Template letter from bedside nurse to legislator
March xx, 2013
For senators, address letter this way:
Minnesota Senate
State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155-1608
For representatives, address letter this way:
Minnesota House of Representatives
State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Dear Senator/Representative [LAST NAME]:
As a nurse responsible for direct patient care at [HOSPITAL NAME], I write to ask you to oppose S.F. 471/H.F. 588. Although this legislation is being called a “standards of care” bill, the reality is it will do little to improve the care I provide for patients.
On a daily basis I work as part of a comprehensive care team comprised of doctors, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nurse assistants and others working together to provide patients with the best quality care. The people with whom I work each possess a valuable skill set and this bill undermines the reality of how care is provided today.
Hospitals are dynamic places and the needs of my patients are constantly changing, which requires my colleagues and me to be flexible. I know if I need help with a patient I can call on my fellow nurses. I also know that if we get an influx of unexpected patients, I can call my supervisor and scheduling office for additional help. We can’t always anticipate the patients we will need to care for on a given day, but by being flexible and nimble, we adjust as needed. If this bill were to become law, our ability to provide the care needed would be limited.
Let me give you an example of a time just recently that this flexibility was important. [Provide an example of how changes in patient census and/or needs required staffing adjustments and how your team responded. Your anecdote should reflect the day-to-day value of an inter-professional team and the importance of staffing flexibility that allows caregivers to respond to the needs of patients.]
I urge you to oppose this legislation. Bedside nurses, working with our nurse leaders and other members of the care team, know best our hospital and patient needs. Opposing this legislation is in the best interest of patients, of all hospital caregivers and of all Minnesotans.
Nurse Name
Home Address
Email or phone number