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Thank you so much for joining us tonight! It has never been a better time to Discover Arbonne. I am (your name and title) and I am so excited to be here with you.

Tonight, I am going to:

- Tell you a little about Arbonne and what makes us different

- We’ll talk about our top 2 product lines

- At the end, I’ll show you how to shop at a discount and join our amazing team!

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Now I want to share a little about me: (spend 2 minutes MAX here)

- A little about your family/life.

- How you were introduced to Arbonne.

- Hesitations you had about the products/business and how you overcame them.

- Why I am doing this business.

- What this business is doing/will do for my family and my future goals.

(Note: You can actually write your story here)

“I am building a team and I am looking for people who are interested in sharing this information to help change their life and the lives of others. Watch me tonight, and just let me know at the end if you are curious to find out more information!”

Slide 3:

Now a little about the Arbonne Story:

-Arbonne is a botanically based beauty, health and wellness company with a 36-year history. So many companies come and go, but we have a proven track record and we are here to stay! In fact, we have been having double digit growth year after year which is rare in business.

-We have cutting-edge research and development. We were the first company in the US to teach consumers that mineral oil is dangerous for the skin. We came out with a vegan, pea protein shake before Dr. Oz said pea protein is the best kind of protein you can put in your body. We do it first, and we do it better.

-I love the culture of our company! We help each other succeed. You are in business FOR yourself, but not by yourself. Many of the leaders in the field are determined to make Arbonne the #1 network marketing company that gives back. This company encourages you and builds you up and we have a ton of fun in the process!

-Our company is global! We are in the US, Australia, Canada, UK, Poland, New Zealand, and we will be entering Taiwan this year too.

-Our compensation plan so generous! Could you use an extra $500 a month? $5,000? $50,000? More? There is no ceiling on what you can earn in this business!

-One thing I LOVE about this business is that I can will it to my family. Think about it. What other job can you have where if you die, your salary continues to come to your family? This is a great opportunity for you to leave a legacy for your family.

-We have an awesome Home Office Team! They take care of processing all the orders, shipping them to us, they keep track of what our team is doing, they figure out our checks – It allows you to have a business without having to worry about all the administrative work! You just have to share the products with others!

-And we have 2 awesome distribution centers, so you don’t have to deliver orders to anyone. Your Clients/Consultants place their orders online and Arbonne takes care of the rest!

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Let’s talk about the Arbonne Product Advantage:

-Our products are really unique, and there is nothing on the market that can compare to Arbonne!

-Our products are inspired by nature – we used plant-based formulations, and we blend the best of science and nature.

-Our products are Pure, Safe and Beneficial – we use the highest quality ingredients from around the globe!

-pH-correct and hypo-allergenic –we have products that everyone can use – from babies all the way up to aging skin.

-We are so proud that our products are Vegan certified, Gluten free, Kosher, and free of GMOs!

-They are dermatologist tested and clinically proven. Our clinical trials produce amazing results!

-Our products are built on Swiss Heritage, as they were first formulated in Switzerland, and we use European standards, which are much stricter than the standards in the US. For example, Europe has banned about 1,300 ingredients from skin care and cosmetics. The US has only banned 13. Even though it’s harder, we follow Europe’s standards.

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Here are a few more things that gives us an advantage; that makes us different: We are formulated without:


-Petrolatum (which is in most moisturizers on the market)

-Animal products or by-products (fat rendering)

-Formaldehyde-donating preservatives

-Chemical dyes and fragrances

-Artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors

-Parabens ….and so many more that I can’t even pronouce 

People are looking for our products, and not very many companies can make these claims!

Slide 6:

-We have a wide range of consumable products!

-They are prestige products with targeted results!

-We have skin care, nutrition, sun products, makeup, bath and body products, hair products and baby products….and more.

-What is great is that most of these are products that you and your friends are already using. It’s already in your budget to buy shampoo, to buy mascara, to buy eye cream, to buy protein shakes, etc. So all I am here to do is to educate you on the benefits of using better products that both good for you and do what they say they will do, and then teach you how to shop at a discount. I personally use 20 – 30 of these products on a daily basis, run out of them and need to reorder them.

-Our 2 most popular lines are the RE9 Anti-Aging Skin Care and the Nutrition Products, so those are the two lines we will be focusing on tonight!

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-The skin is the largest organ in the body, and yet the most neglected. It is a living, breathing organ. Oxygen needs to be able to come through our pores, and toxins are also released through our skin. What we put ON our skin gets absorbed into the blood stream within seconds – think about pain patches, estrogen patches, and nicotine patches.

