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Northeast Frontier Railway
Office of the SR.DME/DSL/MLDT
Diesel Loco Shed, Malda Town,
Phone No: 03512 – 267165, FAX No: 03512 – 267165 /
ISO -9001:2008,
EMS 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007

Tender notice No: MLDT/DSL/MECH/NFR/01/2017-2018 Date: 20.07.2017

For & on behalf of the President of India, Sealed Tenders are invited from bonafide contractors for awarding Contract of “Annual Maintenance Contract of Improved stick type master Controller (Make – Kay Sons Electricals Pvt. Ltd.) for a period of one year at Diesel Locomotive Shed, Malda.” The work shall be completed within one year from receipt of LOA. The detailed description of work is given in tender form.

1. Estimated Value: `1088669.00 (Rupees Ten lakh eighty eight thousand six hundred sixty nine only)

2. Earnest Money: `21780.00 (Rupees Twenty one thousand seven hundred eighty only).

3. Tender Form:

(a)Tender formcan be obtained from the office of the Sr. DME/DSL/MLDT, Malda Town N.F. Railway for a non refundable amount of `2000.00 (Rupees Two thousand only) per set of Tender paper. The amount should be deposited to DC/Katihar & NJP or Sr. cashier Malda Town, N. F Railway. The out station firms may remit `2500.00 only by money order to the undersigned, this being the cost of tender documents as mentioned above including postal charges. Tender forms shall be issued during 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs from 26.07.2017 to 23.08.2017 (Except Saturday, Sunday and holidays).

(b) Tender form will be made available on N.F. Railway’s website railways.gov.in. In case the documents are downloaded from the website the tender must be accompanied with the requisite cost of the tender paper in shape of separate Demand Draft pledged in favor of “FA& CAO/MLG N. F. Railway, payable at Katihar” and enclosed with Tender paper.

(c)Railway Administration will not be responsible for any delay /difficulties /inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason what so ever. In case of any discrepancy between the Tender documents down loaded from internet and the master copy available in the office of Sr. DME/DSL/MLDT N.F. Railway Malda Town, the later shall prevail and will be binding on tenderer (s). No claim on this account will be entertained.

4. Tender dropping & Opening:

(a)Tender may be dropped in tender box kept in the office of the (i) Sr. Divl. Mech. Engineer (D)/Malda Town/N.F.RLY, (ii). DME/ROH/NJP from 11.08.2017 to 22.08.2017 (10.00 to 17.00 hrs.) and up to 13.00 hrs. on 23.08.2017 (Except Saturday, Sunday and holidays). Tender box will be closed at 13.00 hrs of 23.08.2017 and opened at Sr.DME/D/MLDT’S Office at 15.00 hrs on 24.08.2017.

(b)Tendercan also be sent by registered post / courier service addressed to Sr. Divl. Mech. Engineer (DSL)/Malda Town/N.F.RLY, Post: Jhaljhalia Dist. Malda PIN – 732102 to be received before 13.00 hrs of 23.08.2017. If any postal delay, Railway shall not be responsible

(c)Tender received after 13.00 hrs of 23.08.2017will not be entertained.

5. Documents Required:

(a)The tenderer shall be deposited required earnest money with tender paper. The earnest money should be drawn in favour of “FA & CAO/ Maligaon/N.F. Railway”. It should be in cash deposited at DC/Katihar & NJP or Sr.Cashier/MLDT/N.F. Railway or Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker’s cheque & demand draft(Payable at Katihar), issued by State Bank Of India or any nationalized bank. The earnest money should be deposited in the proper form otherwise tender will be summarily rejected.

(b)A separate demand draft for the amount of tender Cost, if the tender documents downloaded from website.

(c). Tenderer will have to submit the Performance guarantee @ 5% of the contract value if tender is accepted.


: 2 :

6. Eligibility Criteria: NIL

6.1 The following technical documents should be specified for submission along with tender:

(i) The tenderer should submit technical work experience documents i.e maintenance experience of master Controller of diesel locomotives at Diesel Electric Locomotive Shed / workshops.

(ii) The tenderer should be a manufacturer or authorized dealer of master Controller.

(iii) The tenderer shall have sound financial capability to undertake the job successfully.

(iv) The tenderer should submit the income tax PAN and GST registration number on the name of the Agency or proprietor as the case may be.

(v) The Tenderer should submit EPF details of the personal to be employed / engaged for the said work.

6.2 The following observation should be maintained by the tenderer at time of submission of the tender document:

(i) Discount/Rebate offers is not accepted in the tender papers. The tenderer should be maintained this strictly.

(ii) The successful tenderer should submit the performance guarantee with in specified period mentioned in the LOA.

(iii) If the Tenderer (s) deliberately gives/give wrong information in his/their tender or creates/create circumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the Railway reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage.

(iv) The tenderer can not submit any remarks on the tender paper. Separate sheet may be attached.

(v) The Tender received without documents and earnest money will summarily be rejected.

7. Eligibility Criteria for tenderer in respect of partnership firms:

(i) In case the tenderer is a partnership firm(s), the experience, solvency and turn over shall be in the name and style of the firm only.

(ii) If the tenderer is a partnership firm, all the partners shall be jointly and severally liable for successful completion of the work and no request for change on the certification of the firm shall be entertained.

(iii) During the currency of the contract, no partner of the firm shall be permitted to withdraw from partnership business and in such an event it shall be treated as breach of trust and abandonment of the contract.

“If the Closing/opening date happens to is a holiday or Bandh, the tender will be closed/opened on the next working day. The Railway authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders and not accept the lowest offer without assigning any reason thereof



For & on behalf of the President of India

NO: M-301/WC/KEPCO/MC/1656 Date: 20.07.2017

1. CPRO/MLG: 10 Copies of the Tender notice are sent here with for immediate Publication in the

Prominent news papers published from KOLKATA, PATNA & GUWAHATI, and

Expenditure is chargeable to 05-310-21.



9. SR.DFM/KIR: Kindly depute one SO for opening of tender on 21.08.2017.

10. OC/RPF/D/MLDT: It is requested to deploy security guards at the office where the tender boxes are provided

from the date of dropping & opening of tenders to avoid any unusual incidences.

11. AA/DSA/D/MLDT: For information and necessary action please.


For & on behalf of the President of India