The Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District met for its regular meeting Tuesday, June 14,, 2011 at 9:30 A. M. in its office located at 505 District Drive Monroe, Louisiana.

Mr. Harris Brown, President, called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary call roll with the following present and answering: Harris Brown, President, Charles Venable and James P. Mayo, Ouachita Parish; Drew Keahey, Vice President, Caldwell Parish; Rodney Hutchins, Catahoula Parish; Reggie Peters, Franklin Parish and Ramona N. Haire, Richland Parish. Absent: Harlon Nobles, LaSalle Parish; Robert Neal Harwell, Richland Parish; Venoy Kinnaird, Morehouse Parish and Shelton Ruffin, West Carroll Parish.

Commissioner Rodney Hutchins opened the meeting with prayer.

Others in attendance were: Mr. Greg Hilburn and Ms. Margaret Croft, News Star, Monroe, La.; Mr. Colt James and Mr. Clay Cook, Rapides Parish, La.; Mr. Paul Colquette and Mr. Ryan McMillan, Department of Transportation and Development, Monroe, La.; Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, Tensas Basin Levee District; Mr. James W. Berry, Legal Counsel, Tensas Basin Levee District and Mr. Johnny Trisler, Maintenance Supervisor, Tensas Basin Levee District.

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Drew Keahey, seconded by Commissioner Rodney Hutchins, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public comments and thee were none, to-wit:


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioner of the Tensas Basin Levee District advertised for official journal commencing July 01, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.

WHEREAS, the time having arrived for the opening of bids, the following was received, opened and read aloud:

The Richland Beacon News, P. O. Box 209, Rayville, La. bid $4.80 per column inch.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby accept that certain bid of the Richland Beacon News, P. O. Box 209, Rayville, Louisiana in the amount of $4.80 per column inch.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Reggie Peters, seconded by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District advertised for off road diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline for the Arkansas City area; Jonesville, La. area and Monroe, La. area commencing July 01, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.

WHEREAS, the time having arrived for the opening of bids, the following were received, opened and read aloud:

Scott Petroleum Corp, 2907 Highway 65 North, McGehee, Ar. 71654 bid $0.10 above their cost for unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Arkansas City, Ar. area.

Delta Fuel Company, 2202 Julia Street, Rayville, La. 71269 bid $.15 above their cost for unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Monroe, La. area.

Delta Fuel Company, 8134 Highway 84 West, Ferriday, La. 71334 bid $.145 above their cost for unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Jonesville, La. area.

McCartney Oil Co., P. O. Box 656, Jonesville, La. 71341 bid $.10 above their cost for unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Jonesville, La. area

Central Oil & Supply Corp., P. O. Box 4988, Monroe, La. 71211 bid $.1797 above their cost for unleaded regular gasoline and $.1722 above their cost for off road diesel for Monroe, La. area.

Bid Sync receive no bids per advertisement online.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby accept the following bids subject to them meeting required specifications and the supply of fuel and diesel tanks along with cost for electrical wiring if required, to-wit:

Scott Petroleum Corp, 2907 Highway 65 North, McGehee, Ar. 71654 for providing unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Arkansas City, Ar. area.

Delta Fuel Company, 2202 Julia Street, Rayville, La. 71269 for providing unleaded regular gasoline and off road diesel for Monroe, La. area.

McCartney Oil Co., P. O. Box 656, Jonesville, La. 71341 for providing unleaded regular

gasoline and off road diesel for Jonesville, La. area.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

Mr. Colt James, Rapides Parish addressed the commissioners requesting a swap of property located in Catahoula Parish with the Tensas Basin Levee District owing three hundred ninety one acres plus and him owning one hundred sixty acres. After his presentation, no action was taken.

