
Me, My Family and Friends


Be Honest

Programme outline

Bobo the puppet likes to tell lies. She lies about having a new bicycle. She denies having eaten a boxof biscuits and having read her friend Sally’s diary. Her ears get bigger every time she tells a lie. Who can help her? Pinocchio the wooden puppet comes to tell her his story. He advises her totell her friends the truth. Does Bobo take his advice?

Key Stage 1Learning Targets

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

~ to state opinions using information and ideas in simple spoken texts (K.S.c)

~ to respond to characters and events in simple imaginative and other narrative texts through oral, written and performative means such as describing one’s related experiences and making simple evaluative remarks (E.S.b)

Communicative functions

1. Usethe question word “who” to find out a person’s identity, e.g., “Who are you?”, “Who is David?” and make other simple inquiries

2. Make and respond to apologies, e.g., “ I lied. Sorry!”, “Will you forgive me?” and “I forgive you.”

3. State opinions and express feelings

Suggested activities

1. Introduce the main characters: Bobo the puppet,Sally and Pinocchio the wooden puppet.

2. Explain the programme briefly to pupils. Tell them that they will also read a story about a wooden puppet Pinocchio and a story about George Washington who admits his mistake after chopping down his father’s cherry tree.

3. While watching the programme, teachers draw pupils’ attention to the“who”questions and the answers.

For example:

a. Who is this?

This is David.

b. Who’s David?

He’s Sally’s cousin.

c. Who ate all of the biscuits?

No, not me.

Pause the programme and ask pupils to think whether the answers given by Bobo are lies or not. Explain to themthat lying is wrong. They should be honest and always tell the truth.Andwhen they do something wrong, they should say sorry.

4. After watching the programme, distribute COPYMASTER 1to pupils.Go through the questions with them. Guidethem to writedown the answers to the questions. The first one has been done.


a. Who ate all the biscuits?


b. Who is reading Sally’s diary?


c. Who has a new bicycle?


d. Who has a long nose?


e. Who has big ears?

Bobo __

f. Who chopped down his father’s tree?

George Washington

5. In COPYMASTER 2, pupils have to read the answers provided and then complete the questions with teachers’ guidance. Teachers may replay the programme for pupils to

revise the target language.


a. Who is he?/ Who’s he?

He is Sally’s classmate.

b. Who is that?/ Who’s that?

That’s Bobo.

c. Whoare you?

I’m Cricket.




Read and write. The first one has been done.

a. Who ate all the biscuits?
Bobo Max
b. Who is reading Sally’s diary?
______ /
Sally Bobo
c. Who has a new bicycle?
______ /
Tommy Bobo Sally
d. Who has a long nose?
______ /
Cricket Pinocchio
e. Who has big ears?
______ /
Pinocchio Bobo
f. Who chopped down his father’s tree?
______ /
George Washington Father



Complete the questions.

/ a.Who ______?
He is Sally’s classmate.
/ b. Who ______?
That’s Bobo.
/ c. Who ______?
I’m Cricket.