TEMPLATE - Toolbox functional specification
Toolbox title:
Toolbox ID:
Document version:
1. Amendment history table
All amendments to this functional specification document should be listed in the table below.
Any amendments to toolbox content following the initial full population of this document should be made using the ‘Tracked changes’ feature in Word.
2. Interaction map
<Developer, please insert an interaction map on this page. The map should show the flow (learning pathways) between all key screens in the toolbox. Please identify each screen with an ID such as S1. You should also clearly identify the learning objects contained within the toolbox. Ie, clearly show the planned learning object breakdown on the interaction map.>
3. Inventory of key screens
<Developer, please list all key screens contained within this toolbox.>
Screen ID / Screen name4. Inventory of learning objects
<Developer, please list all learning objects contained within this toolbox.>
Learning object name5. Learner profile
<Developer, please insert a description of the learner profile for this toolbox. This information will inform quality assurance reviews of the toolbox content. Ensure that you include information in each of the following subsections.>
5.1 Knowledge and skill prerequisites
<Insert information about any knowledge and skill prerequisites that learners should have before completing this toolbox.>
5.2 Literacy level
<Provide an overview of the literacy level of the target audience. Editor will use this information to inform their reviews.>
5.3 Numeracy level
<Provide an overview of the numeracy level of the target audience. Editors will use this information to inform their reviews.>
6. AQTF learner levels
<Developer, insert the appropriate learner levels in this section. Like the learner profile information, this information will inform quality assurance reviews.>
7. Special content considerations
<Developer, please provide a brief description of any special content considerations for this toolbox. Refer to the additional guidelines in each subsection below.>
7.1 Image requirements
<Content considerations may include the need to use specific images. For example, to ensure educational soundness in a toolbox on air ventilation in houses, it may be necessary to use images of high-set wooden houses in the Queensland as opposed to low-set Edwardian brick houses in Victoria.>
7.2 Voice artist requirements
<Special consideration may also need to be given to the choice of voice artists. For example, in some toolboxes it may be most authentic to include interviews with workers from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. In such cases, it is critical to select voice artists who have culturally appropriate accents.>
7.3 Terminology requirements
<To avoid unnecessary queries and inappropriate changes, it is important that educational soundness and editorial reviewers are aware of any specific terminology decisions. If your subject matter expert has advised that particular terms needs to be used, please note these decisions in the table below.>
Terminology decisions8. Generic content
Each toolbox must include the following disclaimer and copyright text.
8.2 Disclaimer statement
<A disclaimer statement can be accessed from a link on the splash page of the Toolbox.
8.3 Full copyright statement
The full copyright statement can be accessed from a link on the splash page of the Toolbox.
8.4 Short copyright statement
<A short copyright statement should be displayed on the footer of every page in each toolbox and learning object.
9. Screen specifications
9.1 S0: wireframe
<Developer, please insert a wireframe for the splash screen on this page. Ensure that you use a unique ID to reference each screen element in the wireframe.>
9.2 S0: table of content and events
<Developer, please complete the table below to show the interactions and content for this screen.>
Unique ID / Element description / User or system events / Onscreen text / Audio9.3 S1: Home page: wireframe (Example)
S1_2p (pop-up layout)
9.4 S1: Home page: table of content and events
Unique ID / Element description / User and system events/ / Onscreen text and images / Audio