Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar
Tender Notice
The Institute of Management Sciences (IMSCIENCES) is an autonomous body established under the auspices of the Government of the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Institute of Management Sciences (IMSCIENCES) is working towards promotion of management and IT education.
IMSciences is planning to purchase IT equipment. Sealed tenders are invited from the Manufacturers / Authorized Distributors / Agents registered with tax departments.
Tender documents can be obtained from the undersigned or download from PPRA website. The sealed bids/proposals duly marked as “Bid/Proposal for Purchase of IT equipmentfor IMSciences” must reach the office of the Manager Administration, IMSCIENCES at plot #1-A, E-5, Phase,7, Hayatabad, Peshawar on or before 10 O’clock on 29th August 2014 and shall be opened at 11:00 a.m. on 29th August 2014 in the conference room of the Institute
Haseeb Ahmad
Manager Administration
Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar
Plot No: 1-A, E-5, Phase-7, Hayatabad,
Tel: 091-5861024-25
Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar
The Institute of Management Sciences needs following items.
Specification of Items
Wireless Network Equipment
Wireless AP ControllerQuantity Required 1 Unit
Cisco / Aruba / Ruckus or equivalent wireless controller
Dynamic RF channel and power management
Real time client admission control
2 Gigabit Ethernet ports
License Management and support for up to 20 access points
Performance Monitoring and statistics
RADIUS/AD authentication supported
Indoor Access PointQuantity Required 12Units
Cisco / Aruba / Ruckus Access Points with POE support
Directional Antenna (08x 2.4 GHz antenna for Mesh/ clients and 6x 5 GHz for Mesh/ Client)
26 dBm Transmit Power .
2 Ethernet Ports
PD-MRC Supported .
4Db Beam Flex gain/ 10Db Interference Mitigation.
RADIUS/AD authentication supported
Secure Access Point Casing:Quantity Required 12 Units
Bidders are requested to read carefully the following terms and conditions and sign the Tender Form in token of having understood and accepted the same in all respects. All or any of the provisions of the terms and conditions may be changed/altered/modified/deleted/added or amended by the Institute as and when deemed suitable/necessary.
Tenders which are incomplete or which do not fulfill the requirements given hereinafter may be rendered disqualified.
Terms & Conditions:
- Only registered manufacturer/partner/authorized dealers can participate in the tender.
- Proofs of relationship/partnerships/authorized dealership with the original manufacturer should also be annexed.
- Bidders shall submit complete profile of the firm and item in “Technical Proposal”.
- The bidder must have at least five years of experience in the relevant business.
- Copies of registration certificates with tax authorities may be attached with the profile documents.
- Bidders shall also submit a list of other public sector/ government organizations along with reference contact persons to whom a supply of similar item is made.
- Bidders are required to provide the number of technical employees engaged by them along with their qualification and/or experience.
- Bidders shall submit last three years annual reports of the firm.
- The prices quoted shall be binding on the tenderer for a period of at least 90 days.
- Prices quoted should be inclusive of installation charges if any.
- The prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes.
- Taxes will be recovered as per rules and regulations of the government.
- The item should be new and the vendor will ensure originality of the procurement channel as well as the item.
- The item(s) must be offered with standard warranty if any, explicitly mentioned for each product offered.
- Warranty period for free supply of parts and free after sales service should be clearly mentioned in the quotation. Procedures for getting such services must be very clearly mentioned for every product in the Technical Proposal.
- The firm will sign a Service/Maintenance Contract to the effect that they will be responsible for the maintenance and supply of part on cost after the expiry of the warranty period whenever required.
- The firm must have office in Peshawar (preferably) or Islamabad region, which is able to provide doorstep after sale services to the Institute
- The items shall be supplied in packed form and shall only be opened in the presence of the Purchase Committee. Working manuals and other related literature shall accompany the item in original at the time of delivery.
- In case of non-conformity with the desired specification, the item shall be replaced by the Supplier free of cost.
- The firm will demonstrate the operation/working of the item (s) to the satisfaction of the Purchase Committee.
- Successful Supplier shall ensure to complete the supply of the item(s) at the earliest but not later than 90 days of purchase/supply order.
- Earnest Money (refundable) @ 2% of the quoted price shall be remitted with the Tender in the form of Bank Draft/Call Deposit//Pay Order in favor of the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, without which no quotations(s) will be accepted for consideration.
- Any dispute arising during course of completion of assignment will be referred to the Director IMSciences and his decision will be final and binding upon the bidder.
- Payment will be released after successful delivery and testing of item/item as per the specifications mentioned in this document.
- Bidders should not quote their own terms & conditions
- Bidding Procedure
It will be a “Single Stage - Two Envelope” procedure
- The bid shall comprise of a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and the technical proposal.
- The envelopes shall be marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion
- Initially only the envelope marked with “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” shall be opened at 11:00 a.m.on August 29, 2014, in the presence of interested bidders.
- The envelope marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”, will be retained by the procuring agency without being opened.
- The Technical Committee shall evaluate the technical proposal based on the parameters mentioned in the “Technical Evaluation Criteria”, without reference to the price and reject any proposal which does not conform to the specified requirements.
- The financial proposal of bids shall be opened in the presence of interested bidders or their representatives at a time, date and venue to be specified in due course of time.
- After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the Purchase Committee shall open the financial proposals of the technically accepted bids only. The financial proposal of bids found technically non-responsive shall be returned un-opened to the respective bidders.
- Earnest money should be enclosed in a separate envelope marked clearly as “EARNEST MONEY” and submitted separately with both the proposals.
Note: Tenders, in sealed covers, addressed to the Convener Purchase Committee must be sent through registered post/courier service or may be delivered in person.
I have read all the terms and conditions and agree to fully comply and abide by them. Any non-conformity on my part would result in the rejection of the bid.
Name of the Tenderer
Authorised Signatures
& Official Stamp
Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar
Prequalification Proposal
Supply of Item to IMSciences
Name of the FirmAddress
(Telephone, Fax & E-mail)
Year of Establishment
Sales Tax Registration No.
(attach documentary evidence)
National/Income Tax No.
(Annual Turnover supported by Income Tax Return)
Professional Tax Certificate
(attach documentary evidence)
Banker’s Name & Contact Details
Earnest Money @ 2% as Bank Pay Order/Draft is attached with the Pre-qualification Proposal / Yes_____ No.______
Assignments in Hand (Current)
Managerial/Technical Capability
a). Total No. of managerial staff
b). Total No. of technical staff
(attach as separate Annexure, if necessary)
(Attach separate Annexure, if necessary)
Enlistment Certificate
(copy of certificate enlisted with Government/Semi Govt. Organizations, if any)
Copies of Annual Report of last three years
(that the firm has not been blacklisted by private, Govt., Semi Govt. and Autonomous Body)
Contact Person
Name & Designation______/ ______
Authorized Signature & Stamp
Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar
Financial Proposal
Supply of Item to IMSciences
Name of the firm:______
S# / Item / Brand Name / Quantity / Rate(Rs.) / GST / Total (Rs.) / Warranty
Name & Designation Authorized Signature & Stamp
Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar
Evaluation Criteria
Supply of Item to IMSciences
The pre-qualification proposals will be evaluated as per following criteria:
S# / Criteria / WeightageGeneral
- Clientage/current assignment
- Experience in the industry
- Registration with tax authorities
Technical Specifications / 40
HR Capabilities at Regional Level
- Managerial & Technical staff
Financial Capabilities
- Annual performance
- Financial strength
Note: Minimum score requires qualifying for next step is 70.