Tender Form for: Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection Jobs.
Tender Notice in “Indian Express-English ” dated 12.10.2017
“Jagbani Punjabi ” dated 12.10.2017
Item No - 01
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2634118, Fax No. 0160-2630319
Sr.No. / Description / Qty. / Rate
(In Fig.) / Rate
(in words)
1. / Replacement of worn out/damaged heavy structure/staging beams at different stations like juice heaters, evaporators, pans & sulphur furnace station etc. in the boiling house. This work also includes entire work like to support the bodies for the replacement of staging.
i. Dismantling rate
ii. Erection rate / As required
“ / Per MT
Per MT
2. / Replacement of worn out internal baffle plates of semi-ketners external catch all alongwith repair of its floor. /
One Job / Lump Sum
3. / Dismantling of the old Cfg. house air compressor cooler. Replacement of its outer worn out shell with new shell from 6” dia pipe line & re-fitting of the coils in it after proper cleaning & then installed it to its original position. This work includes any type of cutting & rewelding work of pipe lines & valves attached to this unit. /
One Job / Lump Sum
1. All consumable items such as steel, pipes, and welding rods/gases will be provided by the mills. All tools & tackles will be arranged by the Contractors.
2. The contractor will have to complete all the jobs including trials to the satisfaction of the mill management. Time schedule will be sent separately.
3. Accommodation will be provided by the mills free of cost but electricity charges will be deducted from the contractor bill as per rule.
4. The TDS will be deducted as per rules.
5. The progress of the work of the Contractor will be reviewed on weekly intervals and in case the mill management feels/find that the work is not being carried-out as per schedule by the Contractor, he will have to employ more manpower to complete the job within stipulated time In case failure to comply with order with mill management, the mills shall get the job done through alternator sources at entire costs, risk and responsibility of the Contractor.
6. The General Manager of the mills reserves the right to cancel, distribute or re-allocate the work without assigning any reason.
7. The contractor shall have to abide by all the rules and regulations of the mills.
8. The consumable items to be issued to the contractor under the signature of concerned Engineer, duly counter signed by the Chief Engineer.
9. The contractor will be responsible for all statutory liabilities like Provident Fund, Workmen compensation in case of any injury and insurance etc. to your workers. The mills shall be in any way liable/ responsible for the work force to be employed by you.
10. The contractor will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machine during working.
11. The contractor will be required to keep the dismantled material at the place to be indicated by the mills officers.
12. In case of any dispute, the decision of the General Manager of the mills will be final and binding on the Contractor.
13. If your above said rates are found less in any other Coop. Sugar Mills in Punjab for these jobs of any Contractor, the same rate will be applicable to our mills also.
14. You will have to deposit Rs.25000/- as security money before starting the work which will be refunded after satisfactory completion of jobs.
15. The 90% payment will be made against running bills duly recorded in the M.Bs. Balance 5% will be made on the start of crushing season 2017-18 and balance 5% after close of crushing season 2017-18 on satisfactory completion of jobs along-with Security Money.
16. Last date of receipt of tender is 24.10.2017 upto 11.00 A.M. and will be opened and negotiated (if required) on the same day in the mills premises.
General Manager
N?vAo ckow
N?vo ckow L PlYksIbl swPtW Aqy ktrW dI irpyAr krnI[
N?Avo B'fN; Lj`gbwxI Aqy dI ieMfIAn AYkspRY`s imqI 12.10.2017
nkJhNw BzL 02
iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118, c?e; 0160^2630319
lVI nM: / kMm dw vyrvw / ryt1 / bMd sIjn dOrwn itaUbW dI sPweI leI vrqIAW jwdIAW swPtW Aqy kMtrW dI irpyAr krnI
a. 7.5/10 mItr swPt dI irpyAr krnI
A. 42.6 AyYm.AyYm kMtr dI irpyAr krnI / (ryt pRqI swPt)
(ryt pRqI kMtr)
2 / jnrl klIinMg dOrwn itaUbW dI sPweI leI vrqIAW jwdIAW swPtW dI irpyAr krnI Aqy swPtW motrW nwl k`sxIAW[ / ryt pRqI klIinMg au`kw pu`kw
1H T[go'es ezw bJh b'VhAdk ;wkB fwZb tZb'A fdZsk ikt/rk.
2H i/eo fJj ezw TIk FMg nwl Bk j'fJnk sK fwZb s[jkv/ you/ s/ fJj ezw fe;/ d{;o/ m/e/dko s'A eotk ;edh j?.
3H g/w?AN w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh s;Zbh w[skfpe ezw ysw j'D s/ ehsh ikt/rh,
4 s[;hA fwZb d/ o{bi ns/ o?r{b/;B d/ gkpzd j't'r/, fit/A fe s[jkv/ fe;/ toeo dk n?e;hv?AN j'D dh ;{os ftZu ghHn?cH/ toew?B ezgB;/;B/ieMsorYNS klym nkfd bJh s[;hA y[d d/D/ j'Dr/, fwZb fJ; ftZu fe;/ soQK fizw/Atko BjhA j't/rh.
