Template Apprenticeship Agreement

Standard paragraph for completion

Optional paragraph (role specific – as required)



I am pleased to offer you an Apprenticeship, on the terms and conditions set out in:

  1. this Apprenticeship agreement;
  2. the enclosed Repayment of Apprentice Training Costs;
  3. the enclosed Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment for University Apprentices;
  4. the enclosed University Apprenticeship Guidelines; and
  5. the enclosed Apprenticeship Learner Agreement.

Please read these documents carefully.This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts/Tribunals.

This letter and the attached terms and conditions are intended to be an apprenticeship agreement and not a contract of apprenticeship. Therefore, this agreement will be a contract of employment and you will be treated at all time as an employee of the University.

Your Apprenticeshipis subject to the following conditions:

  1. provision of original documentation to establish your right to work and remain in the UK;
  2. the return of a completed medical questionnaire, and if necessary, confirmation from the University’s Occupational Health Service that you are medically fit for the post concerned (allowing for any reasonable adjustments that may be required);
  3. completion to University’s satisfaction of an initial probationary period;

for posts requiring DBS check

  1. receipt of an appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service checkwhich is acceptable to the University.

Name: °°°°°°°°°°°


During the course of your Apprenticeship you will be trained for the occupation of°°°°°°°°°°°.

The qualifying Apprenticeship Framework is detailed in the enclosed Apprenticeship Learner Agreement.

Department: °°°°°°°°°°°

Place of work: your normal place of work will be °°°°°°°°°°°.

You will also be required to attend training as outlined in your Apprenticeship Learner Agreement.

Training: You are required to follow a course of training leading to a recognised qualification(s), as part of this Apprenticeship programme. Details of your planned course of trainingare set out in theApprenticeship Learner Agreement enclosed with this contract. Failure to achieve satisfactory performance standards either at your training provider or withinyour department may result in Disciplinary procedures being implemented as set in the Handbook for University Support Staff.You shall not engage in any other occupation or business which might interfere with your training throughout the duration of your Apprenticeship programme with the University of Oxford.

Your employment as an Apprentice with the University is conditional on you attending your course of study, successfully obtaining the qualification(s), and completing your work in the workplace to the satisfaction of your department.

Start date:this Apprenticeship dates from DD/MM/YYYY. No employment with a previous employer counts towards your period of continuous employment with the University.

Completion date: it is estimated that you will complete your Apprenticeship on DD/MM/YYYY subject to earlier termination at any time in accordance with the Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment for University Apprentices

Probation period: your appointment is subject to completion to University’s satisfaction of an initial probationary period of 6 months. The University may, at its discretion, extend this period depending on your performance.

Grade and salary: this appointment is initially offered at an Apprentice grade 1.Your salary is payable at the rate of £XX,XXX a year (pro rata for part-time appointments).

Your Apprenticeship salary progressionis outlined in the enclosedApprenticeship Learner Agreement.

Your attention is specifically drawn to the Repayment of Apprentice Training Costs, attached below.

Hours of work: thisApprenticeshipisfull-time/part-time.

optional: The distribution of weekly working hours which currently applies to your post is:

{eg Monday to Friday XX am to XX pm, with XX for lunch}

The University will allow you time during your working week, as needed and agreed in advance during normal working hours, to attend college courses, off-the-job training, and any tests and examinations required to attain the formal qualification(s) related to your Apprenticeship programme.

Hours of attendance at college will be as set by your course provider and may include some evening attendance. You will not be paid by the University for hours attended at college which are outside your normal working hours.

Annual leave: the leave year runs from MM to MM each year.

Full-time staff are entitled to 38 days' paid leave in each complete leave year (inclusive of all public holidays and any locally agreed closure days), to be taken by agreement with the department. This entitlement will be prorated for part-time appointments.

Contract type: this is a fixed-term Apprenticeship. Your employment (should it be confirmed on completion of the probationary period and not terminated earlier by notice) will end on DD/MM/YYYY, which is when it is anticipated that you will complete your Apprenticeship training. This appointment carries with it no commitment to asubsequent career appointment within the University.

add this paragraph if you wish to enclose any departmental guidance or policies, such as statement of safety organisation

Departmental policies and guidance:

The following departmental policies are enclosed:


Your attention is specifically drawn to the attached Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment for University Apprentices and the policy statements as outlined in Section 5 of the Handbook for University Support Staff.

SIGNED ………………………...... (for and on behalf of the University of Oxford)

DATE………..………...... …...... NAME (please print)……………………………………..

Head of Department/Administrator

You should indicate your acceptance of this Apprenticeship and the terms and conditions that govern your employment as an Apprentice, by signing, dating and returning the attached copy agreement.


