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Sheffield Standard Assessment

Name of green space

/ Blacka Moor
Judge(s) / Matt Barlow (SCC), Annabelle Kennedy (SWT), Ziggy Senkans (SCC)
Ownership / Leased to SWT
Date of field assessment / 19/09/2012

Assessment Scores Table

Score (0 – 10)
* Some of the criteria may not be applicable, depending on the site typology. Please enter n/a for those and adjust the calculation below accordingly.
1 Welcoming / 9
A Welcoming Place / 2 Good and safe access / 7
3 Signage / 7
4 Equal access for all / 5
5 Community involvement / 8
Healthy, Safe and Secure / 6 Safe equipment & facilities / n/a
7 Personal security in the site / 8
8Dog Fouling / 9
9 Appropriate provision of facilities / 6
10 Quality of facilities / n/a
Clean and Well Maintained / 11 Litter & waste management / 9
12 Grounds maintenance, horticulture, habitat management / 9
13 Building, infrastructure &/or equipment maintenance / n/a
Sub total / 77
Score divided by 13 (or number of categories used in assessment) / 7.70
Sheffield Standard total score – multiply by 7 / 53.90
Does this site pass the Sheffield Standard (pass mark 42) / Yes

Recommendations for Raising to Sheffield standard

Overall assessment
Blacka Moor is a SSSI of 181 hectares located on the South- Western fringe of Sheffield. The site has predominantly heathland/moorland, wetland and grassland habitats, with woodland on the steep sided valleys. Blacka Moor also has a number of archaeological features including charcoal platforms.
Extensive areas of bracken and Rhododendron had already been cleared at time of assessment and overall the site is well managed and maintained. Cattle are grazed on the site between April and September. The paths and bridleways seem to be well used by the public, mountain bikers and horse riders.
Blacka Moor is leased to the Sheffield Wildlife Trust and is managed as a nature reserve and as such has a current management plan. Most of the recommendations for improvement are already in the management plan and are done as part of scheduled work and volunteer days.
The site is already well above the pass mark.
Suggestions for improvement
  • Continued removal of invasive Rhododendron and bracken. Possibly chip brash from Rhododendron on site.
  • More access work needed – re-surfacing of public rights of way to improve access and creation of 3 new bridleways.
  • Some drainage issues on sections of the paths where the path topping has washed away leaving channels. Possibly raise levels of pathways and create better drainage.
  • Re-build Sleeper Bridge and replace handrail.
  • Removal and thinning of Sycamore in woodland areas to open up the canopy.
  • Improve mix of trees in woodland areas.
  • Illegal use of Para gliders on site – look into ways of stopping this.
  • Use volunteers to carry out a tree survey or dead wood survey.
  • Remove some of the stones flags from paths and remove from site.

Any AdditionalEvidence and Comments on the specific criteria

A Welcoming Place / Healthy, Safe and Secure / Clean and Well Maintained
  • Regular volunteer days on site.
  • Regular meeting of Reserve Advisory Group.
  • Good views across the city
  • Good informative signage.
  • Diverse plant habitats and wildlife on the site including Red deer, heather and wetland habitats.
  • Woodland style benches provide somewhere to sit while walking around the site.

* Pictures of the site can be added in the box below or to the map to show the location. Please add a very brief caption to explain the relevance of the picture.

Pictures of the site

Good signage Bridleway signage

Removal of Rhododendron Good informative signs

Wetland areas Heathland and spectacular views

Bracken removal Bracken removal – revealing grassland

Grazing signs Repair/replace sleeper bridge and handrail

Repair water damage to path. Improved access - re-surfaced pathways

Remove stones flags from paths Red deer eating Rowen trees

Older Alder trees Brash piles on site


Very poor – 0,1 Poor 2,3,4 Fair 5,6 Good 7 Very Good 8 Excellent 9 Exceptional 10

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Very poor – 0,1 Poor 2,3,4 Fair 5,6 Good 7 Very Good 8 Excellent 9 Exceptional 10