5H ;N'o ftZu'A ;wkB s[;hA w[Zy o;kfJDeko d/ d;sysK Bkb jh eYtk ;ed/ j'/.
6H sPweI dOrwn kMm 24 GMty lgwqwr isPtW iv`c krnw hovygw Aqy G`to-G`t do (02) AwdmI hr smyN isPt iv`c hwjr rihxy cwhIdy hn[
7H fBwB j;skyoh fpBQK e'Jh ekoB dZf;nK T[go'es fJe iK ;ko/ m/e/ oZd eoB dk nfXeko oZydk j?.
8H N?Avo d/D Aqy Kolx dh nkyoh fwsh 24.10.2017 ;t/o/ 11.00 ti/ sZe j?.jykr loV hoeI qW rZbpks ausy idn kIqI ikt/rh.
jnrl mYnyjr
sihkwrI KMf im`l,
gkoNh d/ j;skyo BK ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L ezw m/e/ s/ d/D ;pzXh.
N?Avo B'fN;L fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; Aqy j`gbwxI fwZshL - 12.10.2017
nkJhNw BzL 03
iBob w?B/io,
w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
w'fozvk (fiabQk o{gBro)
tYlI&on nM: 0160– 2630046, 2634101, 2634118
j/m fby/ t/ot/ nB[;ko dcsoh, seBheh ns/ ;[gotkfJIoh ;Nkc d/ ezw dk m/ek d/D bJh bJh fwZsh 24.10.2017 nMU ;t/o/ 11L00 sZe w'jopzd N?AvoK dh wzr ehsh iKdh j?. fJ; ezw dh :'rsk ns/ ezw dk t/otk j/m fby/ nB[;ko j?L^
bVh BzL / fttoD / ezw bJh ftneshnK dk t/otk / ezw d/ m/e/ bJh xZN'^xZN :'rsk / kMm dw vyrvw / o/N gqsh ftnesh gqsh wjhBk1 / mYnMUPYkcirMg kYimst d/ ezw dk m/ek. / loV Anuswr / guru nwnk dy XUnIvristI qoN SUgr tYknOljI dI ifgrI jW ifplomw /ey.AYn. AYs.AweI kwnpur qoN ifplomw/ifgrI kIqI hovy Aqy G`to-G`t 03 ;kbK dk P{ro c?eNoh iv`c bqOr kYimst dk siopk / ;hIB d"okB w[Zy rswiexkwr dhnK jdkfJsk nB[;ko ;[uko{ o{g ftZu c?eNoh B{z ubkT[Dk. / T[Zek^g[Zek
not:- pMjwb rwj dIAW sihkwrI KMf im`lW iv`coN bqOr mYnMU-PYkcirMg kYimst syvw-mukq ho cu`ky AiDkwrIAW nMU iv`idAk Xogqw dy iv`c Cot id`qI jw skdI hY[
1. ;oft; N?e; ns/ ghHn?cH o{bK nB[;ko fwZb dk j't/rk. ;pzXs m/e/dko tZb'A pDd/ ;oft; N?e; ns/ ghHn?cH dh oew jo wjhB/ iwQK eotkT[D T[gozs ubkBK dh ekgh b/yk ftGkr B{z d/Dh j't/rh.
2. N?Avo d/D Aqy Kolx dh nkyoh fwsh 24.10.2017 ;t/o/ 11.00 ti/ sZe j?.jykr loV hoeI qW rZbpks ausy idn kIqI ikt/rh.;pzXs ftnesh fwZb dh r[gssk gqsh gkpzd ofjDr/. i/eo m/e/dko tZb'A ezw bJh fdZs/ rJ/ ftnesh tZb'A e'Jh nDrfjbh tosh ikt/rh sK T[; dh fIzw/tkoh T[; dh j't/rh.
3. fJ; ezw bJh jcsktkoh o?;N fdZsh ikt/rh. i/eo e'Jh ftnesh r?ojkIo j't/rk sK o{bK pDd/ nB[gks ftZu T[Zios eZNh ikt/rh.
4. ehs/ rJ/ ezw dh ndkfJrh jo/e wjhB/ d/ ysw j'D s/ ;zpXs ftGkrh w[Zyh dh fPckoP eoB T[gozs ehsh ikt/rh.
5. m/e/dko tZb'A ehs/ ikD tkb/ ezw bJh b'VhAdh :'rsk ns/ siop/ d/ d;skt/I N?Avo ckow d/ Bkb brkJ/ ikD.
