1 / 2 / 3 / 4
14, 15, 16, 17 & 18/EDD-IU/11-12 / 17-06-2011 / Executive Engineer
Electricity Distribution Division-I, Unnao / Due date of Opening of Tenders extended upto 24-06-2011

e/;kapy fo|qr forj.k fuxe fyfeVsM

fo|qr forj.k [k.M & izFke] mUuko

vYidkyhu fufonk lwpuk

fo|qr forj.k [k.M izFke mUuko ds vUrxZr v/kksfyf[kr dk;Z gsrq iathd`r] vuqHkoh] vk;dj ,oa O;kikj dj iathd`r Bsdsnkjks ls eqgjcUn fufonk;s vyx&vyx nks Hkkxksa esa] izFke Hkkx esa /kjksgj /kujkf’k ,oa vuqHko izek.k i= vkfn rFkk f}rh; Hkkx esa fufofnr njsa] rduhdh fooj.k ,oa vU; fu;e o ‘krsZ gksa fnukad 17-06-11 dks 15%00 cts rd vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA fufonk;s mlh fnu 16%00 cts lkoZtfud #i ls mifLFkr fufonknkrkvks@muds izfrfuf/k;ks ds le{k [kksyh tk;sxhA izR;sd fufonk dk ewY; :0 113-00 ¼ O;kikj dj lfgr½ fu/kkZfjr gS] tks vizfrns; gSA

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1- / 14@fofo[kizm@11&12 / ekU;oj Jh dk’khjke th ‘kgjh xjhc vkokl ;kstuk Qst&nks ds vUrxZr fufeZr dkyksuh ds fo|qrhdj.k dk dk;Z / 4000-00
2- / 15@fofo[kizm@11&12 / ekU;oj Jh dk’khjke th nfyr cLrh lexz fodkl ;kstuk ds vUrxZr xzke xnu[skM+k ds fo|qrhdj.k dk dk;Z ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa tutkfr gsrq vkjf{kr½ / 5000-00
3- / 16@fofo[kizm@11&12 / fo|qr forj.k mi[k.M] uxj&izFke] mUuko ds vUrxZr eSdsfudy ehVj flaxy Qst cnydj bysDVªkfud ehVj yxkus dk dk;Z / 500-00
4- / 17@fofo[kizm@11&12 / fo|qr forj.k mi[k.M] uxj&f}rh;] mUuko ds vUrxZr eSdsfudy ehVj flaxy Qst cnydj bysDVªkfud ehVj yxkus dk dk;Z / 500-00
5- / 18@fofo[kizm@11&12 / 11dsoh ,Dl ,y ih bZ dsfcy TokbafVxa fdV] ghV fJad vkmVMksj VkbZi lkbZt 3x70 feeh2 ,oa 3x120 feeh2 dh vkiwfrZ gsrq / 1000-00

fu;e o ‘krsZ %&

1-fufonk izi= [ka.Mh; dk;kZy; ls udn fufonk ‘kqYd dk Hkqxrku dj fufonk [kqyus dh frfFk ls ,d fnu iwoZ rd izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSaA

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3-fufonknkrk fufonk izi= lh/ks e/;kWpy fo|qr forj.k fuxe fy0] dh osclkbV MkmuyksM dj ldrs gSa ftlds fy, mUgs fu/kkZfjr fufonk ewY; ds lerqY; cSad Mªk¶V fufonk izi= ds lkFk tek djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA

4-fufonknkrk fufonk [kqyus dh fu/kkZfjr frfFk ls rhu fnu iwoZ rd fo|qr forj.k eaMy] mUuko] eq[; vfHk;Urk¼forj.k½ y[kuÅ {ks=] y[kuÅ ,oa izcU/k funs’kd] e0fo0fo0fu0fy0] y[kuÅ ds dk;kZy; esa Hkh fufonk,as tek dj ldrs gSA

