高淑惠, 王玉立,郝晨芳

Chinese Language Curricular Unit

Unit title: Weather/time/shopping/sightseeing

Grade: 8-12

Level: Novice High -Intermediate Low

Subject/Topic Area(s): Four seasons, Time, Shopping, Sightseeing

Key words: 晴天, 阴天, 最高温度, 最低温度, 分明, 气候, 差不多 昨天 今天 明天 时间 星期 日 月 年 早上 上午 下午 晚上 半夜 点 分 刻 半 几 号 差 旗袍 礼物 深 浅 花 杀价 讨价还价 市场 顾客老板 货 信用卡 现金 人民币 换 美金 原价 才 配 帮 拿 试 时髦 名牌 旅游 参观 景点 人山人海 挤 恋恋不舍 坐公共汽车 地铁 出租车 一分钱一分货 好货不便宜,便宜不好货


Major standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2, 5.1

Supporting standards: VA Foreign Language Standard, MFL1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2, 5.1

Brief Summary of Unit (@ 5 X 150 minute blocks—Five days

In this unit, students will learn how to describe weather, four seasons, express the feeling, and negotiate when shopping for foods and cloth in Chinese. They will also learn about few Beijing sightseeing places and desscribe their trip experience.

Number of days for activity: Five days

Materials and resources:

Teacher handouts, Power point, Chinese calendar, Beijing sightseeing map, Music/CD, and internet

Identifying Desired Results:

What essential questions will guide this unit and focus teaching/learning?

·  What is the similarity and differences in daily life in the lives of Chinese and Americans?

·  To what extent or in what ways are the Chinese people celebrate their Holiday?

What key knowledge and skill will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Students will know:

·  Vocabularies about weather, seasons, time, shopping, sight seeing, transportation

·  Grammatical structures about

·  几月几号、星期几

·  “穿”与戴的区别

·  量词总结

·  “要”与“想” 的区别

·  跟/和。。。(不) 一样

·  虽然。。。,可是/但是

·  不但…而且

·  “比”字句

·  “才”的用法

·  “被”的用法

·  International market fact held In VCU.

Students will be able to

·  Describe the weather/seasons

·  Use the vocabulary acquired to tell time

·  Tell what one’s daily class schedule is.

·  Fully participate in casual conversations pertaining to daily life

·  Bargain in a culturally appropriate way

What do they already know that will help them learn new information?

The basic vocabulary about four seasons, time, measurement words for pricing total, and words for food, cloth, and sight seeing sites n Beijing.

Where and when did they learn it? They would learn those words from previous level.

Determining Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance Tasks: Integrated Performance Task: Plan A Summer Trip To China Beijing

·  Interpretive tasks

o  Scenario while planning a trip to China with his/her friend: Online research of weather report in Beijing and sites they plan to visit about during the travel time.

o  Scenario while visiting China to visit sites for sight seeing: gathering information about the visited sites in terms of transportation and map.

·  Interactive tasks

o  Scenario while planning a trip to China with his/her friend: asking for and giving directions; making purchases in night market (food, souvenirs, gifts);

o  Email exchanges to gather information about the sites and the preparations

·  Presentational tasks

o  Travel packet of the following information:

§  Cover page

§  Weekly weather forecast report

§  Weekly daily schedule and activity

§  What would you like to shop for food/cloth in the night market

§  Where to go and how (transpiration)

Other evidence

Works Samples, journal writing, recite, quiz.

Unprompted Evidence (Observations, dialogues): Teachers will assess learners using rubric for interpersonal speaking/writing, interpretive reading, and presentational speaking and writing.

Student Self-Assessment: student will write the daily lesson reflection and learning logs.

Lessons: instructional lesson plan provided for each lesson (See attached daily lesson plan on the bottom)

Lesson 1:Weather/seasons ..\Test Pactice\lesson plan Weather_day one.doc

Lesson 2:Time ..\Test Pactice\lesson plan Time_day two.doc

Lesson 3:Shopping

Lesson 4:Sightseeing

Lesson 5:Review and project Professional Growth Plan for Tina Kao 2008.doc

Links to Relevant Web Sites:

Assessment Blueprint (Performance Tasks)

Task Title: A summer trip to China Beijing

Approximate Time Frame: 100 minutes

Standards:1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2,

Purpose: (Check those that apply)

Formative: on-going assessment: Comprehension throughout the pictures, authentic materials, and conversations based on class activities.

Summative: integrated performance task

Description of Task:

A Summer Trip To China

Direction: You are going to travel to China for summer camp in Beijing. You would like to find out the weather and climate in Beijing during your seven day’s studies in Beijing. You will have a short excursion with your Chinese friend after the summer camp. During your sightseeing, you and your friends want to go to the night market in the city.

Task A – Travel Packet (You can choose using Word, PPT, Poster)


·  All students will be given a few sightseeing seeing sites in Beijing in terms of the activities, itineraries. This handout will be given for pre- readings, to intend to create the interest group for the activity based on the city they choose

·  Each group will read and research information on the website

·  Each group will decide the cities they would like to visit and explore.

