Whanganui Intermediate School Newsletter
Phone (06) 349 0231 Email
Issue Number: 7
26 May 2017
TenaKoutou / Greetings to our Parents / Caregivers and wider community
Friday 26 MayPink Shirt Day
Wednesday 31 MayVision and Hearing testing catch up
Monday 5 JuneQueen’s Birthday Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED
Tuesday 6 JuneSupersport Badminton
Wednesday 21 JuneSupersport Basketball
Thurs 22 to Fri 23 JuneFamily Treasure Celebration - School hall
Wednesday 28 JuneSuperarts Drama
Wednesday 5 JulySupersport Netball Masterton
Friday 7 JulyEnd of Term Two
Monday 24 JulyStart of Term Three
Thursday 17 AugustInformation Evening for 2018 enrolments
To our Supersport Hockey Teams who travelled to Palmerston North on Wednesday. Play was called off early due to bad weather but our boys team had done enough to come away with 1st place and the coveted banner. The girls played well and were placed 5th.
We also wish to congratulate parents/caregivers, staff, students and community members for supporting our awesome Pink Shirt Day. The day and activities have been co-ordinated by Matai Clusterand it was great to see the whole school united and celebrating the message behind this day. The school was a “sea of pink”. All money raised goes to support the Pink Shirt Day campaign.
We wish to extend a huge thank you to GregorVallely for purchasing a new soccer strip for one of our teams. Gregor also gives up his time and uses his considerable experience and expertise to help coach our Academy Football team. We are extremely grateful.
A reminder that Monday 5 June is a statutory holiday for Queen’s Birthday weekend and school will be closed.
If students are riding bikes or scooters to school it is essential they have bike locks and use them every day. The bike compound is locked during school hours but it is almost impossible to monitor who drops off and collects bikes outside these times.
Please note we do not want skateboards at school.
Thank you to all those who have made payments. A reminder that it is only $75.00 for the full year and you are able to make payments direct to the school bank account through internet banking. The school account number is: 03 0791 0503615 00. Please enter your child’s name, room number and reason for payment i.e. school donation.
This really does help us to continue to provide the variety of activities and resources that are available to our students.
Currently secondary schools are advertising their Open Days for enrolments for 2018.
I encourage you to look carefully at all the schools as each has different things to offer.
Following the Open Days, enrolments for next year will be available for our Year 8 students.
We do not promote one school over another and therefore we do encourage our Year 8
students to participate in organised visits where they are requested by particular secondary schools.
Cullinane College
Open Evening Thursday 1 June 6.30 to 8.00 pm. Starts at College Chapel.
Whanganui City College
Open Evening Tuesday 30 May 6.00 pm in the school hall.
Whanganui High School
Open Day Thursday 15 June. Two sessions starting in the school hall 4 pm to 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Whanganui Girls College
Open Day and Evening will be happening this year on 21 June, 10 am to12pm; 12.45 pm to 2.45pm; 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
Thank you for your support of the mufti day fundraiser supporting Harry Kibblewhite and “Shave for a Cure”. We raised $575.00 and this has helped Harry exceed his $1000.00 target.
Charles Oliver
I have received newsletter number 7Signed: ______
Child’s Name: ______Room No: ______