Templates, tips, images, explanations and more can be found in the

Nonprofit Toolkit. Visit the toolkit often, it is your friend!

Get Started—This Week

 Double-star May 2, 2013 on all your calendars! Start a project plan schedule.

 Select a staff member or volunteer as point person, who has strong leadership and organizational skills, and can commit to the entire campaign timeline and process. We estimate that between 10 and 30 hours is needed from this person.

 ‘Like’ and follow Idaho Gives on Facebook and Twitter

 Bookmark the our blog for up to date information and resources at

Set up your unique page on

 Complete the registration form, MOU and upload your IRS determination letter at

 Set up your organizational page on Idaho Gives.

  • Click the “register” button from the middle of
  • Apply for administrative access to your nonprofit’s page from Razoo by clicking on the ‘get started’ link
  • Once approved (approximately 1-2 business days after you apply), log-in to your account and click “My Organization” on the right side of the website’s header.
  • Need help? The box labeled “Cause Setup” will walk you through setting up your page. You can also refer to additional training materials from the nonprofit toolkit.

*Note: If your nonprofit is not listed on Razoo, please e-mail or fax 866-322-1722 a copy of your EIN issuance letter from the IRS, and the IRS letter declaring your public charity status under section 501(c)3.


 Set clear goals for your day beyond raising money or winning a prize. Why should your agency be excited and put energy into this project? How will Idaho Gives help build your capacity, highlight a program, or cultivate new donors?

 Bring your planning committee to the 2013 Idaho Nonprofit Forum: Engaging New Donors with Simple, Smart Strategies presented by Erica Mills, and you will leave the day with your plan in hand!

March 14th - Coeur d’Alene Inn and Conference Center

March 20th - Idaho Falls Hilton Garden Inn

March 21st - Boise Courtyard by Marriott West

 Find a few great photos. Gather a few quotes from people who love your work. Produce a short (1-30 seconds, max) video highlighting your successes. These do not need to be professionally done!

 If your organization does not have a Facebook Page or a Twitter account, create them right away. Gather friends, and post or tweet at least weekly about your activities. Consult the simple guide to Twitter and Facebook in the Nonprofit Toolkit to help you get started.


 Reach out to all your volunteers, supporters, friends and neighbors. Ask them to go to the pre-event page, add the date to their calendar, friend you on Facebook, like the Idaho Gives Facebook page – and get all their friends excited, too.

 Promote the event in your newsletters, emails, and on your website. Tell everyone you know that May 2, 2013 is THE day to give in Idaho.

 Get the buzz going on your own web page and share posts from our Idaho Gives Facebook page and web site. Social media presence will be a major traffic-driver, so start conversations now and provide information that your followers can spread across their networks.

 Plan an event for May 2. This can be a simple open-house at your agency, a meet up at a local coffee shop or restaurant. Ask a board member to invite people to their home to host an on-line giving event. Get together with other nonprofits and plan a public event.

 Consult the Nonprofit Toolkit for more ideas.


 Update your Facebook status with a link to the Idaho Gives landing page:

 Now is the time for your staff and volunteers to do one-on-one outreach to their friends and networks. Word-of-mouth is crucial to the success of the day!

 Send out email reminders to supporters and ask them to spread the word throughout their circles of influence.

 Do a countdown on Facebook and Twitter by posting a new image in your status update each morning.

 Remind your busy donors that they can schedule their donation ahead of time. Send them a link to your nonprofit’s page on the Idaho Gives site and instruct them to click the link on the donation box to schedule their gift.

 Finalize volunteers or volunteer duties for day of events. Prepare all necessary outreach materials.

 Prepare the messages you plan to send during the giving day. Leave open spots for real-time information, but creating a template ahead of time will give you more time to think and be clear about what you are saying in the midst of a busy day.


 Send out reminders to supporters and ask them to spread the word throughout their circles of influence. Send the emails you already drafted and ask your supporters to forward them on to all their friends.

 Post 2-3 times a day on your social media channels. Don’t just ask for money, but stir up excitement by pointing out what makes Idaho so great and why it is important to participate in Idaho Gives.

 Continue posting stories on your blog, social media sites and the Idaho Gives Razoo page. Help people understand the unique way your nonprofit serves your community. Show them how you make a difference in their neighborhood and how their donation enables you to do even more.

MAY 2, 2013!!!

 Send at least three emails throughout the day to your supporters. Include specific actions of what they can do, (ex: donate, like your nonprofit page on Facebook, tell 5 friends to donate, tweet a link to our nonprofit page, etc.).

  • Update them on fundraising progress.
  • Remind them of your overall goal.
  • Provide a reason for them to give again, like the matching incentive and hourly prizes.
  • Let them know if your organization wins any prizes.

 Use Facebook and Twitter to cheer on and thank donors with status updates and re-posts in real-time.

 Generate conversation and community with your messages.


 Announce your successes on Facebook/Twitter/website. Include the funds and numbers of donors, new donors, your matching prize money, etc.

 Cultivate your new friends! Send thank you e-mails to each donor one or two days after the event to tell them how their donation made a difference. Don’t forget to provide updates about your nonprofit and make it easy for them to stay in touch.

 Send hand-written thank you notes to top donors and be sure to ask them to subscribe to your e-news. Add all donors to your database, invite them to cultivation events and/or one-on-one meetings.


 Fill out survey found at about your experience and success during the event.

 Make sure to share final numbers in newsletter and other communications.

 Sign up for next year!


Technical Questions

Razoo: 866-437-1952 Monday-Friday, 7a-5p MST/6a-4p PST


Idaho Nonprofit Center

Casey Shelley,

Brandi Schmidt,

Phone: 208-424-2229