Session 1

Ten Tips, Hints, Helps for the Disenchanted, Sobered and Mellow Church Leaders

Room: Heritage Ballroom A-C-D

Rev. Dr. Jim Wellman

Pastor Wellman will continue his work from his keynote speeches of our Synod Assembly by offering 10 ideas for religious revival in your congregation. Session repeated in Session 2.

Faith, Hope and Love and Other Things Happening in the ELCA

Room: Heritage Ballroom B

Rev. Brenda Smith, ELCA Director for Discipleship/Evangelism

This workshop will offer a brief overview of both the 7 Faith Practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as well as the Evangelism Strategy that was adopted at the 2003 Churchwide Assembly. In addition, there will be a time of discussion around what is happening in the ELCA today. Session repeated in Session 2.

Praying the Labyrinth

Room: Discovery Ballroom (in Display area)

Rev. Martha Maier, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Vancouver

This 26' Chartres-style portable labyrinth was constructed by St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Vancouver and will be open throughout the assembly. A prayer labyrinth is not a maze, but a pathway that can be used for prayer and meditation. Although there is no right or wrong way to use a labyrinth, handouts will be available with suggestions for using it. Please remove your shoes when on the labyrinth and be sensitive to others who are using it. During workshop times, a member of St. Andrew will be available to offer suggestions for using the labyrinth and to answer questions. Ongoing presentation.

Congregational Renewal: What is it? Could it apply to your congregation? What does it mean?

Room: Oak

Rev. Valinda Morse, Assistant to the Bishop, SWWA Synod and Rev. Melanie Wallschlaeger, ELCA Director for Evangelical Mission, SWWA Synod

Pastors Morse and Wallschlaeger will overview the transformational ministry process and, delineate staff driven resources available through the Synod and Churchwide. Congregational renewal begins with the personal renewal of individuals that make up the worshiping body. What might personal renewal look like for you? How might your congregation be involved in deepening discipleship? The renewal of the individual gives birth to congregational renewal which, in turn, brings new life to the larger community through the work of the Triune God. Come and learn about upcoming synodical events and how that might transform your congregation’s mission and ministry in your context.

Synod Youth Ministry!

Room: Ash

Justin Snider (AIM), ALYVE Board Chair, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Olympia

Come discuss youth ministry with Justin Snider (ALYVE Board Advisor) and others about connecting together as youth workers, resources, and our plans for synodial youth ministry in 2011!

New resources to help your congregation and the synod from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Room: Birch

Philip Edlund, Thrivent Representative

Learn about changes to Thrivent congregational funding and how your congregation can benefit from the new Thrivent Choice Dollars Program to support special projects in your congregation, at your local Lutheran Organizations, and support your synod!

Reaching to Build: A Diverse and Inclusive Faith Community

Room: Spruce

Rev. John Stroeh, Peace Lutheran Church, Tacoma, Malcolm Carroll, Youth and Family Outreach Minister, Peace Lutheran Church and Bill Hanawalt, Executive Director of Peace Community Center.

Learn how a struggling urban congregation found new life and a strong sense of mission by opening its doors and seeking to serve its neighbors in Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood. Learn key elements and strategies of PeaceLutheranChurch’s multi-cultural ministry and explore the work of the PeaceCommunity Center in tutoring and mentoring young people. Consider how your congregation may be renewed by God’s Spirit through welcoming and serving your immediate community.

Synod Council Visits

Room: Heritage Ballroom E & F

Synod Council members

What is the Synod Council and why does it want to visit my congregation? How can my congregation benefit from a visit by the Synod Council? What has the Synod Council learned about Southwestern Washington congregation so far in its visits? How's the Synod going to use what it has learned to empower congregations to grow? Learn the answers to these and any other questions you might want to ask at the "Congregational Visitations" workshop. Session repeated Session 2.

Money = Ministry

Room: Pine

Margie Fiedler, AssociateVice President of Marketing, ELCA Mission Investment Fund

As congregations sometimes have a hard time talking about money....yet Jesus talked about money a lot!! Come and discover what it means to be stewards of how we gather, save,and share the resources God has entrusted to our care. A great way to renew your congregation.

