City Council Regular Meeting

Monday, July 14, 2014 7:00 P.M.

Wanamingo City Council Chambers – 401 Main Street

Wanamingo, MN

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Holmes.

PRESENT: Council: Ryan Holmes, Larry VanDeWalker, Danny Benson, Jamie Majerus, and Jennifer Berquam

City Administrator: Michael Boulton & Deputy City Clerk: Jean Rugg


ALSO PRESENT: Alicia Hunt-Welch – Zumbrota News Record, Rebecca Niebur – Wanamingo Messenger, Terri Lenz – Kenyon Leader, Steve Haggstrom, Brandon Theobald – WHKS, Deputy Tom Wolner, Deputy Aaron Moser, and Ron Berg.

ADOPT AGENDA: VanDeWalker motioned to adopt the agenda, seconded by Majerus. Passed 5-0-0.

CONSENT AGENDA: Berquam motioned, seconded by Majerus to consent. Passed 5-0-0.


A)  Steve Haggstrom reported on:

  1. 4th of July Banner – had issues with grommets being ripped out and wind pushing it around – the banner was made sturdier and vents are being placed in it for less wind resistance
  2. Screens completed at Riverside park shelter – surveillance signs and cameras installed
  3. Pot holes in alleys filled in
  4. Street Sweeping completed a couple of times
  5. Well houses rehab – been assisting with logistics with well house 2 and 3
  6. Sprayed weeds on Main Street and 4th of July Parade route
  7. Trimmed trees around town – used chipper on branches and will place them on nature trail
  8. Mowed vacant lots by golf course – trimmed around utility boxes
  9. Pool – trouble with main circulation pump and back up pump – running too high of amps – burning out motors – got it working but will need to research more after season
  10. Storm Sewer work completed on 3rd Street E – last winter back-up occurred when lines froze – outlet was 8 inches higher than intake – relaid and graded out area

B)  Brandon Theobald – WHKS

  1. Presented the Preliminary Plat for review for Cenex Addition 4
  2. Cenex 4th Addition – update – City will now be doing the grading as part of the larger project – Concast will not be trading the grading for the land, but will pay for finished lot
  3. Schedule has Changed – 3 completion dates:

1)  Grading completed on Concast’s future lot – October 1st

2)  Utilities completed – November 1st or winter weather

3)  Final Project Completion – June 15th

  1. Well Houses work has been completed – Water Tower Painting project will start in two weeks – Pre-Construction Meeting will be held on Tuesday July 15th at 11:00AM

C)  Deputy Tom Wolner

  1. introduced Deputy Aaron Moser – now working patrol
  2. Spoke about issues dealt will recently – pet issues, vehicle nuisances, 4th of July Fireworks



14-039 = Approving the Appointment of Election Judges for the 2014 Primary and General Elections: VanDeWalker moved to approve, Seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0.

14-040 = Approving Water Tower space lease agreement with LTD Broadband: Benson moved to approve, Seconded by Majerus. Passed 5-0-0.

14-041 = Approving Local Government DEED Business Development Infrastructure Grant Application: VanDeWalker moved to approve, Seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0.

14-042 = Approving the Transfer of business name on Liquor License from Hometown Wine and Spirits, JB’s Tavern DBA to JB’s Tavern: Benson moved to approve, Seconded by Majerus. Passed 5-0-0.

14-043 = Approving a Preliminary Plat of “Cenex Addition 4”, waiving Fee Policies on New Developments for “Cenex Addition 4”, and calling a Public Hearing for the Final Plat for “Cenex Addition 4”: Majerus moved to approve, seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0.

14-044 = Ordering Improvements for the Cenex 4th Addition and Directing Preparation of Plans and Specifications: Benson moved to approve, seconded by VanDeWalker. Passed 5-0-0.

14-045 = Approving Final Plans and Specifications for Cenex 4th Addition and call to advertise for bids: Berquam moved to approve, seconded by Majerus. Passed 5-0-0.

14-046 = Approving Wanamingo EDA Petition and Waiver Agreement: Berquam moved to approve, seconded by Majerus. Passed 5-0-0.

14-047 = Approving purchase agreement between the City/EDA/Parrot Head LLC (Concast) for a lot within Cenex 4th Addition: VanDeWalker moved to approve, seconded by Benson. Passed 5-0-0.

14-048 = Calling for a public hearing on a requested zoning change: VanDeWalker moved to approve, seconded by Benson. Passed 5-0-0.


*Next City Council meeting on 7/28/2014 at 7:00pm. Mayor Holmes changed the start time from 5:00pm to 7:00pm to ensure all Council Members could attend.

Filing for office – Wanamingo Mayor, Two 4-Year City Council Positions, and One 2-Year City Council Special Election Position will be open. Filing starts July 29th and ends August 12th at 5:00pm. Filing occurs at Wanamingo City Hall.

Adjourn: At 7:55 PM a motion to adjourn the meeting made by Majerus and seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0.

Signed: Attest:


Ryan Holmes, Mayor Michael Boulton, City Administrator