“Home of Tomorrow’s Leaders”

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2008

Place of Meeting: MOT

Time of Meeting: 3:15 p.m.

Members Present:Members Absent:

Bill Schassberger (MOT)Aaron Asplund (DO)

James Page (MOT)Chele Hatfield (VES)

Diane Sibbach (TMS)Cyndi Waltmire (DO)

Jackie Bobsin (Food Service)Beth Walker (TES)

Don Synder (CSEA)Katie Margrieter (THS)

Paul Jacobs (Alt. Ed.)

1.0Meeting called to order at 3:16 p.m.

(Do to the absence of Chele Hatfiled from the meeting minutes, were taken by Jackie Bobsin)

2.0Agenda was approved. (Don, Diane)

3.0Approval of the Minutes from the October 9, 2008 meeting- There was one correction to the minutes- They should have

read; 10 Cord Protectors purchased at $3.40 a foot. 100 feet were purchased. Motion to approve was made by-(Diane

& James)

4.0 Old Business- None

5.0New Business

5.1Financial Report- Cyndi Waltimire absent no report given.

5.2Review Accident Reports- There was 1 accident reported since the last meeting.

5.3Review Safety Suggestions & Concerns- Jackie brought up that no one is checking the TES MPR during the drills. She was told to contact the Site Safety Rep (Beth Walker) and let her know.

5.4Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness- Each campus should have a monthly drill- The district wide Earthquake Drill was successful. Bill is working with a parent on classroom supplies to have on hand. There is the possibly of a Grant. At VES each student is being asked to bring in their own bag for emergencies.

5.5Report from Site Representatives-Each site is to be given a few minutes at their Staff Meetings to discuss Safety. Sites gave reports to the committee.

5.6SIPE Risk Management Committee Report/Bill Schassberger-Bill reported the March 26th will be the date for the County Wide Workshop. It will be held at the MadonnaInn, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

5.7Safety Incentive Awards Program 7 Drawing-the $100.00 award went to Linda Halterman at TMS for using a ladder to retrieve a storage container from an upper level. $20.00 awards were given to Deborah Paskin (TMS), Mr. Smizth (TMS) Janice Harrington (TMS), Des Gearhart (VES), and Laura Brooks (VES).

5.85.8 has been added to report on all purchases made- Bill purchased Cord Protectors in the amount of $339.50.

6.0 Other- SIPE Annual Safety and Health Grant- SIPE gives a grant once a year to help with items that improve safety.

Application needs to be in by December 1, 2008. Site Rep’s were asked to see if there was a need for something at

their sites and bring it back to the committee. The grant is for $5,000.00. Bill suggested a new saw for MOT and more


7.0Adjournment- the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2008.

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Bobsin

CC:Bill Schassberger (MOT)

Cyndi Waltmire (DO)

Aaron Asplund (DO)

Don Synder (CSEA)

Paul Jacobs (Alt. Ed.)

Beth Walker (TES)

Chele Hatfield (VES)

Diane Sibbach (TMS)

Jackie Bobsin (Food Service)

Katie Margrieter (THS)

James Page (MOT)

Dr. Deborah Bowers-Superintendent (DO)

Cheryl Parks (DO)

Katie Mammen (TES)

Kyle Pruitt (VES)

Jon Lorimer (TMS)

Jim Fotinakes (THS)

Mike Bruffy (SIPE)