Geometry Name
Methods of Reasoning Date
Tell whether the process used is inductive, intuitive, or deductive.
_____1. The boys present at a meeting of their club give their ages as 11, 12, 11, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, and 12. A visitor decides, “All boys in this club are at least eleven years old.”
_____2. A girl looks into several robins’ nests and says, “All robins’ eggs are blue.”
_____3. A courtroom spectator merely looks into a defendant’s eyes before saying, “He’s guilty.”
_____4. A juror serves on a case in which the charge is speeding. Upon finding out that the defendant has already been convicted several times for speeding, a juror mutters to himself: “That speeder is guilty.
_____5. Some scientists have controlled a gorilla’s environment so that it has never seen any kind of tool used. One day, after gazing hungrily for some time at a banana that is just out of reach, the gorilla suddenly seizes a stick and rakes the banana up to his cage.
_____6. A gorilla, though it has always been kept in a cage without any sticks, has often seen animals in adjoining cages use sticks to move objects. One day when he is given a stick, he promptly uses the stick to rake a banana up to his cage.
_____7. On Mary’s fourth birthday her mother baked a birthday cake. Later that year the mother baked a birthday cake for Ann, and later still one for John. Mary then said, “Mother makes a cake whenever one of us has a birthday.”
_____8. Jim just transferred to East High. He knew of the rule that a transfer student is not eligible for a varsity team until he had been in East High for a semester. He said, “I’m not going out for basketball, I wouldn’t be eligible anyhow.”
_____9. Sue learned that she was older that Peggy, and that Peggy was older that Mary. She then said, “I an older than Mary.”
_____10. Elmer was sent to the office on four consecutive days for being late to class. As he arrived late the fifth day he murmured, “I will be sent to the office.”
_____11. If the perimeter of a square is four inches, then each side is one inch long.
_____12. A child examines eight acorns and concludes that all acorns are hard.
_____13. If 3x=12, then x=4.
_____14. Since today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
_____15. It will rain on Christmas again this year since it has done so for the last five years.
State a conclusion based on the given information.
16. Lead is heavier that iron. Iron is heavier than aluminum.______
17. The Smiths always have hot dogs on Tuesday. Today is Tuesday. ______
18. b is greater than a, and a equals c.______
19. All librarians love books. Mary’s aunt is a librarian.______
In the following statements, state, if possible, whether Darrian is older than Travis.
20. Darrian is ten years old and Travis is nine years old.
21. Darrian is twelve years old and Travis is twelve years old.
22. Darrian is more than fourteen years old and Travis is less than fourteen years old.
23. Ryan is older than Darrian and Ryan is older than Travis.______
24. Jasmine is older than Travis and Jasmine is younger than Darrian.______