Temecula, CA92592
January 2015
MISSION STATEMENT: The objective of the Temecula Valley In-Line HockeyAssociation is to teach the youth of the community the fundamentals of in-line hockey, the ideals ofgoodsportsmanship as well as team work, commitment andrespect.
The organization shall be known as the Temecula Valley Inline Hockey Association, hereinafter referred to asTVIHA.
SECTION1:TheobjectiveoftheTemeculaValleyHockeyAssociationistoteachtheyouthof the community the fundamentals of inline hockey, the ideals of good sportsmanship as wellas team work, commitment andrespect.
SECTION2: To achieve this objective, TVIHA provides three supervised programs under the
rules and regulation of AAU (USARS) and the current TVIHA rulebook(s). The TVIHA
rulebook(s) is meant to be an amendment to the AAU (USARS) rulebook and where conflict exists between the two documents, the TVIHA rulebook(s) shall take precedence.”
Recreation League:
All members of the Board of Directors, Chairpersons and members shall remember the winning of the game is secondary and that fundamentals, hockey skills and character development are of prime importance in the recreational league of TVIHA.
School League:
All members of the Board of Directors, Chairpersons and members shall remember that in the school league season, TVIHA is to provide a structured, competition level hockey program for Temecula Valley schools and beyond: one that embraces the ideals of honor, respect, good sportsmanship, teamwork, and commitment to excellence to attain victory with honor.
The school league will provide the opportunity for in-line hockey players to represent their school and their community in an organized, competitive league as well as being able to continue playing in-line hockey throughout their high school career.
Tournament Division:
All members of the Board of Directors, Chairpersons and members shall remember that in the Tournament Division, TVIHA is to provide a structured, competition level hockey program for Temecula Valley Inline Hockey Association Members. The purpose of the Tournament Program is to offer a more competitive hockey experience, wherein youth have fun, learn more about the game, test themselves in friendly competition, and grow through teamwork and sportsmanship. The TVIHA Tournament teams will represent TVIHA in the “tournament world” and teams will be made up of the most skilled players.
SECTION 3: According to Section 501-©-(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code,TVIHA shall operate exclusively as a private nonprofit public benefit organization, providingasupervised program of recreational and competitive roller hockey games. No part of the netearnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part oftheactivities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influencelegislation and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf ofany candidate for publicoffice.
SECTION 1: Any TVIHA coach, TVIHA adult referee, and any parent or guardian of aplayer enrolled in TVIHA during the current TVIHA season, or when between season, enrolled inthemost recently completed season is a member. The secretary shall maintain the rollof membership to qualifying voting member. Only members in good standing are eligible to voteatthe annual meeting, special meetings or regularmeetings.
SECTION 2: Individuals who do not have a child playing in TVIHA’s leagues, orindividuals who do not qualify under Section 1, may apply to become a member. Application need only beasimple written request to the secretary, and will be ratified with a majority vote of the quorumof the Board ofDirectors.
SECTION 3: All Board of Directors, chairpersons, committee members, coaches and anyotherelected or appointed officials must be members in goodstanding.
SECTION 4: Members shall not be required to be affiliate with another organization or grouptoqualify as members of TVIHA. Players, coaches, and referees will be required to be membersof AAU sports. Adult TVIHA coaches and referees must complete a successful backgroundcheck.
SECTION 5: Suspension or Termination: Resignation or action of the Board of DirectorswillterminateMembership.
(a).The Board of Directors, by majority vote of a quorum, shall have the authoritytodiscipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any Member or playerwhen
the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interestsof TVIHA.
(b).Each season, the TVIHA Board of Directors will establish aDisciplinary Committee that will review allviolations.
(c).The Member or player involved shall be notified of the specific nature ofthecharges and the Board of Director’s and/or Disciplinary Committee’sproposed actions within 7 days of the incident. The Member or player will have 7days
after being notified to request in writing, a hearing the proposed actions. If after7 days a request has not been received, The Board of Directors proposedaction shall befinal.
SECTION 1: Dues: There shall be no dues required for TVIHAMembership.
SECTION 2: Participation Fees: A reasonable participation fee will be assessed as a parentor player’s obligation to assure the operational continuity of TVIHA. The Board of Directorsshalldetermine at the start of each season, a per-player fee based on the costs of operations, andratify such by a majority vote of a quorum. At no time shall financial hardship prevent participationin TVIHA. Any Member can request for a waiver of league fees for any player to the Boardof Directors.
SECTION 1: Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the Members of TVIHA shall beheldby the 15th of January each year, for the purpose of electing new Members to the Boardof Directors, receiving reports and for the transaction of leaguebusiness.
SECTION 2: Notice of Meeting: Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directorsshallbe publicly posted on TVIHA’s website and e-mailed to as many Members as possible atleastten (10) days before themeeting.
