Children’s Social Care Staff Induction
Children’s Social Care Managers Induction
Induction Visits and Observation Opportunities
Safeguarding Training
Introduction to Safeguarding
Equality and Diversity in Milton Keynes:
Attachment Theory and Research: Its Practical Implication
Working with Families: An Introduction
Family Group Conference Service Induction
Young People – Abuse and Neglect
Safeguarding and Quality Service: An Introduction
Culturally Sensitive Social Work
Direct Work with Children
Protective Behaviours
How to be Good: Shame and the Development of Social Learning
Assessment: Using Analysis and Professional Judgment
Evidence-Informed Practice in Assessment
Risk Assessment in Social Work
Planning Multi Agency Family Support Interventions
Planning for Children in Care
Addiction and Self-Harm:
Problem Alcohol Use
Drugs & Substance Abuse Awareness
Court Work Skills
Psychological Testing in Children’s Social Work
Supporting Children to Build a Positive Personal Identity
Working with Resistance: an introduction to motivational interviewing
Celebrating Diversity in the Care of Traumatised Children
Anxiety and Depression in Young People
Life Book Work – for Social Workers
Adoption Care Planning and Child Permanence Reports
Effects of Early Trauma on Children’s Cognitive Development
MK Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Seminar
Understanding Learning Disability
Assessing Learning Disability and Mental Health
Personality Disorder and Mental Health
If you have any queries concerning your course booking, please contact our training helpline number on 01908 253854
Difficult, Dangerous and Evasive: Social Workers’ Course
Systemic Family Interventions
Care Index – Introduction
Care Index - Learning to Assess
Solution Focused Therapy: An Introduction
Developing Solution Focused Skills - Building on Success
Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Development Programme
Early Professional Development Programme
Joint Investigation Training
Introduction to Practice Learning & Assessment
Practice Educators Information & Development
Safer Recruitment
Emergency First Aid for those Working with Children
Open University K101: Understanding Health and Social Care
Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF),
BA Social Work Degree
Post Qualifying Award in Specialist Social Work Children Young People their Families and Carers BA Honours/ Graduate Diploma
Enabling Practice Learning and Assessment - (Module 5 Post Qualifying Award)
Other Learning Resources
Welcome to the Children’s Social Care Training programme for 2011 - 2012.
Details of training courses running from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 are published here, and additional training activities will also be advertised throughout the coming year. We hope that staff will be able to find useful learning resources to further their professional growth and development.
The aim of the training is to support Children’s Social Care staff to develop and improve the quality of their practice with children and families in Milton Keynes. It is hoped to provide training for all the staff groups who make up Children’s Social Care: support workers, newly qualified and more experienced social workers and managers. Staff from other agencies may also find the training helpful.
Besides face to face in house training courses, we provide opportunities for learning in a number of other forms: e-learning, qualifications, advice about finding learning materials and training from other sources, mentoring, reflection and group learning provided by projects such as Newly Qualified Social Worker, Early Professional Development and Better Outcomes in Management, access to information about current research related to social work from MRC and in addition teams arrange their own learning activities.
Interagency child safeguarding and protection training is provided by the Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board Training Project. The MKSCB also provides a range of interagency training on all aspects of CAF.
Personal Development Planners were introduced this year as part of our review of supervision and we trust staff will use these to shape their choice of resources to support their learning and development in an organised and structured way.
We are committed in the words of the Social Work Reform Board to supporting all of staff in “building a safe and confident future” through professional development feeding into the development of our services.
Alastair Gibbons
Assistant Director Children and Young People's Services
Courses which staff should consider in their first six months of employment, taking into account job role, previous experience and qualification.
Children’s Social Care Staff Induction
All induction will have the above common features though the details will vary according to work role.
Milton Keynes Council Corporate Induction Training and Checklist
To the found on the MKC Staff Portal
Safeguarding Training
This should equip the worker in safeguarding children within their new job role
Team Induction
Consisting of visits, observation and familiarisation with relevant team policy and procedures and will be specialist to own team
Health and Safety Requirements
Training and workplace induction activities including mandatory training where relevant to ensure safety at work
Introductory Training
This is training selected from the Children’s Social Care Training Directory or elsewhere necessary to start work in the new work role
ICS Training
ME Learning and ICS training appropriate to team to enable the new staff member to function in their team
Induction Visits
Children’s Social Care teams are able to contribute to induction by offering discussion and visits to new staff. However all teams are busy and must consider the needs of service users as their first priority and may not be able to agree to all requests. Permission to attend court, panels or other meetings needs to be obtained in advance.
All induction must be signed off by managers at 3 and 6 months as relevant using the Induction Sign Off Form in Appendix 1
Children’s Social Care Managers Induction
New Managers will have many of the same learning as new staff.