-This is our top selling skin care line – the RE9 Anti-aging. It’s unisex, although we do have our men’s line as well. It is designed to PREVENT and REPAIR problems such as sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. It’s a 5 step line with a Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Eye Crème and Moisturizers for Day and Night that is designed to work together for maximum benefits and RESULTS to your skin. YOU WILL SEE a difference.

-In fact, our clinical trial results outperform the #1 Department Store brand and the #1 MLM brand.

-The products are really easy to use. Just a pea size amount or one pump is all you need, because they are very concentrated. I also love the fact that it only takes me about a couple of minutes at night and a couple of minutes in the morning to use these products! The system will last about 4-6 months, which is longer than most skin care lines last.

***If you want to focus more on the skin care, you can go into each step of the RE9 in detail at this point – or Skip to Slide 8***

RE9 Advanced Smoothing Facial Cleanser

(Hold up the RE9 Advanced Smoothing Facial Cleanser - do not pass around)

-Cleans and hydrates without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Remember, it’s not good for your skin to feel “squeaky-clean” because that means you removed that acid mantle that will fight off bacteria! This product is great! It even removes eye makeup and lipstick!!

-It is really important to wash your face, especially at night, because that is when our skin cells regenerate. Studies have shown that every night you go to bed without washing your face, your skin ages 7 days. The beauty of the RE9 products is that they prevent and REVERSE the signs of aging. So if your skin is 95 today because you haven’t washed it in a long time (haha), it can actually look younger with consistent use of our products.

-Okay, now everyone pick an Arbonne hand to try these products! I will pass these products around as I talk about them, and you can use them on your hand.

(Do not pass it around until after you have talked about the product)

RE9 Regenerating Toner

-Packed with nutrients to visibly firm and tone the skin, minimize your pores, correct your PH.

-This is like my 5-second spa moment! It feels amazing when your spray it on your face.

-Hold about 6-8 inches from your face and spray directly on it then just let it dry. No need to rub it in and no more cotton balls.

RE9 Intensive Renewal Serum

-The purpose of the Serum is to increase cell turnover rate. It visibly lifts and firms the skin, and it helps reduce age spots, sunspots and acne scarring.

-As we age that turnover slows down, and that’s when we lose that youthful glow to our skin. The serum gives us that glow back by sloughing off the dead skin cells.

RE9 Eye Creme

-It supports collagen around the eye area, so it reduces puffiness, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles.

-This moisturizes, protects and repairs the delicate tissue around the eyes. You need something that is specifically formulated for the eye area.

(Show them how to use ring finger to apply it).

Let’s talk about Moisturizers…

-When it comes to moisturizing, we have a Day Cream and a Night Cream. Our skin is in two totally different environments when we are out and about and when we are asleep at night. When we are out and about, we need protection. When we are asleep at night, we need repair and nourishment. Let’s talk about the moisturizers.

RE9 Restorative Day Crème SPF 20

-The Day Cream is our PROTECTOR. If you ran your finger over the windshield of your car, how dirty would your finger be? We expose our skin to the sun, wind and pollutants during the day, and we need something to protect it from those! This gives us that protection without clogging our pores, because we don’t use mineral oil like most companies do.

-It supports collagen and protects and restores your skin’s youthful appearance.

-It also hydrates and nourishes while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

RE9 Night Repair Creme

-This step is so important! The night cream is our CORRECTOR. The night cream is FOOD for the skin. At night, when our metabolism slows down, our skin cells need to recover. If they have no food, they have nothing to work with and that causes the skin to age!

-The ultra-hydrating blend of botanicals and concentrated Vitamin C supports collagen and helps repair skin to restore a youthful appearance.

-It repairs all the damage that we have done to our skin throughout the day and encourages cell recovery while we sleep.

Genius Nightly Resurfacing Pads

-All the products are designed to work synergistically together and when you get the set, not only do you save 40%, but it also comes with the Genius Nightly Resurfacing Pads.

-The Genius Pads are a cutting edge product that is in high demand and Arbonne is the first to introduce this type of product in a plant-based, non-chemical form for of Retin-A (we call it a retinoid). It’s a fountain of youth in a bottle called GENIUS because it is so smart! It will save you a trip to the dermatologist or plastic surgeon and is comparable to a chemical peel, microdermabrasion or Retin-A type product without the harshness on your skin or the down time. It is for men and women ages 12 and older. It’s like a magic eraser for ALL pesky skin issues…like acne, dark spots, wrinkles, dull, aged skin. It supercharges the results of the RE9 Advanced!