I accept this Apprenticeship on the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, together with the attached statement, and confirm that I have read and understood the policies referred to therein. I understand that in signing this acceptance I am certifying that all the information given by me in the context of my application for this post is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete. I acknowledge that if it is subsequently discovered that I have failed to disclose any significant information relating to my ability to carry out my duties and responsibilities in a satisfactory manner, or that I have provided false or misleading information about my qualifications, my previous experience, or any other matter relevant to my Apprenticeship, this may lead to disciplinary action and/or termination of my Apprenticeship. I understand that it is my responsibility to advise the University immediately of any change to my circumstances which may affect my Apprenticeship.

SIGNED …………………...... …….

DATE………..………...... …. NAME (please print)………………………………

SIGNED …………………...... …….

Apprentice’s Parent or Legal Guardian[1]

DATE………..………...... …. NAME (please print)………………………………


  1. Copy of this Apprenticeship Agreement
  2. Information about Repayment of Apprentice Training Costs
  3. Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment for University Apprentices
  4. Information about enrolment into the University Pension scheme
  5. University Apprenticeship Guidelines
  6. Apprenticeship Learner Agreement
  7. Job description
  8. if appropriate [list departmental policies]

Repayment of Apprentice Training Costs

1.1As an integral part of your employment as an Apprentice with the University of Oxford Apprenticeship Scheme you will be required to undertake a course of study leading to relevant qualifications as set out in your Apprenticeship Learner Agreement. The University will pay or contribute to the payment for you to attend these training courses.

In consideration of this, you agree that if your employment terminates after the University has incurred liability for the cost of you doing so you will be liable to repay some or all of the fees, expenses and other costs (the Costs) associated with such training courses in accordance with clause 1.2.

1.2 Except in the circumstances set out in clause 1.3, if you leave the employment with the University before you start or complete your Apprenticeship programme, you shall repay the University the Costsalready incurred. The repayment will be calculated on a sliding scale.

Where employment ceases before you attend the training course but the University has already incurred liability for the Costs, 100% of the Costs or such proportion of the Costs that the University cannot recover from the course provider shall be repaid.

1.3 You shall not be required to repay any of the Costs under this clause if:

a)the University terminates your employment, except where it was entitled to

and did terminate your employment summarily due to gross misconduct; or

b)you terminate your employment in response to a fundamental breach by the

University; or

c)taking account of mitigating circumstances, at its discretion the

department agrees to meet the Costs.

1.4You agree to the University deducting the sums under this clause from your final salary or any outstanding payments due to you.

1.5You agree that if the University waives your obligation to repay the Costs under this clause, you will be solely responsible for any income or other tax payable as a result of the waiver and you shall indemnify the University on a continuing basis in relation to any such tax.

Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment for University Apprentices

Proof of right to work

1. At all times your employment is subject to the provision of original documentation to establish your right to work and remain in the UK, which the University requires in order to comply with its duties under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. It will remain your responsibility to ensure that you are able to produce such documentation as and when requested from you.

Terms of employment

2.1 Your employment is at all times subject to the statutes of the University, as amended from time to time, and to such regulations, rules, policies, and agreements as may be made under the authority of those statutes to govern the employment of staff in your category. Details of certain of these agreements are specified in the Handbook for University Support Staff, which is published and regularly updated on the University’s website at In the case of any conflict between the online version and any printed version, the online version will prevail. The statutes, and relevant regulations, rules, policies, and agreements, applying to your Apprenticeship will be on the University website and may also be consulted on application to the departmental administrator, or equivalent.

2.2 The University undertakes to ensure that any future change in the terms of employment will be recorded, be notified as appropriate, and be available for reference, within one month of the change.

2.3 No undertaking to confirm, renew or extend your Apprenticeship will be valid unless notified to you in writing with the specific approval of the appropriate authority of the University so authorised by the relevant Statutes and Regulations.

2.4 There are no collective agreements that directly affect your employment.

Duties and place of work

3. You are employed by the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford. You will be responsible for the performance of your duties to the Head of Department or to such other member of staff as may be authorised by that person. The person or officer to whom you are responsiblemay specify your normal place of work within any University occupied premises or associated facilities. Your normal place of work until further notice and following appropriate consultation with you is detailed in your contract. You may be required to undertake travel on University business away from your normal place of work and/or to work away from Oxford. Appropriate and approved expenses will be paid for such travel and work. You will not be required to work outside the UK for more than one month during the term of your employment.

Probationary period

4. If your appointment is subject to completion to University’s satisfaction of an initial probationary period, this will be detailed in your contract.

