Template for Technical Progress Report
valid for
Actions of Type 2 (Agencies)
from Call for proposal 200X and
with grant agreement number EIE/Type2/0X/XXX
Establishment of a local/regional Energy agency in …….
Intelligent Energy – EuropeCreation of Energy Agencies
Template for Technical ProgressReport (PR) (~ 5 pages for each Agency)
This reporting template for Technical Progress Reportis valid for Type 2 Actions-Creation of Energy Agencies of the Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme, resulting from the Call for proposal 200Xand, therefore, with grant agreement numbers EIE/Type2/0X/XXX. It is meant purely as a documentation tool and do not claim to be exhaustive. Users shall always refer to the provisions of the grant agreement, including any written amendment, which are binding and obviously take precedence. A grant agreement amendment cannot be requested within a Technical Report.
The beneficiaries shall submit in English, through the co-ordinator, a common Technical Progress Report (not payment related, i.e. without financial statements).
The Technical Report is not only an administrative or contractual requisite, but is a real management and working tool.It should be clear, concise, meaningful and comprehensive.
In case of any question, please do not hesitate to contact your project officer.
Please indicate the grant agreement number, acronym and page number in the header/footer of each page.
Front page– Example in Appendix.
Each Agency– Should include page numbering.
A. Agency Structure
A1 The Management Board
Please updated list + indicate modifications only if changes in structure
A2 Key staff of the Agency
Please updated list
Current staff (part time/full time, seconded)
Estimation for future staff
A3 Advisory bodies (Scientific committee/Evaluation committee/others)
Please updated list
A4 Premises of the Agency
Please updated place
A5 Relationships with existing energy management agencies or networks
Please highlights the developments in a short paragraph (for example local/regional/national/European level)
A6 Future of the agency
Please highlight in one short paragraph on how you foresee the next month and the transition after the end of the contract.
Please update the co financing table
A7 Autonomy of the Agency
Put N/A, unless modifications occurred
A8 Evaluation of agency’s activities
Put N/A, unless modifications occurred
B.Progress of workplanningfor this period (for each Agency)
B.1Progress on each work package against initial objectives –Compare in a few linesthe activities planned(based onAnnex Iof the grant agreement to the progressmade,work package by work package;identifytarget groups and local stakeholders involved, including their roles, describe major subcontractors. If it helps you, you can write one or two lines for each task.
B.2Deviations from the project work plan–If any, identify the nature and the reason for the deviation, clarify impacts on the activities and deliverables planned, present the strategy to get back on the track, give comments on deviations in appendixtable 2 of the technical progress report; in case of deviations described in the last report describe how you have managed to get back on the track;up-date of time schedule.
B.3Progress regarding deliverables–Assess deliverables listed in Annex Iof the grant agreement against results achieved so far.
B.4Progress regarding performance indicators –Assess performance indicators listed in Annex Iof the grant agreement against impacts of the action achieved so far.
C.Work plan for the next period (1-2 pages max)
C.1Planned activities in the next period – Give an outlook on planned activities for the perioduntil the Final report, consider any strategy developed in section 3.2.
C.2Planned meetings and dissemination activities –Give an overview on your planned meetings (date, location, main topic, etc.) and dissemination activities (date, location andmain topics of workshops, seminars, conferences etc.), at leastfor the perioduntil the next report.
Appendices to the Technical Progress Report
Table 1: First/updated list of submitted deliverables since starting date
Please indicate the progress of your deliverables or this period
Del. N° 1 / WP N° 1 / Deliverable name 1 / Month of completion / Submission with report1 / Deliverable uploaded at website?21 This information must be identical with your List of Deliverables in Annex I of your grant agreement.
2 Please indicate the report with which you have submitted the deliverable (IC, IR, PR).
For guidance on how to make the most of your project website, how to refer to IEE funding and where to find the IEE logo and disclaimer see .
Updated version of the publishable summary slides and project factsheet
In general, the publishable 1-2 page project fact sheet and summary slides should be submitted in English within one month from the starting date of the action by e-Mail to , see Annex III[1] of your grant agreement.Please use the fact sheet template and regard the guidelines for the creation of project slides, both provided at
If necessary, please up-date the publishable 1-2 page project factsheet and send a separate electronic version of this fact sheet to . Please use the latest fact sheet version for your up-date provided by EACI at.
If necessary, please up-date the summary slides of your project with your achievements made so far and send a separate electronic version of these slides to .
Copy of the deliverables produced during the reporting period
Please submit a copy of the due deliverables produced during the reporting period, in line withappendix table 1. Please agree the submission of a hardcopy or electronic copy, number and languages of copies with your project officer. As general guideline, the deliverables may be submitted as electronic copy only. However, any main deliverables like brochures, guidelines, publications, etc. shallbe submitted in at least two hardcopies, if possible in more copies and/or languages for dissemination via EACI desk or within the Commission.
Before sending the technical progress report to EACI, please make sure that your submission is in line with the following checklist.
Checklist for submission of Technical Progress Report (PR)Checking before submission
The technical progress report is written in English.
The number of pages is in the range of 5 pages for each Agency excluding appendices.
The technical progress report follows the template provided at the IEE website.
First/updated list of submitted deliverables is provided in appendix.
Updated full time staff and Management Board is provided.
Updated version of the publishable summary slides and project fact sheet is provided in appendix.
Copy of the deliverables produced during the reporting period is provided in appendix. Hardcopy or electronic copy has been agreed with the project officer. If hardcopy, number and languages of the deliverables have also been agreed with the project officer.
The instructions for the use of the IEE logo, disclaimer and reference to IEE funding have been considered, especially for publication of technical deliverables, papers and the project website.
The technical progress report does not contain any request for a grant agreement amendment.
The consolidated package to be sent within 30 days after the end of the period to the EACI address as indicated in the grant agreement includes two hard copies of the technical progress report including all appendices as listed above and is accompanied by a cover letter indicating the grant agreement number and full names of Agencies.
One electronic version of this consolidated package was sent to . In case of technical deliverables with large size (MB) an electronic CD submission may be agreed with the project officer.
Other important information for project officer
The project website is accessible and updated, considering the IEE guidance for project websites.
All due deliverables are available on the project website for public download.
The project officer is provided by e-mail with further information, like minutes of the meetings, login and up-to-date password of your internal website, etc.
Appendix – Front page for Technical Progress Report
Template for Technical Progress Report for Grant Agreement EIE/Type2/0X/XXXPage 1 of 6