Tennessee Social Studies Standards IS=Item Sampler

Grade 8 PT= Practice Test


8.2.1 Recognize America’s natural resources (i.e., land, timber, fish, animal pelts, peppers, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkins, turkeys, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, cacao, beans, and vanilla). / Passage
1IS. Based on the passage, historians would most likely use Captain John Smith’s journal to
A study the climate of different regions in America.
B understand Native American hunting practices.
C learn about the natural resources of America.
D analyze Native American settlement patterns.
5PT. Which food best completes the list?
A Olives
B Cacao
C Millet
D Bananas / 1IS. Which food resource is native to the Americas?
A eggplant
B peanuts
C rice
D soybean
57PT. In the 1600s the French exploring Tennessee were most interested in obtaining
A steel.
B oil.
C tea leaves.
D animal pelts.
8.2.2 Interpret a diagram showing the steps of
Changing a resource into a product. / Chart
2IS. Which factor is most important to individuals concerned about the purity of the water
described in the process?
F Water originated from the ocean.
G Alternative water sources are being created.
H Stores provide different brands of water.
J Contaminants have been removed from ocean water.
14PT. Which title would best replace the question mark in the diagram?
F Changing a Resource into a Product
G Invention of a New Technology
H Stages of Industrialization
J Shifting from Rural to Urban Markets
20PT. Based on the information, how is Jay paying for his house?
F by trading goods
G by using credit
H by using his savings
J by providing a service / 2IS. Based on the diagram above, which step occurs immediately before packaging the salt?
F Wash and dissolve in water
G Boil out impurities
H Ship to market
J Add to food
35PT. Which title completes the diagram above?
A Refi ning Petroleum
B Making Textiles
C Mining Minerals
D Processing Lumber
47PT. Which step in making chocolate occurs before the process moves to the factory?
A grind beans into liquid
B dry and ferment beans
C tempering
D conching
8.2.3 Differentiate between credit and debt. / Passage
3IS. Based on the description, Tom increased his
A debt.
B credit.
C income.
D savings. / 3IS. Which situation is an example of debt?
A money borrowed by someone that must be paid back
B money that earns interest while kept in a bank
C money that a bank invests in stocks and bonds
D money held in reserve for emergencies
4PT. A business owner has an agreement with a bank that allows him to borrow money based on his assets and his ability to repay in the future. This is an example of
a.  Tax
b.  Debt
c.  Credit
d.  Interest
44PT. Which transaction is being made to reduce a debt on a loan?
F Car Payment
G Phone Company
H Water Bill
J Utility Company
8.2.4 Recognize the economic activities of early
America (i.e., agriculture, industry, and service). / Passage
4IS. Based on the excerpt, which conclusion can be made about American economic activities in
the early 1800s?
F Rising copper prices increased the cost of factory manufacturing.
G Falling demand for cotton led to changes in agricultural production.
H Decreases in the demand for linen led to widespread unemployment.
J Advancements in industrial technology led to an increase in cloth production.
26PT. Based on the excerpt, which early American economic activity is described?
F producing agricultural goods
G using available resources to engage in industry
H constructing colonial settlements
J harvesting materials to barter with native peoples
43PT. The three cities shown on this map most likely relied on which industry during the colonial
A cotton production
B coal mining
C tobacco farming
D shipbuilding / 4IS. Which type of economic activity is illustrated in the advertisement above?
F herding
G farming
H service
J barter
16PT. Which worker in the early American colonies would best be classified as performing service economic activity?
a.  Craftsman producing furniture
b.  A person cooking meals
c.  Farmer harvesting crops
d.  Fisherman selling his daily meals
8.2.5 Identify various forms of taxation (i.e., tariffs,
sales tax, excise tax). / Box
5IS. What is described by the list?
A levy
B income tax
C tariff
D excise tax
31PT. What was the most likely purpose of this tariff?
