Ref. No: PMU-

(For official use only)

Template for Pre-MIC3 (users)

Applicant Information

Name (point of contact):


Detailed Address:



Idea of Needs Information

1. Title of Your Idea:

2. Abstract:

Describe an abstract of your idea of needs in no more than 200 words. Identify whatproblems you face and try to solve, in terms of regional, social, national or global aspects. What do you think mainobstacles arein tackling these problems? Please note that this part of information will be uploaded only on the website.

3. Objectives:

List and describe no more than 5 mission objectives and prioritize them. These could be quantitative in nature and serve as overall measures of effectiveness for the mission.More concrete description is desirable. For example, water levels of the river system are to be observed at prefixed at least 10 locations3 to 4 times a day for over 3 years.

4. Rationale:

What makes you bring out it as your ideas of needs? Why do you think your social or regional needswould require a satellite system to contribute to possible solution? How serious would the problem be in your society or region?

5. Expected (Possible) Results:

What kind of results may be expected? Who will be benefitted most, if a micro/nano-satellite system would work properly?

6. References:

List any technical references for your idea.

Please note that:

-the abstract of your idea herein will be uploaded on our website,

- the rest of it will be disclosed to the registered developers for the match-making purpose.

- it is a prerequisite that you give a presentation at the preMIC-3 on November 23, 2013, if you are chosen as a successful applicant under our funding support,

-your presentation materials will be uploaded on our website for publication.