6. fwZb d/ iBob w?B/io fJj m/ek fpBK e'Jh ekoB dZ;/ oZd eoB dk nfXeko okytK j?.
7. T[go'es ezw dk m/ek fwZb tZb'A ;w/A ;w/A s/ j[ew ikoh eoB nB[;ko fJe ;kb sZe bkr{ oj/rk.
8. s[;hA fwZb dh r[gZssk pDkJh oZy'r/.
9. s[jkvh jkIoh w[Zy ;wK tkue d/ dcso bZr/rh.
iBob w?B/io
P{ro fwZb, w'fozvk.
m/e/dko dk BK ns/ gsk
Tender Form for: Contract for boiler water treatment
Tender Notice in “Indian Express” dated 12.10.2017
“JagBani Punjabi” dated:
Item No. 04
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda(Ropar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2630046, Fax No. 0160-2630319
S no. / Description / Qty. / Rate Quoted per Month(in Fig.) / Rate Quoted
(in words)
1. / Contract for Boiler water treatment to maintain the PH and TDS levels of water
During crushing season 2017-18 / 01 job
(Name & Address of Party quoting Rates)
1. Contractor will provide one chemist for monitoring the complete water treatment job.
2. Accommodation will be provided by the mills free of cost but electricity charges will be deducted from the contractor bill as per rule.
3. The TDS will be deducted as per rules.
4. The General Manager of the mills reserves the right to cancel, distribute or re- allocate the work without assigning any reason.
5. The contractor shall have to abide by all the rules and regulations of the mills.
6. The consumable items to be issued to the contractor under the signature of concerned Engineer, duly counter signed by the Chief Engineer.
7. The contractor will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machine during working.
8. In case of any dispute, the decision of the General Manager of the mills will be final and binding on the Contractor.
9. If your above said rates are found less in any other Coop. Sugar Mills in Punjab for these jobs of any Contractor, the same rate will be applicable to our mills also.
10. The payment will be made after satisfactory completion of jobs and satisfaction of Chief Engineer of the Mills.
11. The last date of receipt tender is 24.10.2017 upto 11.00 AM, which will be opened and negotiated (if required) on the same day.
General Manager
Sugar Mills Morinda
Tender Form
Tender Form for: Servicing/Spares for ACB
Tender Notice in “Indian Express” & “Jag Bani Punjabi” dated: 12.10.2017
Item No. 05
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roopnagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118 Fax No. 0160-2630319
Sr. No / Description / Qty / Price Rs. / Per1 / Servcing of air circuit breaker (L&T - Make)
a) 4000 AMP, CN & CS Type (Manual)
b) 2000/1600/800 AMP, CN & CS Type (Manual) / 01 No.
As req. / Each breaker
Note:- Material required will be supplied by the mill. Party will quote price of each spares required along with servicing rate. Only company or their authorised service centre/dealer will quote for above job.
1. The contractor will have to complete all the jobs including trials to the satisfaction of the mill management. Time schedule will be given separately.
2. Accommodation will be provided by the mills free of cost but electricity charges will be deducted from the contractor bill as per rule.
3. The TDS will be deducted as per rules.
4. The progress of the work of the Contractor will be reviewed on weekly intervals and in case the mill management feels/find that the work is not being carried-out as per schedule by the Contractor, he will have to employ more man power to complete the job within stipulated time In case failure to comply with order with mill management, the mills shall get the job done through alternator sources at entire costs, risk and responsibility of the Contractor.
5. The General Manager of the mills reserves the right to cancel, distribute or re- allocate the work without assigning any reason.
6. The contractor shall have to abide by all the rules and regulations of the mills.
7. The consumable items to be issued to the contractor under the signature of concerned Engineer, duly counter signed by the Chief Engineer.
8. The contractor will be responsible for all statutory liabilities like Provident Fund, Workmen compensation in case of any injury and insurance etc. to your workers. The mills shall be in any way liable/ responsible for the work force to be employed by you.
9. The contractor will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machine during working.
10. The contractor will be required to keep the dismantled material at the place to be indicated by the mills officers.
11. In case of any dispute, the decision of the General Manager of the mills will be final and binding on the Contractor.
12. If your above said rates are found less in any other Coop. Sugar Mills in Punjab for these jobs of any Contractor, the same rate will be applicable to our mills also.
13. Payment will be made after completion of job.
14. The last date of receipt of tender is 24.10.2017 upto 11.00 A.M., which will be opened and negotiated (if required) on the same day .
15. The envelop of tender should be superscribed as tender/quotation for Servicing/Spares for ACB .
General Manager
Sugar Mills Morinda
TENDER FORM for the purchase of: Servicing of DM Plant
Tender Notice in “The Indian Express ” & “Jagbani Punjabi ” dated 12.10.2017
Item no - 06
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Phone No:0160-2630025, 2634118, Fax No. 0160-2630319