A to promote American trade with other countries
B to strengthen industries in the United States
C to decrease consumer prices in the United States
D to reduce the focus on American agriculture
66PT. Which type of tax was added to the bill?
F income
G property
H export
J sales / 5IS. Which form of taxation is used by governments to collect revenue from international trade?
A tariffs
B sales taxes
C income taxes
D user fees
66PT. Which type of taxation is described in this scenario?
a.  Income tax
b.  Excise tax
c.  Property tax
d.  Sales tax
8.2.6 Interpret a variety of economic graphs and
charts with topics (e.g., the Columbian exchange,
numbers of slaves, population of colonies,
population diversity). / Chart
6IS. Based on the information, which conclusion can be made about the colonies?
F Northern factories primarily used highly skilled slave labor.
G Northern agriculture relied on workers on small farms.
H Southern plantations required many cheap laborers.
J Southern lawmakers restricted the sale of slaves.
40PT. The data in the table best demonstrates a result of
F Triangular Trade.
G the Trail of Tears.
H Manifest Destiny.
J the Northwest Ordinance. / Table
6IS. Which statement is true based on the table above?
F Slave exports were the highest in the 1800s.
G The 1600s had a lower rate of slave exportation to the Americas than the 1500s.
H The 1700s had the greatest number of slave exports to the Americas.
J Slave exports remained constant for three centuries beginning in 1500.
9PT. Which state in the graph above had the smallest percentage of slaves in its total population?
A Delaware
B Georgia
C Maryland
D New York
40PT. Based on the table above, the South’s slave population reached one million during which decade?
F 1791 to 1800
G 1801 to 1810
H 1811 to 1820
J 1821 to 1830
50PT. According to the map, Andrew Jackson received much of his support from
F people living in the territories.
G industrialists in the Northeast.
H farmers in the South.
J voters in each of the original colonies.
8.2.7 Differentiate between a commercial and a
Subsistence economy. / 7IS. Which statement best describes activities in a subsistence economy?
A Consumers purchase items at a reduced price.
B Farmers produce only enough goods to maintain their family.
C Government limits the amount of goods being imported.
D Business owners reduce the number of temporary employees.
49PT. Which statement describes an example of a commercial economy?
A a baker trades his bread for a carpenter’s furniture
B a weaver makes cloth for her children’s clothes
C a store sells goods to make a profit
D a farmer harvests hay to feed horses / 7IS. In which type of economy do families produce all of their own needs?
A commercial
B manufacturing
C subsistence
D capitalist
43PT. Which economic activity is the best example of subsistence economy
a.  Running a bank
b.  Working in a factory
c.  Growing food for family use
d.  Raising livestock to sell at a market
8.2.8 Recognize the factors that led to urbanization
and industrialization in early America (i.e., religious
freedom, land ownership, thriving market). / Box
8IS. The factors in this list impacted the early United States by causing
F the growth of urban areas.
G the creation of new religions.
H the loss of power by state governments.
J the removal of trade restrictions.
55PT. The growth of industrialization and urbanization in early 19th-century New England was most
affected by
A labor shortages due to declining immigration.
B the increasing development of large-scale plantations.
C laws regulating entrepreneurs and business expansion.
D the increasing demand for manufactured goods in other regions. / 8IS. Many New England colonists who lacked good farmland established shops in towns to produce
F finished goods for new settlers.
G crafts based on Native American designs.
H materials to build better roads.
J luxury items for the London market.
53PT. In the early 1800s, Memphis and Nashville grew faster than other areas in the state because
A natural resources were scarce in other areas.
B few opportunities were available in other areas.
C cities were safer than the open countryside.
D locations on major rivers connected them to other markets.
8.2.10 Distinguish among various economic markets
found in early America (i.e., traditional, monopoly,
oligopoly, free competition). / 9IS. Which early profession is not an example of free competition in the American colonies?
A plantation owner in South Carolina
B shoemaker in Massachusetts
C tea seller in New York
D subsistence farmer in Connecticut
61PT. Which example best represents a traditional market activity in early America?