SECTION 3: Regular Meetings: Regular Meeting shall be held on a monthly basis oras determined by the Board of Directors to discuss the normal operations of TVIHA.Notification of meetings will be specified prior to adjournment of the previous meeting, and shall bepublicly posted on TVIHA’s website. No new business other than that specified in the agenda ofthe meeting shall betransacted.
SECTION 4: Special Meetings: The Board of Directors may call a Special Meeting oftheMembers at their discretion. Upon the written request of ten (10) Members, the Presidentshallcall a Special Meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that as specifiedinthe notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any Special Meeting of the Members.TheSecretary shall give notice of the meeting to the Board of Directors and each Chairperson,by email or voicemail at least twenty-four (24) hours preceding the meeting, such noticeshallinclude the purpose of themeeting.
SECTION 5: Quorum: For the purpose of conducting general business, there shall beno quorum. For the purpose of Board of Directors decisions, the presence of half (1/2) plus one(1) of the Board of Directors shall be required to constitute aquorum.
If a vote is called for by a Member, Chairperson, or the Board of Directors, a simple majorityof Board of Directors must be present. If deemed so, the vote shall be fairlyheld.
SECTION 6: Voting: Only Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at anymeeting of the General Membership of TVIHA on decisions that do not expressly require the vote to the Board of Directors.Each Member shall have only one (1)vote.
SECTION 7: Absentee Ballot: No absentee ballats shall beaccepted.
SECTION 8: Rules of Order: The latest version of “Roberts Rules of Order” shall governthe
proceedings of all meetings, except where it conflicts with the Constitution or Bylaws ofTVIHA.
SECTION 1: Board of Directors and Chairpersons: The management of the propertyand affairs of TVIHA shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directorsshallcomprise of five (5) elected positions including President, Vice President, Secretary,Treasurer and Player Agent. Along with the Board of Directors, there shall be elected Chairpersonswhichcan be comprised of, but are not limited to Fundraising, Head of Officials, RinkMaintenance, Scheduling and Scorekeeping, Webmaster, Team Parent Coordinator, Snack Shack, Tournament Division Chairperson, High School Division Chairperson, and Middle School Division Chairperson.
TheBoard of Directors and Chairpersons take office immediately upon their election at theAnnualMeeting and continue in office until their successors have been duly elected andqualified.
In order to be eligible for the Board of Directors or Chairperson, all candidates must bemembers in goodstanding.
SECTION 2: Required Members: According to the City of Temecula requirements, atleast80% of the Board of Directors must be residents of the city of Temecula. TheElection Committee shall ensure that the ballot complies withthis.
SECTION 3: Annual Election and Term of Office. At each Annual Meeting theMembership shall elect the Board of Directors, i.e. the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurerand Player Agent by a majority vote of the Members present. Upon the completion of thatelection and at the same Annual Meeting, the Membership shall nominate individuals to theappropriateChairperson positions and elect said positions by a majority vote of the Memberspresent.
All terms of office for the Board of Directors and Chairpersons is one (1)year.
SECTION 4: Vacancies: If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors or Chairpersons,by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Boardof Directors and Chairpersons at any Regular Meeting or at any Special Meeting called forthatpurpose.
Upon the expiration of the term of office or in the case of resignation or termination,each Member shall turn over to the league, without delay, all records, books and othermaterialspertaining to the position and shall return to the league, without delay, all funds, equipmentandrecords belonging to theleague.
SECTION 5: Duties and Powers: The Board of Directors shall have the power to appointsuch standing committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them astheBoard of Directors deem advisable and which may properly delegate. The Board ofDirectors may adopt such rules and regulations of the conduct of its meetings and the managementof TVIHA as it may deem proper. The Board of Directors, by a majority vote of a quorum,havethe power at any Regular Meeting or Special Meeting to discipline, suspend or removeany Board of Director, Chairperson, Committee Member or Member of TVIHA in accordancewiththe procedure set forth in Article III, Section5.
The Membership shall receive at the Annual Meeting of the Members of TVIHA areportverified by the President and Treasurer, or by a majority of the Board of Directors, showingthewhole amount of real and personal property owned by TVIHA, where located, and whereand how invested, the amount and nature of the property acquired during the yearimmediately preceding the date of the report and the manner of the acquisition; the amountapplied, appropriated or expended during the year immediately preceding such date and thepurposes,objects or persons to or for which such applications, appropriations or expenditures havebeen made; and the names and places of residence of the persons who have been admittedtoMembership in TVIHA during the such year, which report(s) shall be filed with the recordsof the Association and an abstract thereof entered in the minutes of the proceedings of theAnnualMeeting.
SECTION 1: Election Committee: No later than the first Regular Meeting in November,theBoard of Directors shall appoint, by a majority vote of a quorum, an Election Committee ofthree Members, two (2) of which cannot currently be serving on the Board of Directors, fortheupcoming Annual Election. The Election Committee shall oversee and coordinate all aspectsofthe Annual Election and be responsible to report to the Board of Directors that all proceduresand practices are properlyfollowed.
