Tennessee Onsite Wastewater Association
2005 Annual Conference and Product Expo
February 22-23, 2004
UAW Local 1853 Union Hall, 125 Town Center Parkway, Spring HillTennessee37174
Please join us for the 2005 9th Annual Tennessee Onsite Wastewater Association Conference and Product Expo.This year's conference theme is Drip Dispersal Systems.
We have a great line-up of nationally recognized professionals in soils, engineering, and research including soils expert, Dr. Jerry Tyler, with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The second day of the conference is an all day Onsite Wastewater Design Workshop on Drip Dispersal Systems and is included in your conference registration fee! This workshop will be conducted by Dr. John Buchanan, PE with the University of Tennessee and Jim Watson, PE, the principal author of the Tennessee Valley Authority/EPRI Peer-Reviewed Guidelines for Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Subsurface Drip Distribution.
Please pass the word to your friends and colleagues. The conference is an informative and inexpensive great way to earn 9 professional development hours. It is also conveniently scheduled the same week as the Pumper Show to attract exhibitors and those coming from out of town.
Conference registration and exhibit display will begin at 10:00 am Tuesday, February 22. The technical program will begin at 11:00 am. A highlight on Tuesday will be Dr. Jerry Tyler, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Jerry Tyler has served on the Board of Directors for the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association and is the leader of the Soils Committee established for the development of the NOWRA Model Performance Code. This committee is considering a major shift in the method of analyzing information collected by the site soil assessor.
Other topics on Tuesday will include Recirculating Sand Filter Design presented by Mike Hines, PE, Southeast Environmental Engineering and the UT/TVA Drip Wastewater Systems Comparison: Drip Dosed with Septic Tank Effluent vs. Secondary-Quality Effluent, presented by Dr. John Buchanan.
The conference program will continue on Wednesday beginning at 8:30 am with an onsite wastewater design workshop on subsurface drip dispersal systems led by Dr. John R. Buchanan, P.E. and Jim T. Watson, P.E. These experts in the field of drip dispersal technology will be on hand to speak about the technology, its applications, advantages, and more specifically, how drip dispersal systems are designed from start to finish.
Dr. John Buchanan has more than 15 years of experience in conducting teaching and research programs in water and wastewater management. He is Assistant Professor of Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Tennessee and Director of the Center for Decentralized Wastewater Management.
Jim T. Watson has more than 30 years of consulting and government experience in environmental engineering. He retired from TVA and is a Principal with Wastewater Engineering Professionals, Inc.
If you are interested in exhibiting at the conference, please contact Mike McClain at (615) 226-9601 for details. Break sponsorships are still available. Exhibitor set-up is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22 from 7:30 am to 10:00 am. Tear down will be during lunch on Wednesday.
A block of rooms has been reserved onFebruary 22 at the Steeplechase Hill Inn & Suites. The Steeplechase Hill Inn & Suites is located less than 1/2 mile from the UAW Union Hall. Room rates are $65 plus tax per night for either two double beds or one king size bed. Complimentary deluxe breakfast is included. Make your reservation by February 11th for the TOWA block of rooms. Call (877) 486-2234 for reservations.
To the UAW Union Hall and the Steeplechase Hill Inn & Suites in Spring Hill,TN (from Nashville):
From I-65 South, take Exit 53 (Highway 396 Saturn Parkway Spring Hill/Columbia). Go approximately 4.5 miles to the 3rd exit (Highway 31Spring Hill/Columbia). This exit will immediately split. Take Spring Hill North exit to Highway 31N. Go approximately 0.3 miles on Highway 31N to the 1st traffic light. Turn left on Stephen P. Yokich Parkway. (You will see a Food Lion store and a McDonald’s on this corner.) UAW Union Hall is on the left directly behind Food Lion. Entrance to the banquet hall is to the left of the flags.
Go an additional 0.3 miles (approximately) on Highway 31N to Kedron Road. (This will be the 2nd traffic light on Highway 31.) Turn left at the traffic light to the second drive on right.
Special conference rates apply to all new members! If you are not already a TOWA member, then conference registration includes a one-year TOWA membership, which also includes membership in NOWRA (the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association).
New Membership Only or Renewal Only
$35Academicians, regulators, research professionals, associate members
$50Installers, pumpers, engineers, soil scientists & others
Membership Renewal and Conference Registration
$50Academicians, regulators, research professionals, associate members
$50New or lapsed past members regardless of category
$65Installers, pumpers, engineers, soil scientists & others
Call or e-mail
Jennifer Brogdon
TOWA President Elect
2005 Conference Chair
Phone 423/751-8397