• What are potential problem(s) in this case?
  • Privacy
  • Communication
  • Security [big one]
  • Reliability And Integrity
  • Intellectual property
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • Insert response here
  • What are the goals of the stakeholders?
  • Insert response here
  • What are the obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals?
  • Insert response here
  • How does the problem affect the stakeholders both in the long run and the short run?
  • Insert response here
  • What social/ethical issues arise from this analysis
  • Positive social
  • IDENTIFY positive social issues here
  • Negative social
  • IDENTIFY negative social issues here
  • Positive ethical
  • IDENTIFYpositiveethical implications here
  • Negative ethical
  • IDENTIFY negative ethical implications here
  • Definitions of ALL related ITGS Key Terms
  • Insert bookmark link to KEY TERMS (above)
  • How do wearable technologies work?
  • Smartwatch
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Bluetooth connection / wireless connection
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • smartphone
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Cloud storage
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Database [cloud servers]
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Website displaying data
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Social media displaying data
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • Health analysis [60]
  • DESCRIBE how the technology works.
  • TO WHAT EXTENTare Wearable technologies are part of the problem and/or the solution?
  • What are the advantages of the solution(s), for which stakeholders?
  • Are there ways to mitigate the disadvantages?
  • Insert response here
  • What additional effects are generated by the solution(s)?
  • Insert response here
  • Taking into account the social and ethical issues which arise, which is/are the best solution(s)?
  • Insert response here


  1. DEFINEthe term _.
  2. IDENTIFY two characteristics of _.
  3. OUTLINE one reason why _ should be used in a home.
  4. DISTINGUISH between _ and _.
  5. EXPLAIN one _ and one _ that can be applied to customer access.
  6. DISCUSS whether third party vendors should be able to profit from the use the information / data gathered from devices they have sold that are being used in smart homes.
  7. With reference to your independent research, TO WHAT EXTENT do the benefit's of a consumer using a smartwatch outweigh the ethical concerns that these consumers may have about the impacts on their privacy, security, an anonymity?
  8. Insert additional possible assessment questions here.

A-Critically read the case study. Print a copy of the case study.
B-Highlight information in the case study as it relates to the four parts of the ITGS triangle. Use BLUE for stakeholders, PINK for Social/Ethical Significance, GREEN for IT Systems, and YELLOW for Application to Specified Scenarios. Do not perform a full triangle analysis yet, simply start to organize what goes where, etc.Meet with a group of 3 other students toCOMPAREandCONTRASTyour findings.
C-Use the Google Site to collect and analyze your findings regarding the HL Paper 3 Case Study together as a class. This will provide a place for you to review relevant sources and information before the exam in May. Include the following:

  • IDENTIFYall ITGS key terms used in the article and at the end of the article andDEFINEthem on the class Wiki in a section or page named KEY TERMS. Include definitions, explanations and diagrams relating to the terminology along with the properly cited sources.
  • FORMULATEresearch questions for inquiry into the case study (questions you will need to answer through research). Questions should be added as secondary research progresses on the class Wiki in a section or page named RESEARCH QUESTIONS. Design and develop new questions as research progresses.
  • IDENTIFYpossible Primary Resources (examples: Stock management / ordering systems, Loyalty card systems, Check out systems, Systems designed to analyze big data collected from customers and from store operations) in a section or page named PRIMARY SOURCES.
  • IDENTIFYsecondary resources (examples: websites, .pdf files, videos, printed magazines and books, ebooks). Reliable and relevant sources must be used in a section or page named SECONDARY RESOURCES.
  • COMPARE and CONTRASTfindings from primary sources with findings from secondary resources. Create a section or page on the Wiki for this. Choose an appropriate name.
  • Predict possible questions that could appear on Paper 3 using ITGS Command terms under a heading titled POSSIBLE PAPER 3 IB ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.
  • IDENTIFYa set of tags and useDiigothroughout the year to tag useful information related to the case study. Utilize theITGSopedia Global Tagging System pageand the2015 ITGS Case Study Facebook Groupto aid in your research. Place links to these resources on the Wiki under the heading LEARNING RESOURCES.
  • ANNOTATE the case study as a class with Diigo based on your original highlighted copy. Post the link to the annotated copy to the Wiki under the REQUIRED READING heading.

Resources utilized in the development of this page:

Case Study Exam Tips: