Aichi Poster
Template for compilingposter information
How to use this template:
This template can be used to compile the data and texts for the Aichi Posterbefore you start inserting it into the tool. If compiled in a Word document, the data can be easily commented and amended internally. Once a final content of the template is approved, a single person could insert the data and texts, together with the respective pictures and graphs, directly from the Word document into the poster by using the poster tool. The final approval of the poster (including pictures, logos etc.) can then be done using the PDFs generated through the preview button of the poster tool. Alternatively, you can insert the data and texts directly into the poster ( and use the preview button for internal consultations and approval.
Please try to keep the texts as short and precise as possible. There is only limited space available on the poster. Use the preview button in the poster tool to make sure the text is not exceeding the available space.
1)Country (if applicable):
2)Language (en, fr or es):
3)Strategic goals you want to cover in your poster (A,B,C,D, and/or E):
4)Graphic you want to use for the Aichi Targets in the footer (Aichi Icons or Dashboard progress icons):
Note: In case you choose “dashboard progress icons” here, you have to determine the level of fulfillment with respect to each individual Aichi Target through a process of self assessment. Based on this self assessment, you can choose and display the respective “dashboard progress icon” to be displayed next to the Aichi Target in the online tool.
5)Title of the overview of the poster:
6)Subtitle of the overview of the poster:
7)Introduction to the overview of the poster:
8)Main text of the overview of the poster:
9)Population or number of inhabitants:
10)Explanatory text why you have chosen to cover only a subset of the five strategic goals (if applicable):
11)Acronyms for the list of acronyms (if applicable):
12)Spelled out terms for each acronym (if applicable):
13)Imprint (name, institution and e-mail address/phone number of the person responsible for the poster):
14)Date (date when the poster was designed):
15)URL (address of website that gives more information):
16)Bullet points explaining the outcomes or activities with respect to strategic goal A:
17)Headline for the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet points with respect to strategic goal A:
18)Textfor the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal A:
19)Bullet points explaining the outcomes or activities with respect to strategic goal B:
20)Headline for the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal B:
21)Textfor the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal C:
22)Bullet points explaining the outcomes or activities with respect to strategic goal D:
23)Headline for the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal C:
24)Textfor the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal C:
25)Bullet points explaining the outcomes or activities with respect to strategic goal D:
26)Headline for the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal D:
27)Textfor the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal D:
28)Bullet points explaining the outcomes or activities with respect to strategic goal E:
29)Headline for the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal E:
30)Textfor the detailed explanation of one of the above bullet pointswith respect to strategic goal E: