April 16, 2007

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Jared Yamamoto

1202 Prospect Street
Honolulu, HI 96822

(808) 587-4520

Testimony Before the


February 08, 2008, 1:15 p.m.

Room 225, State Capitol


Stevenson Middle School CIP


(Written Testimony Only)

Chairman Sakamoto, Vice Chair Tokuda, and Members of the Committee

I offer my testimony in strong support of Senate Bill 2580, Relating to Education. This bill appropriates funds to be used by the Department of Education to construct a gymnasium/multi-purpose room to service the community at Stevenson Middle School. It will also upgrade badly needed improvements that relate to changing curriculum and teaching methods that are found to be effective.

Stevenson Middle School is committed to improving student achievement by using Science as a focal point to implement effective “problem based learning” strategies throughout our school. To achieve this we need to improve our facilities to include resource rooms that would accommodate large groups of students and faculty, which will aide in higher level collaboration between teachers and students.

A gymnasium/multi-purpose room will allow us to hold assemblies, indoor sports activities, art, and music events. This facility is much needed to address our athletic activities here at Stevenson. We currently do not have suitable facilities for school wide assemblies, art & music events and other large group community activities. The gymnasium will be very beneficial not only to the students here at Stevenson, but the community at large. Our community needs a facility that will provide a place that enhances our focus towards a healthy life-style.

I believe that the plans that are presented in this bill are needed to improve instruction and achievement at Stevenson Middle School, but more importantly our community at-large. I urge the Committee to pass this measure without amendments.

Sincerely yours,

Jared Yamamoto