Template for writing articles

The title should be adjusted to the contents of the article and should not have more than 120 characters

(Abbreviation of the academic/scientific title) Name and Last name of the 1st author (abbreviation of the professional title, name of the institution),

(Abbreviation of the academic/scientific title) Name and Last name of the 2nd author (abbreviation of the professional title, name of the institution),

ABSTRACT(the abstract should include 250–300 words. It should be written in the third person. There are no citations in the abstract. It can be structured according to the IMRD scheme or written in one paragraph, depending on the type of the article.)

Introduction: Please state the main problem, the purpose of this research and key variables.

Methods: Please mention the research design, describe the main characteristics of the sample, research instrument, reliability of the instrument, where, how and when were data collected, what methods were used to analyse results.

Results: describe the most important research results that correspond to the research problem. Quantitative research must list the value of the result and the level of statistic significance.

Discussion and conclusion: Discuss the research findings, list conclusions, deriving from data, obtained from research.

Key words: key word 1, key word 2, key word 3, key word 4, key word 5

The article should be written in a concise and clear language, with a maximum of 5.000 words in length (approximately 10 typed pages).


The introduction defines the research problem. Review of existing literature must justify the need for our research/study and serves as the basis for forming research goals, research questions, hypotheses and research plan. Scientific knowledge and concepts of current international and domestic research is used; used materials should not be older than 10 or five years, if the research problem is well researched. It is mandatory to quote and summarize research findings.

Purpose and goals

Purpose and goals of research must be defined. We recommend you to record research questions (qualitative research) or hypothesis (quantitative research).


Report the selected research paradigm (quantitative, qualitative) and the design of the selected paradigm.

Description of the instrument

To be mentioned: description of the instrument set/up, how the instrument was formed, we list authors according to which the instruments were summarized, or list literature according to which they were developed. We describe the technique of data collection.

Sample description

To be mentioned: description of the population from which the sample was designed, sample type, what was the response of those, included in this research, description of the sample according to demographic data (gender, education, seniority, position, etc.).

Description of conducted researchand data processing

To be mentioned:ethical permission to carry out a survey and permission for surveys in the organisation; mention the progress of research implementation, the time-period when data was collected, the location of data collection, the method of data collection, used analyses methods and statistical methods, programme and version of the statistical data processing. The qualitative research must clearly state the complete course of research, the method of recording and data collection, data transcription, processing steps, techniques of data processing and interpretation of data.


Results are shown with words, in tables and figures; be careful to select only one way for an individual result, so that the contents does not duplicate. Explanation of data should focus on statistically typical results and those that surprised us. Results are shown according to set variables, where we answer research questions or hypotheses. Qualitative research shows the progress of code design and categories; one or two representative statements should be included in the research for each code (those that represent the code best). Make a schematic representation of obtained codes and categories, developed out of them, and provide judgment.

Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic serial numbers and a descriptive title (above the table).The author must refer to each table and figure (up to five).


The discussion should mention findings with words. Numerical results are not mentioned. Instead, we list them according to individual variables and from the point of view of set research questions or hypotheses that should not be repeated but answered with words. Results are compared with results of other research, and what does this mean for our work. At the end of the discussion, we mention the limitations of the research and list recommendations that derive from our research.


Prepare a short summary of your key findings, summarize suggestions for cases of good practice, and suggest possibilities of further research of the discussed problem.


Each argument, theory, used methodology and the concept must be confirmed with citation. Authors are asked to use the APA system (adjusted Version 6 of APA standards) for citing authors within the text and in the bibliography at the end of the article.

Listing authors in the text:

-One author: (Kroflič, 2015) or Kroflič (2015);

-Two authors: (Krofličand Petek, 2010) or Krofličand Petek (2010);

-Three authors or more: (Kokolet all, 2007) or Kokolat all. (2007);

-Several cited works: must be listed in alphabetical order, starting with the last name (Gabrijelčič, 2009; Koch, 2004; Tivadar, 2012);

-Several works of the same author, issued in the same year: Kostanjevec (2004a and 2004b) or (Kostanjevec, 2004a, 2004b);

-Author unknown:The Law on Education (1993) or (“The Law on Education”, 1993);

-Direct quation: (Krnel, 2012, pg. 10) or Krnel (2012, pg. 10);

-Indirect quotation(rarely used): Milner (1992, in Zgaga, 2011) or (Milner, 1992, in Zgaga, 2011).

All sources, cited in the text, should be listed under References.

Listing references in the Reference chapter:

Authors are listed alphabetically (and only so!). Resources are numbered.


1. Lovšin, F. andSvečko, M. (2010). Gospodinjstvo 5. Course book. Ljubljana: DZS.

2. Pahor, M. (2006). Nursed and the University. Domžale: Izolit.

Book with an unknown author:

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition). (2010). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Electronic version of the book:

Devjak, T. (ur). (2015). Vplivdružbenihspremembnavzgojo in izobraževanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoškafakulteta. Obtained from

Book with an editor:

Kristovič, S., Polak, A. and Koch, V. (2007). Understanding the model of the food pyramid among the elderly. In J. Zurc (ed.), Healthy eating (pgs. 177–195). Ljubljana: Fakultetazazdravstvenevede

Diploma, Master or PhD thesis (change references in brackets):

Lovšin, F. (2007). Sistemiorganizacijedelaizvajalcevzdravstvenenege v bolnišničnidejavnosti(Diploma, Master or PhD thesis). Fakultetazaorganizacijskevede, Maribor.

Electronic version of the Diploma, Master or PhD thesis:

Last name, first letter of the name. (Year). Title (Diploma thesis, Name of the institution). Located at

Conference proceedings:

Jošt, B. (1992). Evaluation of the success model in different sports on the basis of expert modelling. InPhysical activity for better lifestyle in a new Europe: Abstracts, 6thICHPER-Europe Congress (pgs. 228–233). Praha: Faculty of physical education and sports, Charles University.

Conference proceedings with an editor:

Klojčnik, T. and LebanDerviševič, M. (2010). Uporabainformacijsko-komunikacijsketehnologijeučiteljevbolnišničnihšolskihoddelkov. In A. Lenarčič, M. Kostaand K. Blagus (eds.), International conference Spletizobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT - SIRIKT 2010 (pgs. 118–123). Ljubljana: Miška.

Article from a journal:

Škrbina, V. and Zurc, Z. (2016). Gibalnaaktivnostprizaposlenih v tovarni z večizmenskimdelom. Obzornikzdravstvenenege, 50(3), 193-207.

Electronic version of the article:

Malmivirta, H. (2015). Art appreciation as a learned competence: a museum-based qualitative study of adult art specialist. CEPS journal, 5(4),141–156. Located at

Reed-Bouley. J, Wernli, M. A. and Sather, P. (2012). Student employment and perceptions of service-learning. Journal of service-learning in higher education, 1. Located at

Laws and legislation online:

Zakon o zdravstvenidejavnosti.Official gazette RS, No. 12 (13. 12. 1996). Located at

Examples, given for citations, are fictional.