·  In the end of planning, each group needs to have their cities’ names, date, time, event/activities, and transportations shown in Chinese characters on the travel packet. Note: your travel packet needs to include

o  Cover page to include all names from the group and “Title”

o  Weekly weather forecast report

o  Weekly daily schedule and activity

o  What would you like to shop for food/cloth in the night market

o  Where to go and how (transpiration)

o  plan for a full week of activities.

Rubric for written task -

Task Completion
Excellent: 10pts / Good: 8-9 pts / Fair: 7pts / Poor: 0-6 pts
Very attractive, neat, followed directions. Excellent product. Above what was asked. / Neat, attractive, followed directions and completed task adequately. / Somewhat neat/ attractive. Partly followed directions. / Not attractive or neat. Barely followed directions. Incomplete.
Excellent: 10pts / Good: 8-9 pts / Fair: 7pts / Poor: 0-6 pts
Excellent variety and correct use of vocabulary. No major errors of calligraphy. / Good variety and correct use of vocabulary with minor errors of calligraphy. / Some variety of vocabulary. Some errors of calligraphy / Little variety in expressions used and/or not correct. Poor calligraphy.
Excellent: 10pts / Good: 8-9 pts / Fair: 7pts / Poor: 0-6 pts
Goes beyond requirements,
many details and excellent use of vocabulary / Meets requirements, some details and good use of vocabulary / Minimally meets requirements, few details, some use of unit vocabulary / Does not meet requirements, inaccurate or inadequate vocabulary

Task B - Study Abroad (unrehearsed interactive oral)

Role Play – In the Night Market

Student directions You are with your Chinese friend visit the Night Market (Based on task A, you should be familiar with shopping in China.). You will act role

American/Chinese Customers

·  Greeting

·  Ask salesman/woman about the food and cloth items you like to buy

·  Ask salesman/woman what they think about the sale item?

·  Ask him/her about the price

·  Negotiate the price with the salesman/woman

Sale person

·  Greeting

·  Tell the Customer student about your items

·  Tell the Customer student how much they cost

·  Provide the suggestions to customers

·  Negotiate the price with the student

·  Thank the student for his/her purchase

Evidence of desired understanding: student is able to complete task for creating a travel packet, and role-play, in terms of task completion.

Criteria of judgments: task completion, expression, grammar, presentations

Evaluative Tools: (check those that apply)

Analytical Rubric

Criteria / 10 – exceeds standard / 9-8 – meets standard / 7 standard barely met / 6-0 standard not met
Task completion
______ pts / Interesting, creative, followed directions.. Above what was asked. / Followed directions. Interesting, completed accurately and adequately. / Partly followed directions. / Barely followed directions. Incomplete.
_____ pts / Excellent variety of appropriate expressions overall and from the unit (beyond what was asked). No errors. / Uses a variety of appropriate expressions correctly that come from the unit and from previous knowledge. / Repetitive or lacking in appropriate expressions and/or lacking in expressions from the unit. / Little use of appropriate expressions and/or no variety. Little or no use of expressions from the unit.
_____ pts / Excellent use of grammar structures with no errors. Uses new structures from this unit. Tries more difficult structures. / Succeeds in using grammar structures with minor errors that do not interfere w/comprehension (including the grammar from this unit). / Some errors in use of grammar structures (including grammar from this unit). / Little correct use of grammar structures. Little or no use of grammar structures from this unit.
______pts / Pronunciation and delivery enhance comprehension. Delivery smooth and fluent. / Minor errors in pronunciation; still 100% comprehensible. Delivery smooth with some hesitation. / A few errors in pronunciation that interfere with comprehension. Delivery choppy. / Several errors in pronunciation that interfere with comprehension. Long pauses and/or choppy throughout delivery.

Checklist: self check in terms of travel packet

Yes/No / Point
Do you have a cover page ? / 5
Weather forecast report? / 5
Daily activity / 5
Shopping items list / 5
Sightseeing information, includes, name, site, and transportation to places, pictures / 5

Assessment Blueprint (Other Evidence)

Journal Entry: Use words/phrases learned from lessons.

Write a short paragraph in which you describe your typical daily routine.


Write a paragraph in which you describe your travel experience.

Journal rubric

CONTENT / 9-10 Excellent / 8-8.5 Good / 7-7.5 Satisfactory / 0- 6.5 Unsatisfactory
Goes beyond requirements,
many details and excellent use of vocabulary / Meets requirements, some details and good use of vocabulary / Minimally meets requirements, few details, some use of unit vocabulary / Does not meet requirements, inaccurate or inadequate vocabulary
Content score
ACCURACY / 9-10 Excellent / 8-8.5Good / 7-7.5 Satisfactory / 0-6 Unsatisfactory
Accuracy enhances communication / Inaccuracies do not impede communication / Inaccuracies sometimes impede communication / Frequent inaccuracies are a major obstacle to communication
Accuracy score
SCORE (out of 20)

Recite poem and act: Recite the poem “Chun Xia”

It is on-going assessment: students will be asked to write the journal about the daily reflection and topics, like daily routine, and travel experience.