5-lHkh fufonkvksa gsrq vuqHko izek.k i= ,oa vkjf{kr oxZ dh fufonkvksa gsrq tkfr izek.k i= izsf”kr djuk vfuok;Z gSA

6-fufonk [kqyus dh frfFk dks vodk’k gksus ij] fufonk;s vxys dk;Z fnol ij [kksyh tk;saxhA

7-v|ksgLrk{kjh ds ikl fdlh ,d ;k lHkh fufonkvks dks fcuk dkj.k crk;sa vkaf’kd ;k lEiw.kZ #i ls Lohdkj djus ;k fujLr djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr gSA

8-l’krZ fufonk,a Lohdkj ugh dh tk;asxhA

vf/k’kk”kh vfHk;Urk

“jk”Vªfgr esa fctyh cpk;sa^^ fo|qr forj.k [k.M & izFke]


Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitaran

Nigam Limited

Electricity Distribution Division-I, Unnao.

Tender No. 14/15/16/17/18 /EDDIU/2011-12

DATE OF OPENING:- 17-06-11


Tender No. 14/15/16/17/18/ EDD-IU/2011-12


  1. The work shall be completed within scheduled period as per order/ agreement.
  2. Variation shall be admissible only with the approval of the committee.
  3. The work shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Electricity Act and Rules & as per Construction Manual of U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. And RESSPO Schedule.
  4. All the material of standard quality associated with the work shall be provided by the Contractor as per tender specification.
  5. Any loss & damage shall be recovered from the contractor account.
  6. No T & P shall be supplied by the department at any cost. The transportation arrangement for safe carriage of materials shall be made by the Contractor.
  7. All general conditions of contract for execution of work will be governed as per from ‘A’ (General conditions for the supply of plant and the execution of work in connection with the schemes in the U.P. Power Corporation Ltd.)
  8. The work shall be carried out under the direct supervision of Junior Engineer and Sub-Divisional Officer concerned.
  9. Department will not be responsible for any accident, casualties and loss occurred at the timeofexecution of work. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the same.
  10. The necessary permit for shutdown etc. will be given to the contractor by the representative of the department as and when required for completion of work in a planned way.
  11. The 90% payment shall be made on receipt bill against the works completed subject to availability of fund and remaining 10% will be detained as security which will be paid after 6 month from the date of completion of full work.
  12. The Income Tax and other taxes will be deducted from the bill, if and as applicable.
  13. Penalty @ ½% per week subject to maximum of 10% of the total value of the contract will be levied and deducted if the work is not completed within the stipulated period.

Executive Engineer

Electricity Distribution Division-I


Tender proforma

(to be filled by tenderer)

Important instruction of the tenderer

Your tender shall not be considered if you fail to submit this proforma duly filled up replies should be completed without ambiguity and should be clearly written against each item.

(Attach extra sheets if the space-left not sufficient)

1- / Specification No. against which your are tenderer
2- / Receipt No. & Date vide which cost of tender specification fees deposited by you.
3- / Name & Address of tenderer
4- / Year since when the tenderer has started execution of work tender.
5- / Do you agree to all the conditions of the tender specification and if not State the modifications clearly which you desire in general conditions from A/B. it may Please be noted that it shall be entirely at the desecration of the undersigned to accept or reject the modification proposed)
6- / Account of earn money deposited with full details be submitted here
7- / Please state clearly (Yes/No) if you would accept the order of modification in the form A/B are not acceptable to the corporation without imposing further conditions form your side.
8- / Give two reference who can certify your financial status and capability to undertake execution of work/Supply. One of the reference should be of any scheduled Bank of India.
9- / Name & Detailed address of Tenderer/ Proprietor/ Partners/Director be given.
10 / Statement of past/current experience in similar works in the following form:-
no / Name & address of ordering authority / Order/
Contract No. & Date / Particular of work executed / Quantum of work
Ordered / Completed / Remarks
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

11- What is the validity period of your tender.

12- Place & Date

Signature of Tenderer

With seal