Fair Trade

Room: Hemlock

Beth Ann Johnson, Synod Global Mission Hunger Committees

Many Lutheran Churches in SW Washington are already selling and serving Fair Trade coffee. Do you know why? What is the difference between free trade and fair trade? How do our choices make a difference in the world? Are coffee, tea and chocolate the only things effected by fair trade? Join us for this workshop, and learn more about Fair Trade in your church and community. You will also have an opportunity to learn about how to get your congregation involved in fair trade coffee and other products.

Lutheran Public Policy

Room: Cedar

Rev. Paul Benz, ELCA Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington

Session 2

Ten Tips, Hints, Helps for the Disenchanted, Sobered and Mellow Church Leaders

Room: Heritage Ballroom A-C-D

Rev. Dr. Jim Wellman

Pastor Wellman will continue his work from his keynote speeches of our Synod Assembly by offering 10 ideas for religious revival in your congregation.

Faith, Hope and Love and Other Things Happening in the ELCA

Room: Heritage Ballroom B

Rev. Brenda Smith, ELCA Director for Discipleship/Evangelism

This workshop will offer a brief overview of both the 7 Faith Practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as well as the Evangelism Strategy that was adopted at the 2003 Churchwide Assembly. In addition, there will be a time of discussion around what is happening in the ELCA today.

Leaving the Comfort Zone, Entering the Mission Field

Room: Cedar

Rev. Eric Wangen-Hoch, Mission Developer Living Stones Prison Congregation

No one likes to leave their comfort zone. It’s where we’re comfortable! Yet, let’s look at Jesus’ call to leave our comfort zone and see the action as spiritual practice for renewal in our churches.

Caring for Caregivers: CaregiverUniversity

Room: Birch

Jenny Moore, Lutheran Community Services Northwest

CaregiverUniversity is a new program from Lutheran Community Services Northwest. With CaregiverUniversity’s 6 classes you can educate caregivers and create an impetus for continued support after the classes are through.

Journeys of Faith

Room: Hemlock

Linda Hofstad

Holy Land Trip: nine bishops with their spouses spent 14 days in the Holy Land immersed in the culture, the tensions, the complexity, and the historical richness of a region that is the center to three major world religions. We ‘lived in’Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Tiberius. We walked in and through the area -- giving ‘flesh’ to many of our Sunday School Bible stories We‘ll talk about what we learned and how we can support our Lutheran sisters and brothers who live out their faith as a minority and face daily oppression with an imminent threat of violence.

Ecumenical Trip: Representing the ELCA to Christian sisters and brothers around the world, we visited the Anglicans in London, the Orthodox in Istanbul, Turkey, the Roman Catholics in Rome -- including time with Pope Benedict XVI--and the Lutheran World Federation and Reformed churches in Geneva, Switzerland. Join us to hear some stories of faith, shared between Christians across the globe.

Congregational Renewal: What is it? Could it apply to your congregation? What does it mean?

Room: Oak

Rev. Melanie Wallschlaeger, ELCA Director for Evangelical Mission, SWWA Synod and

Rev. Valinda Morse, Assistant to the Bishop, SWWA Synod

Pastors Morse and Wallschlaeger will overview the transformational ministry process and, delineate staff driven resources available through the Synod and Churchwide. Congregational renewal begins with the personal renewal of individuals that make up the worshiping body. What might personal renewal look like for you? How might your congregation be involved in deepening discipleship? The renewal of the individual gives birth to congregational renewal which, in turn, brings new life to the larger community through the work of the Triune God. Come and learn about upcoming synodical events and how that might transform your congregation’s mission and ministry in your context.

Foodand Faith: Thinking Beyond Quarters, Quilts and Foodbanks to End Hunger

Room: Pine

Diane Armbrust, Synod Hunger Committee Member

Quarters for hunger and contributions to local foodbanks make an important difference in the lives of many people buy they alone cannot end hunger. Sustainable long-term solutions are complex; involving our own lifestyles and public policy.

Synod Council Visits

Room: Heritage Ballroom E & F

Synod Council members

What is the Synod Council and why does it want to visit my congregation? How can my congregation benefit from a visit by the Synod Council? What has the Synod Council learned about Southwestern Washington congregation so far in its visits? How's the Synod going to use what it has learned to empower congregations to grow? Learn the answers to these and any other questions you might want to ask at the "Congregational Visitations" workshop.