Minutes of the February 6, 2017 Meeting of the USRowing Board of Directors
Telephonic meeting 3:00 pm Eastern Time
Members Present:
Meghan O’Leary
Kris Thorsness
Sheila Tolle
Joe Manion
Nick LaCava
Bill Donoho
David Banks
Lisa Stone
Members Absent:
Jim Dietz
Nick LaCava
Others Present:
Matt Imes: USRowing
Since the last meeting of the Board, an E-Mail Motion to appoint Lisa Stone to fill the vacant NE representative seat vacated by the resignation of Gary Caldwell after the 2/1/17 election was made by Jamie Redman and seconded by Nick LaCava. This motion was approved unanimously, so Ms. Stone was present at this meeting as a member of this Board.
Continued Review of High Performance Task Force Recommendations:
Proposed Amendment to HP Task Force Team Prioritization Strategy (HPTF Report pp. 8 & 36)
Existing Language: Under supervision by the HPD, high performance partner clubs should establish training and selection systems for the boats preparing for spring Trials, and provide athlete support for medal potential boats (Group 3 medal target boats) on a par with medal potential boats at the Training Center (Group 1 medal target boats).
The HPD, in consultation with the HPC, will be responsible for overseeing that top-performing athletes and crews from Group 3 medal target (non-Training Center) boats are provided support and resources on par with medal potential boats at the Training Center (Group 1 medal target boats).
The HPD, in consultation with the HPC, will help facilitate the collaboration of High Performance Partner Clubs; and will encourage the establishment of training and selection systems that produce the top performing crew(s) for National Team selection events.
Discussion: The Board discussed the meaning of “support and resource” and “on a par”; concluding that the intent of this section is to make resources available to high performing non-training center athletes at the training center, not to force the High Performance clubs to provide those resources. The HPD will be responsible for all elite training athletes, not just those at the training center, so further amendment was proposed to make it clear that this is part of the HPD’s role, and add consultation with the HPC to both paragraphs. The phrase “support and resources” will remain undefined here, in order to give the HPD/HPC flexibility to define what resources will be made available as appropriate.
Motion by Sheila Tolle and seconded by Kris Thorsness to adopt the amended language above. No further discussion; all voted Aye, except that Lisa Stone abstained.
Athlete Excellence, continued discussion (HPTF Report at pp. 6 & 27)
● Within the framework of a balanced national team budget, work to provide high-performing non-PTC athletes in Olympic boat classes with DAS, physio/medical, logistical and other support.
● Within the framework of a balanced national team budget, work to make all efforts to support the NRF job bank and other professional development opportunities for athletes.
● Establish criteria for, seek applications from, and formalize relationships with:
● Select regional high performance clubs/organizations to provide development-level training environments to develop young (post-U23) potential National Team athletes and coaches in all events and disciplines, and
● Select regional high performance clubs/organizations to provide elite level training environments for returning athletes with high medal potential in non-Training Center boats to increase the United States’ medal-winning opportunities.
Meghan O’Leary left the call at 3:35 pm
Discussion: Although bullet #3 reflects USRowing’s intent, the clubs’ cooperation is not assured and some may feel left out and their programs undermined. The elite level training environment relationship with clubs will need to be worked out with the HPC, in terms of defining requirements, standards, etc. The Board also discussed whether criteria should be established to enable clubs to be be denominated “High Performance,” so as to encourage athletes to train in these environments. As before, language was proposed to reflect the need for fiscal responsibility in enacting these recommendations.
Motion by Sheila Tolle and seconded by Lisa Stone to adopt the recommendations as amended in red above. No further discussion; unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned 4:05 pm