A a group of shipbuilders establishes a price for new ships
B two families trade surplus goods to prepare for the winter
C the only blacksmith in town raises the price of shoeing a horse
D a merchant sells products for less to compete with other suppliers / 9IS. What economic system is represented above?
A free competition
B monopoly
C traditional
D oligopoly
62PT. What type of economy was most often found in pre-colonial native American societies?
A.  Monopoly
B.  Free competition
C.  Traditional
D.  oligopoly
8.4.1 Identify the rights, responsibilities, and
privileges of a member of the United States of
America (i.e., Declaration of Independence, Articles
of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights). / Passage
10IS. Based on the information, which action would violate the rights of a United States citizen?
F punishing an individual without a trial
G entering a suspect’s home without a warrant
H quartering troops in a person’s private home
J arresting someone for criticizing the president
Study the information below.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous
crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury . . . nor
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law. . .
3PT. Which document contains the protections listed above?
A Declaration of Independence
B Articles of Confederation
C Mayflower Compact
D Bill of Rights
15PT. Which document gave Congress the right to declare war against a foreign country?
A Mayflower Compact
B Declaration of Independence
C Articles of Confederation
D Constitution of the United States
60PT. Based on the information, what was one impact of Shays’s Rebellion on the creation of the
United States Constitution?
F The president was given the power to grant pardons.
G The power to control elections was given to the states.
H The power to maintain an army was given to Congress.
J The Supreme Court was given the power to declare laws illegal.
67PT. Which phrase explains one purpose for dividing the United States government into three different
A to reduce the number of elected representatives
B to encourage citizen participation in elections
C to prevent abuses of government authority
D to decrease the power of state governments / Passage
10IS. The amendment excerpted above most directly protects a person’s right to
F assembly.
G privacy.
H speech.
J citizenship.
68PT. Which was the first document to outline a structure of the US government?
a.  Bill of rights
b.  Declaration of independence
c.  Magna Carta
d.  Articles of confederation
3PT. The 13th/14th/15th amendments can best be seen as effects of the civil war because they
a.  Granted rights to African Americans
b.  Increased hourly wages for all workers
c.  Opened up free lands in the west for settlers
d.  Granted women the right to vote
20PT. Which document led to the conditions listed above?
F Articles of Confederation
G Magna Carta
H Declaration of Independence
J Mayflower Compact
21PT. Which of these is a characteristic of the system of federalism?
A the appointment of leaders for life
B the absence of a written constitution
C the separation of powers among three branches
D the division of power between state and national governments
8.4.2 Identify the purposes and structures of
various systems of governance (i.e., Federalism,
Confederation, Republic, Democracy, Executive,
Legislative, Judicial / 11IS. Which headline best identifies an action taken by the judicial branch?
11PT. Which system of government is best described by this information?
A federalism
B dictatorship
C republic
D monarchy / 11IS. Which type of government shares power between state and national governments?
A oligarchy
B democracy
C republic
D federal
21PT. Which of these is a characteristic of the system of federalism?
A the appointment of leaders for life
B the absence of a written constitution
C. the separation of powers among 3 branches
D. the division of power between state and national gov
8.4.3 Recognize the purpose of government and
how its powers are acquired, used, and justified. / 12IS. Based on the excerpt, the Mayflower Compact was created in order to
F maintain social order.
G encourage free trade.
H guarantee free speech.
J promote religious tolerance. / 12IS. Which statement best explains why governments are responsible for providing the services on
the list above?
F The services provide for national defense.
G The court system requires the services.
H The services provide a public good.
J The business community demands the services.
1PT. When a school asks students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, it is promoting
A healthy lifestyles.
B hard work.
C free enterprise.
D active citizenship.
10PT. The activities in the box are examples of ways to
F raise money for the community.
G help political parties in the community.
H elect community government leaders.
J participate in meeting local needs.
45PT. The Supreme Court of the US gov may be considered the least democratic part of the federal gov because