Notice period

5.1 During any probation period detailed in your contract, your Apprenticeshipmay be terminated by one week’s notice on either side.The length of notice the University undertakes to give to terminate your employment (should it be confirmed on completion of the probationary period) is one month, increasing in line with statutory provision as set down in the Staff Handbook. The length of notice you are required to give to terminate your employment, except as provided for during the probationary period, is one month.

5.2 No undertaking to confirm, renew or extend your Apprenticeshipwill be valid unless notified to you in writing with the specific approval of the appropriate authority of the University so authorised by the relevant Statutes and Regulations.


6.1 Your remuneration is payable at monthly intervals in arrears by credit transfer.

6.2 The salary quoted in your agreement is subject to any general increases applied to all salaries of that grade.

6.3 The University is legally entitled to make deductions from your pay to recover overpaid wages or expenses or apprentice training costs. If this occurs, you will be consulted over the amount to be recovered and the timescales for any repayment before action is taken.

Hours of work

7.1 Normal full-time hours of work for support staff are a total of 36.5 hours per week, the actual distribution of those hours to be specified from time to time by the departmental administrator according to operational requirements.

7.2 Should overtime require to be worked the compensatory arrangements that will apply are detailed in the Handbook for University Support Staff.You will not be paid by the University for hours attended at college or for studies, which are outside your normal working hours unless agreed beforehand.

Annual leave

8.1 Normal entitlement to paid annual leave for full-time support staff is 38 days per annum, inclusive of eight bank holidays and any locally agreed fixed closure days. Holidays for part-time staff are calculated on a pro-rata basis.

8.2 Information about long service leave entitlement is detailed in the Handbook for University Support staff.

8.3 If you leave the employment of the University any untaken holiday or lieu time should normally be taken prior to your last day of employment. It will be at the head of department’s discretion to require that any period of outstanding leave is taken during the notice period. Exceptionally, if you have not taken your full holiday entitlement at the time you leave, you will be paid accrued holiday pay calculated in proportion to the period already worked during the leave year less the value of any days' holiday already taken – bank holidays being ignored both in terms of entitlement and days of holiday taken. If you have taken more than your full holiday entitlement at the time you leave, calculated in proportion to the period already worked during the leave year, then the University may deduct an appropriate sum from your final payment, or alternatively, by mutual agreement, may arrange for you to work some or all of these additional days without further pay at a later date.

Sick pay

9.1 Your entitlement to payment, and the conditions that are applicable, in the event of incapacity for work due to sickness or injury, are explained in the relevant section of the Handbook for University Support Staff in force at that time.

9.2 Please note that in the event of sickness absence occurring as the result of an accident or injury caused by a third party, and when damages are recoverable from the third party, the University is entitled to ask you to refund the cost of your sick pay insofar as it is covered by any damages that you receive for loss of earnings. Further details are specified in the Staff Handbook.


10.1 Subject to the University’s Statement of Pensions Policy and to the applicable pension scheme rules, both of which may be amended from time to time, you will be deemed to be in membership of the appropriate pension scheme[2]until such time as you give notice in writing that you wish to exercise your right not to be a member of the scheme.

10.2 If you contribute to theUniversity of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS) you will also be automatically enrolled in the University’s Salary Exchange scheme for pension contributions from three months after you joined the pension scheme, unless you give notice in writing to the Payroll Manager in the Finance Division that you elect not to take advantage of this facility, at least one month before automatic enrolment.

10.3 You may elect to retire in accordance with the rules of the applicable pension scheme, as may be amended from time to time.

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

11.1 Details of the procedures that apply within the University for dealing with disciplinary matters may be seen in the Handbook for University Support Staff, and StatuteXIV of the University’s Statutes and Regulations.

11.2 Dual appointments: should you hold more than one appointment with the University, the outcome of any action taken by the University under its disciplinary or capability procedures (including but not limited to warnings, dismissal or removal from office) may apply equally to both/all posts that you hold (following a review of the situation, and subject to the circumstances of the misconduct or capability).

11.3Should you have a grievance relating to your employment, you should refer at first instance to the relevant section of the Handbook for University Support Staff in force at that time; should you wish to appeal against disciplinary action you should refer to the relevant section of the Handbook for University Support Staff in force at that time.

Intellectual property

12.1 Incorporated by reference into your contract of employment are the policy on Intellectual Property, and the procedures for implementing that policy, which are promulgated from time to time by the University in its statutes and regulations. Details of the current policy and procedures are available at

12.2 You will sign any necessary documents in order to give effect to the claims made by the University in its Statutes on intellectual property; and you will waive any rights in respect of the subject-matter of the claim which may be conferred on you by Chapter IV of Part 1 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.