RE9 Advanced Lifting and Contouring Eye and Day Crème

-We also have our RE9 Advanced Lifting and Contouring Eye and Day Cream that can be substituted in place of the regular RE9 advanced in a separate Special Value Pack.

-Powerful and hydrating to achieve a more lifted and contoured look. Helps facial contours look tighter, firmer and more defined (reduces crepey skin). Improves the appearance of elasticity, crow’s feet, fine lines and wrinkles.

Slide 8:

Now that we’ve covered our external health, let’s talk about our health on the inside! Luckily, Arbonne makes it easy for us to be healthy without sacrificing convenience. So, let’s talk about the 30 Days to Healthy Living plan that focuses on Clean Eating and Detoxing.

What to expect:

-Our hope is that this becomes a lifestyle change of health and wellness for you and your family. Knowledge is Power! When you know better, you will do better.

-This is NOT a fad diet, or a rapid weight loss program. Common thinking is if you lose weight you will get healthy, but in reality, if you get healthy, the weight takes care of itself.

-The detox will reveal foods that are sabotaging your health, we will reprogram your body to efficiently remove toxins, reset your metabolism, reduce food cravings and renew your skin!

-There are no “points” or counting calories, fat grams etc.

-Light exercise is suggested but not required, you CAN NOT out exercise a bad diet.

-We will provide daily support through your personal coach, and a private Facebook Support Group, accountability, encouragement, education, weekly meal plans, shopping lists and so much more!

-And we will teach you what to do after the 30 days to maintain your results and continue your healthy lifestyle.

Slide 9:

So, do you need to detox?

-A toxin is anything your body cannot use as energy.

-Toxins can come from your food, environment, skincare, haircare, etc. Virtually anything you put in your body, if it is not helping your body, it is harming it.

Here are a few physical signs of toxicity and imbalance in the body.

(List a few of the symptoms)

(NOTE: if not doing the slide show, you might want to have this page printed out).

Slide 10:

We plateau in traditional weight loss programs because we don’t eliminate the toxic influx. When you are in toxic overload, your fat cells surround the toxins to keep them safe from entering your body. If you decrease your toxic load and detoxify, the toxins go away and the fat has no reason to stay.

Bathtub analogy: The faucet is on and is bringing toxins in the body. If the drain is clogged, the tub will gradually fill up and spill over the sides (i.e., muffin top). Then we grab a mop (prescriptions or medicine) to clean up the mess! What we do in our detox is turn down the faucet by taking in less toxins, and we unclog the drain so everything is flowing smoothly.

(NOTE: if not doing the slide show, you might want to have this page printed out).

Slide 11:


  1. Eat Clean and focus on more organic whole foods free of preservatives, additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, GMO’s, artificial flavors and other toxins. Food is either fuel or poison. Eating clean corrects your pH so it more alkaline.
  2. Increase Nutrient Intake – because of fast food and prepackaged foods, the US is overweight and malnourished. We are carrying toxic fat while our bodies are starving for real nutrition.
  3. Balance Blood Sugar: we will eat to balance blood sugar to reduce food cravings.
  4. Support Elimination Organs – We will support the body’s four elimination pathways – the liver, kidneys, intestines, and skin, giving these organs a tune-up so they can detoxify and perform optimally, then show you how to maintain it.
  5. Remove the Allergenic and Addictive Foods that don’t serve you like gluten, soy, dairy, processed sugars, coffee, alcohol, and artificial sugars.

(Optional) Let’s briefly talk about a few of these:

-Gluten: Estimated 50% of population has some sort of gluten intolerance. It is difficult to digest. Causes inflammation (bloating or “pot belly”). Decreases immune system, causes loss of energy, clogged sinuses & slow weight gain.

-Soy: Highly processed crop. Acidic and difficult to digest. Can mimic the effects of female hormones.

-Dairy: Causes bloating, gas, belly pain. Only 30% of calcium in milk is absorbed. You get twice as much from a cup of broccoli or other leafy greens. Whey protein is a derivative of dairy. It is the most popular and cheapest form of protein available. Thought to help build muscle, but very difficult to digest. Arbonne protein has complete amino acid profile which includes the 3 amino acids for muscle building.

-Processed Sugar: causes a continual acidic state. It leaches the body of precious vitamins & minerals.

-Coffee: Highly acidic. We want to keep you alkaline on this program. Trust me, you won’t miss it after a few days.

-Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame is a poison and has been linked to over 90 medical conditions including memory loss, headaches, fibromyalgia, MS, joint pain, Parkinson's, chronic fatigue etc.