Phone No. 079-26301439 Fax No. 079-26301812
F. No. I/22-22/Adm/12-13 Date:15.03.2017
The office of the Principal Commissioner of Service Tax, Ahmedabad invites online bids for providing housekeeping, cleaning, sweeping services on contract basis at Service Tax Commissionerate, Ahmedabad for the period from 15th April 2017 to 31stMarch 2018.
The approximate area for which housekeeping is required is given below:-
Sr. No. / Name of office / Address / Approximate Area (in ft2) / Indicative description of the Area1 / Office of the Principal Commissioner, Service Tax, Hq, Ahmedabad, 1st Floor, 2nd and 3rd Floor of Central Excise Bhavan / 1st Floor, Central Excise Bhavan, Near Polytechnic, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380015 / 15570.60 / Entire area covered by Service Tax, Hq, Ahmedabad in the premises of Central Excise Bhavan including all Stair case both Lifts, Full Terrace, Ladies and Gents Toilets etc.
2 / Division-I / 7th Floor, B.D. Patel House, Near Sardar Patel Statue, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 / 2462 / Entire area Covered by Service Tax, Division-I, Ahmedabad.
3 / Division-II, IV & VI / 3rd Floor, APM Mall, Opp. Hotel Sheraton, Near Sachin Tower, Shyamal Char Rasta, Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015 / 6760 / Entire area Covered by Service Tax, Division-II, IV & VI, Ahmedabad including all Stair case both Lifts, Full Terrace, Ladies & Gents Toilets etc.
4 / Division-III & V / 1st Floor, APM Mall, Opp. Hotel Sheraton, Near Sachin Tower, Shyamal Char Rasta, Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015 / 5816 / Entire area Covered by Service Tax, Division-III & V, Ahmedabad including all Stair case both Lifts, Full Terrace, Ladies & Gents Toilets etc.
5 / Total Area Sq. ft. / 30608.60
Note:- Area indicated may be increased/decreased as desired by office.
- For the purpose of housekeeping the office shall be functional on 6 days in a week excluding Closed Holidays.
- The prime object of housekeeping services is to maintain the entire premises in neat and tidy condition and to be kept hygienic at all times.
2. The office is using services ofe-Procurementplatform of NIC for the purpose of this tender. The tenderers who wish to participate in thee-Tenderwill have to register themselves in thee-Procurementplatform is free and complete necessary formalities as prescribed by NIC.
3.The Tender Document and other detailed terms & conditions are available at reference and online tendering).
4. Tender shall be electronically submitted(on-linethrough internet) within the prescribed date and time as mentioned in the tender document ande-Procurementportal.Submission of Hard copy of the tender documents instead of electronic submission will not be accepted.
5. Tenderers are advised to follow the instructions provided in the ‘Instructions to the Tenderers for thee-submissionof the tenders online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e- Procurement at’
6.The critical datesheet for start and last date for online bid submission is as below:
Tender publishing date / 15-03-2017Start date and time for downloading / 15-03-2017at 05:00 PM
tender document
Last date and time for Submission of / 05-04-2017at 05:00 PM
Online Bid
Date and time of Opening of Online / 06-04-2017at 05:00 PM
7. Service Providers have to follow the “Terms and conditions” provided inAnnexure-I,Scope of workas provided inAnnexure-II,Pre-qualificationrequirementfor Award of Contract as provided inAnnexure-III,“Instruction for bidder” as provided inAnnexure-VIandTender acceptance letteras prescribed underAnnexure-V.Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi withblack and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document. The tender shall be submitted online in two parts viz. technical bid and financial bid. All the pages of bid being submitted must be signed and sequentially numbered by the bidder irrespective of nature of content of the documents before uploading. The offers submitted by Telegram/Fax/email etc. shall not be considered. No correspondence will be entertained in this matter.
8.Theprospective Tenderers are advised to refer to the website any modification to the tender Document and the tenderer shall ensure that the tender Documents submitted by them shall contain such modifications, failing which the tenders are liable to be rejected. Scanned copies of all relevantdocuments should be attached with the bid.
9. Bids submitted byCourier/Post/in-personshall not be accepted in this tender.
10.Earnest Money Deposit:- Tender documents must be accompanied with non-interest bearing Earnest Money of Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) in shape of demand draft in favour of the Administrative Officer, Service tax, Ahmedabad, failing which tender will not be considered for opening of Financial Bid. Earnest money deposited by the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded to bidder at the earliest after finalization of the tender. Earnest money will be refunded to the successful bidder on the receipt and installation of all the items.
11.The EMD of selected bidder will be returned on furnishing Performance Guarantee. The successful bidder has to submit Rs 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two lakh only) as performance guarantee deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee from Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of “O/o The Commissioner of Service Tax, Ahmedabad” before awarding contract. The performance guarantee shall be refunded to the selected bidder without any interest on the completion of the contract period. Performance security should remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the bidder i.e upto 31st May 2018.
12. The office reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders and / or cancel the Tender enquiry at any stage without assigning any reason.
13. The tenderer shall digitally sign each page of this tender document and all other enclosures appended to it as a token of having read and understood the terms and conditions contained herein and submit the same along with the qualifying bid. The tenderer would fill up the information in the Annexure III & IV enclosed at the end of this document in clear and legible terms. Wherever required the price quoted shall be written in figures and words as well. Annexure shall also have to be signed and stamped by the bidder or its authorized signatory.
14.The short listed tender along with the documents will be submitted to the“Commissioner”and upon approval by the'Commissioner'the successful bidders will be intimated about the award of contract to them.
(H. S. Chaudhary)
Assistant Commissioner (Adm)
Service tax, Hq, Ahmedabad.
(a)Tender is invited in two parts i.e. (1) Qualifying Bid (2) Financial Bid separately.
The tender form for Qualifying bid in Proforma prescribed in Annexure - III and the tender form for the financial bid in Proforma prescribed inAnnexure-IVcomplete in all respects shall be submitted in two separate covers packets as per mentioned ine-procurmentportal. The cover packet should be superscribed with 'Qualifying Bid — Contract for the providing Housekeeping services", and "Financial Bid — Contract for Providing Housekeeping services” respectively. Incomplete bid documents shall be rejected. The valid qualifying bids shall be scrutinized by the Department to short list the eligible bidders. The financial bids of the short listed bidders will be opened later. Late submission of tenders shall not be accepted. The Commissioner of Service Tax, Ahmedabad reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Qualifying bid:-
a)Annexure-I,Annexure-II,Tender Document (all pages signed)
b)Annexure-III(duly filled in) along with necessary enclosures.
c)EMD for Rs. 30,000/- by Demand Draft drawn in favour of "The Administrative Officer of Service Tax, Ahmedabad payable at Ahmedabad.
The Financial Bid:
Duly filled in Annexure - IV