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by Commissioner Drew Keahey, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby declare that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held May 11, 2011 is hereby dispensed with and declared approved as published in the official journal of this board, The Richland Beacon News.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Reggie Peters, seconded by Commissioner Ramona Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby approve all claims approved by the claims committee for May, 2011.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Charles Venable, seconded by

Commissioner James Mayo, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none, to-wit:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby adopt the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for fiscal year

2010-11 and authorizes Mr. Harris Brown, President, Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director and Mrs. Virginia Caviness, Secretary-Treasurer to sign on behalf of the Tensas Basin Levee District.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Drew Keahey, seconded by Commissioner James Mayo, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none, to-wit:




Ad Valorem Taxes $2,635,850.00 $2,847,650.00

State Revenue Sharing 150,810.00 150,810.00

Interest 388,300.00 408,300.00

Royalties & Leases 109 ,000.00 125,000.00

Intergovernmental 676,500.00 726,200.00

Federal Funds 80,200.00 80,200.00

Miscellaneous 27,000.00 30,000.00

TOTAL REVENUES: $4,067,660.00 $4,365,160.00


Personal Services $2,522,690.00 $2,550,000.00

Travel 34,700.00 35,700.00

Operating Services 535,800.00 802,500.00

Supplies 644,000.00 343,090.00 Professional Services 33,200.00 33,200.00

Capital Outlay 3,491,332.00 3,385,000.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $7,261,722.00 $7,149,490.00

Excess (Deficiency) Of Revenues

Over Expenditures (3,194,062.00) (2,781,330.00)

Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 8,566,770.00 $9,189,980.00

Fund Balance, End of Year $5,372,708.00 $6,408,650.00

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Drew Keahey, seconded by Commissioner Reggie Peters, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none, to-wit:





Ad Valorem Taxes 2,847,650.00

State Revenue Sharing 150,800.00

Interest 408,500.00

Royalties and Leases 130,000.00

Intergovernmental 798,200.00

Miscellaneous 27,000.00

TOTAL REVENUES: 4,362,150.00


Personal Services 2,622,700.00

Travel 34,700.00

Operating Services 812,900.00

Supplies 371,500.00

Professional 33,200.00

Capital Outlay 6,107,000.00


Excess (Deficiency) Of Revenues Over Expenditures (5,619,852.00)

Fund Balance, Beginning Of Year 9,000,000.00

Fund Balance, End of Year 3,380,150.00

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by Commissioner Drew Keahey, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none,



NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Paul Colquette, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, Tensas Basin Levee District are hereby authorized to proceed with levee setback at Corey at the Faulk property, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Reggie Peters, seconded by Commissioner Charles Venable, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none, to-wit:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director is hereby authorized to seek appraisals on two parcels of property located within the Town of Columbia, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana prior to construction.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President

Financial statements were reviewed and discussed.

Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, stated the Arkansas cities and counties of McGehee, Lake Village, Chicot County and Desha County each issued proclamations of thanks to Tensas Basin Levee District personnel who were sent to southeastern Arkansas to help during this spring’s recent Mississippi River Great Flood of 2011 which included supervisor W. T. Riles and employees Elijah Williams, James Scott, Willie Scott, Bill Atkins, Raymond Wilson and John Willis, Jr.. Mr. Stringer stated the Monroe crew took control of the flood fight there and did an excellent job.

President Brown called for public input and there was none.

President Harris Brown advised of his intent to seek the elected office of Senator of Louisiana District 35. President Brown stated “I do not think it would be appropriate for me to set in my position as Commissioner and President of the Tensas Basin Levee District and raise money to run for Senator of District 35, thus, I am resigning my positions. Just as important as this board’s mission is the integrity of the mission, and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. John Stringer taught me everything I know about good government and how to be a true public servant.” President Brown thanked everyone for their help and assistance during his serving since 1996. Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, expressed his thanks to Mr. Brown for the time served and a job well done.

The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Drew Keahey, seconded by Commissioner Reggie Peters, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Brown called for public input and there was none, to-wit:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there being no further business to come before the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District at this time, the meeting is adjourned.

Virginia Caviness Harris Brown

Secretary President