Tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms. Spawned from powerful thunderstorms, tornadoes can cause fatalities and devastate a neighborhood in seconds. A tornado appears as a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 miles per hour. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide and 50 miles long. Every state is at some risk from this hazard. Some tornadoes are clearly visible, while rain or nearby low-hanging clouds obscure others. Occasionally, tornadoes develop so rapidly that little, if any, advance warning is possible. Before a tornado hits, the wind may die down and the air may become very still. A cloud of debris can mark the location of a tornado even if a funnel is not visible. Tornadoes generally occur near the trailing edge of a thunderstorm. It is not uncommon to see clear, sunlit skies behind a tornado.

Scroll down to find guidance for meeting resident needs when a Long Term Care Facility is in the path of a tornado.

Template 17A – Tornado Watch (conditions are favorable)

Template 17B – Tornado Warning (tornado has been cited in immediate area)

The above information available at the US Department of Homeland Security at:

Tornado Watch 17A

Defined: A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from a cumuliform cloud, such as a thunderstorm, to the ground. A watch indicates that conditions are favorable for a tornado to develop. According to the Kentucky Climate Center, the month of April produces an average of one quarter of all Kentucky tornado activity.

Tornadoes may appear transparent until dust and debris are picked up or a cloud forms within the funnel. The average tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but tornadoes can move in any direction and suddenly change direction. The average forward speed is 30 mph but may vary from nearly stationary to 70 mph. The strongest tornadoes have rotating winds of over 200 mph. Waterspouts are tornadoes that form over warm water. Water spouts can move onshore and cause damage to coastal areas.

Immediate Action:When conditions are warm, humid, and windy, or skies are threatening, monitor for severe weather watches and warnings by listening to NOAA Weather Radio, logging onto VVV or tuning to a trusted television or radio station.

  1. A watch indicates that tornadoes may potentially develop as reported by the National Weather Service or through other reports (television, radio, community warning sirens, etc.).
  2. This procedure should work in tandem with the Take Cover procedure during an emergency situation that requires the relocation of residents, staff, and visitors to a Safe Refuge.
  3. Announce that a tornadowatch has been issued for this area effective until ______(time watch ends). A tornadowatch means that current weather conditions may produce a tornado. Close draperies and blinds throughout the facility and await further instructions. Continue with regular activities.
  4. Repeat the above message after five (5) minutes and then hourly until the watch has terminated.

Common Staff Assignments:

  1. Notify Administrator and Director of Nursing ______(facility to fill in appropriate titles/positions) if not on the premises. Activate the Recall Roster if needed.
  2. Facility management staff should report to the Incident Command Post for instruction to be prepared for Take Cover Procedures.
  3. Activate the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage the incident. The most qualified staff member on duty at the time will assume the Incident Commander position.
  4. Monitor weather alert radio and television for changing conditions.
  5. Close all window drapes and blinds.
  6. Distribute flashlights, towels, and blankets to staff and residents.
  7. Ensure first aid and medical supplies are secured and taken to central area for refuge.
  8. Secure all outside furniture, trash cans, etc.
  9. Once the Tornado Watch has been cancelled and the Incident Commander has determined the dangerous situation has passed communicate, “All Clear, Repeat, All Clear.”
  10. Account for all staff members and residents.

Specific Staff Assignments:

  1. Remain calm to not upset the residents.
  2. Be prepared to relocate residents to safe refuge, if necessary.

Preparing Ahead/Training:

  1. Select and train appropriate staff to preform tornado safety drills.
  2. Facility must track and record staff training including date, trainer name, roster of attendees, focus of training.
  3. Participate in community exercises and drills that focus on tornado preparedness activities.
  4. Participate in facility exercises that focus on tornado preparedness activities.
  5. Designate Areas of Refuge within facility.

See Also: Boil water advisory, Evacuation, Tornado Warning

Tornado Warning 17B

Defined: A warning indicates that a tornado has been sighted in the immediate area as reported by the National Weather Service or through other reports (television, radio, community warning sirens, etc.).

Immediate Action:

  1. This procedure works in tandem with the Take Cover Procedure during an emergency situation that requires the relocation of residents, staff, and visitors to a safe Area of Refuge.
  2. A tornado warning has been issued for our area. Immediately implement the Take Cover Procedure. Repeating—“a tornado warning has been issued for our area. Immediately implement the Take Cover Procedure.”
  3. Repeat the above message after five (5) minutes and then hourly until the warning has terminated.

General Staff Assignments:

  1. Notify the Administrator and Director of Nursing ______(facility to fill in appropriate titles/positions) if not on the premises. Activate the Recall Roster if needed.
  2. Activate the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage the incident. The most qualified staff member on duty at the time will assume the Incident Commander position.
  3. Upon hearing this announcement, all personnel should refer to the Take Cover Procedure and follow it in its entirety to help ensure the safety of the residents, visitors, and themselves.
  4. Once the Tornado warning is over and the Incident Commander has determined the dangerous situation has passed, “All Clear, Repeat, All Clear” should be communicated to signal the Take Cover situation has ended.
  5. Upon issuance of the All Clear announcement, escort residents to their rooms.
  6. Account for all staff members and residents.

Specific Staff Assignments:

  1. Remain calm to not upset the residents.
  2. Be prepared to relocate residents to safe refuge, if necessary.

Preparing Ahead/Training:

  1. Select and train appropriate staff to preform tornado safety drills.
  2. Facility must track and record staff training including date, trainer name, roster of attendees, focus of training.
  3. Participate in community exercises and drills that focus on tornado preparedness activities.
  4. Participate in facility exercises that focus on tornado preparedness activities.
  5. Designate Areas of Refuge within facility.

See also: Boil water advisory, Evacuation, Tornado Watch