuss the latest trends, tactics and procedures occurring in the profession of the Bomb Technician. Demonstrations on the latest equipment to render IED’s safe will occur throughout the conference giving attendees the opportunity to discuss its viability to our mission. Presenters will also discuss lessons learned from actual cases throughout the world. All DSP-EOD Technicians are members of the IABTI and have been for many years. Point of Contact: Sgt. Chris Ennis. Location: Hershey, PA. Date(s) of Trip: June 3-8, 2012.

Approved: (Higgins/Martin-Wus)

Matthew Higgins requested the expenditures of $3,641.50 for three members of the Kent County Team to attend the EPA Region III Emergency Preparedness and Hazmat Response Conference. This conference will give team members updated information in hazardous materials response and a chance to network with other local teams. Point of Contact: Ed Strouse. Location: Baltimore, MD. Date(s) of Trip: September 23-26, 2012.

Approved: (Von Goerres/Wessels)

Claudette Martin-Wus requested the expenditures of $3,200.00 to be switched out from last month’s request of 4,000.00 for 1 person to attend Oracle’s Identity Access Management training to better control user access to the State systems. The training will allow the student to learn and identify rogue user accounts that could be used as entrance by malicious individuals into the State’s system. Point of Contact: Sandra Alexander. Location: Online. Date(s) of Trip: TBD

Approved: (Von Goerres/Higgins)

Claudette Martin-Wus requested the expenditures of $4,000.00 for one person to attend Oracle’s Identity Access Management 11g Develop Identity Provisioning training, which is an advanced level of creating identity security in the Oracle IAM system, providing a better control of user access to the State systems. Point of Contact: Sandra Alexander. Location: Online. Date(s) of Trip: Online Course-Date TBD.

Approved: (Von Goerres/Higgins)

David Mick requested the expenditures of $14,000.00 for 20 students to attend the Difficult Airway Course: EMS is designed to address the need for high quality education for EMS personnel to increase their success rates and reduce error in pre-hospital end tracheal intubation, particularly with respect to RSI. The EMS course is an intensive two-day immersion experience that is based on the same leading edge knowledge and education principles that inform our physician level courses. Point of Contact: David Mick. Location: TBD. Date(s) of Trip: TBD.

Approved: (Von Goerres/Anderson)

Exercise Request

-  None

NIMS – NIMS update

-  Jim Cubbage briefed the committee on the reassembly of IMT Team Training, and that NIMSCAST will be starting up June I, 2012.

Other Subcommittee Business

- Follow-up FY08 and FY09 Training Requests: Bob Pflaumer briefed that the FY08 and FY09 Extension request were made. After review of the budget the committee was told that there would be 2,800 left but other courses would use the remainder of funds.

- FY10 SHSP Training; $111,730 OGT training & $30,000 IMT training,

$141,730 total. Bob briefed the Sub-committee that these totals are with no discipline line items subtracted yet, and Bob was asked by the committee if the FY10 document can be itemized in the same format as 08 & 09 so they can set up for future spending of funds. The committee was briefed that they need to look toward the future on what training they wish to bring in and be careful on how much they can spend.

- FY10 SHSP Exercise; $505,450 total, Bob briefed the committee on exercise funds available. Also briefed the committee funds could be shifted to training if funds were needed.

T&EPW workshop will be held September 5, 2012 on our regularly scheduled meeting date. July’s Subcommittee meeting has been canceled and the next scheduled one after that will be August 1, 2012.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:37am. (Velott/Higgins)

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday June 6, 2011 - Fire School, Dover @ 8:30 a.m.


Training & Exercise Subcommittee

May 2, 2012