Christmas Lighted Parade Rules

-Parade will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

-All entries must be costumed, decorated and lighted in the spirit of Christmas. It is recommended to use ample lights for visible and well-lighted floats. Christmas lights can be battery operated or powered via generator. If a generator is being used, please be sure to exercise caution. For safety reasons, please carry a 5-pound ABC fire extinguisher and do not attempt to refuel your float while in motion or during the parade.

-Holiday music is appreciated.

-No entries will be allowed to provide or display a live Santa Claus. The ‘real’ Santa will bring up the rear of the parade to turn the downtown lights on.

-Since it will be dark and difficult to see, nothing is to be thrown from vehicles or floats to insure the safety of parade spectators. Walking along the curb to pass out treats is permitted.

-Walking or performing units must keep up the parade pace.

-No revving of engines, no spinning of tires, no hard launching of vehicles or bikes.

-Two categories will be judged, secular and religious. 1st place ($100), 2nd place ($75) and 3rd place ($50) cash prizes will be awarded in each category. Cash prizes are sponsored by ???.

-Entries will line up at the north end of Main Street on H Street (regular fair parade staging area). Parade route will end at the Wichita Co. Library. All entries must be in line by 5:30 p.m. Parade will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m.

-The Christmas Open House Planning Committee requests that you register your float by November 25. Entry forms should be returned to: Wichita County Economic Development, P.O. Box 345, Leoti, KS 67861. For questions, call WCED at 375-2182. The Committee hopes you’ll help make this a great event by participating!

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Christmas Lighted Parade Entry Form

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013 – 6:00 p.m.

Downtown Leoti

Name of organization or business______

Contact person______

Phone number______Email ______

~Please check appropriate entry category:


~Please check appropriate entry type:

Band______Performance Group______Float______



Other (describe)______

Complete and return by November 25, 2013 to:

Wichita County Economic Development

P.O. Box 345

Leoti, KS 67861