Corporate Training
However they should also see the Corporate Training section on the Staff Portal for courses on Appraisal, HR topics, management and e-learning.
A range of corporate courses is on different management and HR topics such as HR processes and employment law. They can be found in the Corporate Directory 2011 – 2012
The New Managers Course may be helpful start and is run in response to demand. Submit a training application form if no dates is advertised.
For relevant E-learning Courses see also
Management Qualification
It is hoped to be able to provide a suitable management qualification. If interested please complete a training application form.
Induction Visits and Observation Opportunities
Children’s Social Care Teams are able to contribute to the induction of new staff by explaining about their work and in some cases
Referral and Assessment Service (RAATS)
This team is based in Saxon Court and deals with all new referrals to Children’s Social Care including child protection. The team’s involvement is short term.
RAATS has in information pack for new staff. Visits to the team may always be available. Contact: RAATS Customer Liaison Officers on 01908 253094
Family Assessment and Support Service (FAST)
The team is based at 135, Jonathans Coffee Hall, MK6 5DR and provides short term interventions with families as well as group work and parenting assessments. Contact play therapy also take place. FAST offers an information session on the first Friday of each month
Contact: Richard Hall 01908 253168
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Team
A full training programme is offered on the various aspects of CAF. Face to face training and e-learning alternatives are available.
For further information see:
Safeguarding and Quality Service
The team is based at Cripps Lodge, Broadlands, Netherfield, Milton Keynes.
The team is responsible for child protection conferences, children in care reviews and quality. A brief introduction session is offered - see Introduction Training section.
Family Support Teams
Three family support teams are based in Saxon Court and work with families on a longer term basis. Each team has a geographically area.
South/West Family Support:
Team Manager Ieuan Jones or Deputy Manager Myer Wilkins
Central/East Family Support:
Team Manager Kelly Lockwood or Deputy Manager Jacqueline Mosedale
North Family Support:
Team Manager Kate Bowden or Deputy Manager Pauline Courcoux
Children with Disabilities Team
Based in Saxon court the team works with families who have child(ren) with a disability on both short and long term basis, carrying out every aspect of the social work role. The team has a duty desk open from 9.30 till 1pm each day to take referrals and/or signpost parents and professionals.
Visits may be arranged through the duty worker on 253617
Children in Care Team is based at Saxon Court
The team works with children from 0-16yrs who have care plans of permanency either through adoption or long term fostering. Social workers undertake statutory duties within the legal framework of the Children Act.
If you would like to arrange a time to meet the team please liaise with the CIC administrator Barbara Wheeler
Options for Independence Team (OFI)
The team is based at Saxon Court and works with all young people in care from 16 years and supports their transitions to independence at 21 years. The team is involved in all aspects of young people’s lives to ensure that they have the necessary opportunities and skills to enable them to manage living independently and to achieve to their potential as adults.
Contact Team Manager Marie-Jo Pace-Maund or Senior Practitioner Graham Blues
Fostering Team
Based at Saxon Court the fostering service recruits, trains, and assesses applicants to foster and supervises supports and trains approved foster carers, Family and Friends Carers and Special Guardians. The team monitors private fostering arrangements and does family find for children requiring permanence through fostering.. Contact either Jane Partridge (team manager) or Linda Levitt (deputy manager) should you wish to find out any further information.
Adoption Team
The Team is based at Saxon Court and works to family find, recruit, train, assess and support special guardians and adopters also supports adoptees and birth families Contact: Deputy Team Manager Angela Turland - 01908 253654
Family Group Conference Service (FGC)
The team organises Family Group Conference in Milton Keynes and a brief training session is offered - see Introduction Training section.
Safeguarding Training
This is an essential part of induction for all staff and should be reviewed and updated every three years.
Single Agency Safeguarding Training
New staff should do the Milton Keynes Children’s Social Care Introduction to Safeguarding course as a first step. See Introductory Section of this directory.
For some staff,. Managers may advise e-learning is more appropriate on the Staff Portal by MKSCB when to do e-learning.
Inter Agency Safeguarding Training
Staff whose roles involve working with staff in other agencies should complete single agency training and then proceed to the interagency MKSCB Everybody’s Business course to learn how their roles fit with the roles of other professionals within Milton Keynes.
Updating Safeguarding Training
There are a number of ways staff can keep updated on safeguarding. They may choose in house or external training. Teams may find it helpful to organise team safeguarding updates relevant to their specific work.
Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children’s Board Training
A range of interagency training is provided. Many new staff will find much of the programme is essential training for their role in safeguarding and child protection processes. Experienced staff will find valuable opportunities for specialist learning and to find out about new developments.