SECTION 2: Other Committees: The Board of Directors may create and administerother committees as it may deem necessary on a season by season basis, such as theDisciplinary Committee.
SECTION 1: Officers: The officers of TVIHA shall consist of a President, a Vice President,aSecretary, a Treasurer and a PlayerAgent.
SECTION 2: President: The Presidentshall:
(a)Conduct the affairs of TVIHA and execute the policies established by the Boardof Directors andChairpersons.
(b)Present a report of the condition of the TVIHA at the AnnualMeeting.
(c)Communicate to the Board of Directors and Chairpersons, such matter asdeemedappropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfareof TVIHA.
(d)Be responsible for the conduct of TVIHA in strict conformance to thepolicies,principles, Rules and Regulations of theAssociation.
(e)Bring all complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to TVIHA to theBoard of Directors and/or Chairpersons. The Board of Directors shall determine iffurther action isrequired.
(f)With the treasurer, prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directorsand be responsible for the proper executive thereof. The budget may be amendedfromtime to time by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of aquorum.
(g)With the assistance of the Player Agent and Secretary, examine the applicationand support proof of age documents of every player candidate and certify to residenceand age eligibility before the player may be accepted for assessments and theteamplacement.
SECTION 3: Vice-president: In case of the absence or disability of the President, andprovidedhe/she is authorized by the President or Board of Directors so to act, the Vice-Presidentshallperform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have the powers of that office,and shall have such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned by the Board ofDirectors, Chairpersons or by thePresident.
SECTION 4: Secretary: The Secretaryshall:
(a)Be responsible for recording the activities of TVIHA and maintain appropriatefiles,mailing lists and necessaryrecords.
(b)Perform such duties as herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other dutiesas customarily may be assigned by Board of Directors and Chairperson incident totheoffice ofSecretary.
(c)Maintain a list of all Members, Board of Directors, Chairpersons andCommitteeMembers and give notice of all meetings of TVIHA to the Board ofDirectors, Chairpersons and/or CommitteeMembers.
(d)Keep the minutes of the Annual Meetings of the Members, Regular Meetings,and Special Meetings and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for thatpurpose. Meeting Minutes shall be posted on the TVIHA website after Board ofDirectorreview, within 7 days of the Meeting and shall be labeled “Pending Approval”until the next Regular Meeting when final approval is votedupon.
(e)Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated inconnection with said Meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votesand resolutions not otherwisecommitted.
(f)Notify Members, Board of Directors, Chairpersons and Committee Members oftheirelection orappointment.
SECTION 5: Treasurer: The TreasurerShall:
(a)Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as arecustomarily incident to the office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directorsor Chairpersons.
(b)Receive all monies and securities, and deposit within seven (7) days in adepository approved by the Board ofDirectors.
(c)Keep detailed and itemized records for the receipt and disbursement of all moniesand securities of TVIHA, disburse all payments from allotted funds and drawapproved checks thereof in agreement with policies established in advance of such actionsby the Board ofDirectors.
(d)Prepare the annual budget, with the President, for submission to the Boardof Directors and Chairpersons at the AnnualMeeting.
(e)Prepare an annual financial report, for submission to the Membership and Boardof Directors at the AnnualMeeting.
(f)Prepare and submit all records to a Certified Public Accountant as approved bytheBoard ofDirectors.
SECTION 6: Player Agent: The Player Agentshall:
(a)Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date recordthereof.
(b)Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the PresidentandRegistration Coordinator in checking residency and ageeligibility.
(c)Conduct the player assessments and draft, and all other player transactionsor selectionmeetings. Notify the President and sanctioning body of any subsequent player replacementsor trades.
(d)Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to the sanctioning body,teamrosters, including playersclaimed.
SECTION 7: Chairperson: Each Chairperson shall be responsible for one of thefollowing positions, as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, on a year-to-year basis.Positionsinclude, but are not limited to the following and their duties shall include, but are not limitedto:
(a)Fundraising: Research and report to the Board of Directors a suggested fundraiser ofeach season. Coordinate the distribution, collection and implementation of such fundraiserwiththe Team Parent Coordinator, team parents and/or coaches.
(b)Head of Officials: Insure that all the rules and regulations associated directly with thegameplay are being followed. Coordinate training and clinics for officials. Schedule officialsfor all games. Advise the Board of Directors on the hiring and terminating of officials.Submitpayroll records to theTreasurer.
(c)Rink Maintenance: Be responsible for the upkeep and repair, or coordination thereof, ofallrinks used for TVIHA events. Organize and track all items stored in the TVIHAbins. Coordinate the clean-up of rinks after inclementweather.
(d)Scheduling and Scorekeeping: Create the practice schedule and game schedule foreach division and season. Coordinate and schedule make up games with the coaches andofficials.Create score sheets for each game. Collect score sheets and forward them to thewebmaster forinput.