Contributing to Single Agency and Inter Agency Safeguarding Training
MKSCB trains staff to offer single agency training needed in their own agency. MKSCB also trains and supports a pool of trainers to provide the interagency courses. To make the training truly interagency the trainers need to be drawn from all the agencies who work with children and families in Milton Keynes. Anyone interested should contact MKSCB on 01908 254373. or see
Introduction to Safeguarding
Discover the various ways in which you can safeguard the welfare of children whilst employed in your role.
Maureen Williams – Senior Practitioner Children’s Social Care
Who should attend?
All new staff in children's social care although other staff who work with children may also find this course useful.
Course Content
- How their actions to safeguard children fit within the wider context of support to children and families
- The four categories of abuse
- Indicators of abuse
- How to deal with disclosures
- When to be concerned, record and report
Course Duration
3.5 hours
Course Dates and Timings
Thursday 28 April 20119:30 -1pm
Thursday 23 June 20119:30 -1pm
Tuesday 27 September 20119:30 -1pm
Wednesday 18 January 20129:30 -1pm
Equality and Diversity in Milton Keynes:
This course looks at the implications of equality and diversity issues for Children’s Social Care
Linda Barlett - Head of EMAS and Irem Syed - EMAS Support Staff Advisor
Who should attend?
Course Content
- An overview of the different groups which make up Milton Keynes – their perspectives and needs
- An understanding of culture/cultural differences and their implications
- Implications of the Equality Act 2010
- Some helpful strategies for working with people of different cultures to one’s own
- An introduction to sources of support and information including EMAS resources
- Consider further information or training staff might consider for future learning
Course Duration
3 Hours with the last half hour for an introduction to EMAS resources
Course Dates and Timings
Tuesday 10 May 2011 9:30am - 12:30pm
Thursday 15 September 2011 9:30am - 12:30pm
Tuesday 17 January 2012 9:30am - 12:30pm
Tuesday 6 March 20129:30am - 12:30pm
Attachment Theory and Research: Its Practical Implication
Find out about the different patterns of attachment and how recent research on Attachment Theory can aid the understanding of children's and adult's behaviour. Participants attending this training should be prepared to discuss either current or past cases where they have had concerns about a child's attachment.
Steve Farnfield – Independent Trainer
Who should attend?
This course is most suited to participants who have not studied Attachment Theory before, or those who wish to update their knowledge.
Course Content
- The importance of attachment to a child's development
- Case examples and discussion of methods of assessing attachment
- Ways to help children who have experienced disordered attachments
Course Duration
1 day
Course Dates and Timings
Wednesday 22 February 20129:30am -4:30pm
Working with Families: An Introduction
This course is a comprehensive introduction to working systemically with families.
Ruth Dallzell- Reconstruct
Who should attend?
All staff who are new to working with families, or those who wish to enhance their basic family work skills.
Course Content
- The current social context for providing services to families
- A framework to aid understanding of stages in family life
- The processes that exist within family relationships
- How different families fit into the social structures
- Objective approaches to engage with families requiring intervention from specialist and targeted services
Course Duration
1 day
Course Dates and Timings
Thursday 1 March 20129:30am -4:30pm
Family Group Conference Service Induction
This is an opportunity for new staff, students and established staff to have a brief introduction to Family Group Conferences (FGC) in Milton Keynes. Please note that this course will be held in The Committee Room at The Quaker Centre, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9BH.
Anne Barlow – Family Group Conference Manager
Who should attend?
This course is essential for all staff who may be working with families where a Family Group Conference may be necessary.
Course Content
- An introduction to the purpose of Family Group Conferences
- Basic information on conference arrangements and delivery
Course Duration
2.5 hours
Course Dates and Timings
Thursday 21/04/20119.30am 12 noon
Tuesday 07/06/20119.30am 12 noon
Tuesday12/07/20119.30am 12 noon
Tuesday13/09/20119.30am 12 noon
Thursday10/11/20119.30am 12 noon
To book this course, please contact Sam Parrott on 01908 392241 or
Young People – Abuse and Neglect
This course explores the key issues of working with children and young people who have been abused and the factors that influence their recovery.
Chris Kent – Young People in Focus
Who should attend?
Support workers, social workers and foster carers who work with children and young people who have been abused.
Course Content
- Issues for children and young people and the message they have received from adults
- Behaviours and patterns that indicate poor or difficult early relationships and continued distress
- A summary of factors that increase or decrease vulnerability-specific issues for young people regarding "race", ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, disability status, culture, religion and language
- Strategies for responding as a protective adult and facilitating recovery
Course Duration
1 day
Course Dates and Timings
Wednesday 8 Feb 20129:30am - 4:30pm
Safeguarding and Quality Service: An Introduction
This workshop provides a brief introduction to the main roles and functions of the Safeguarding & Quality Service.