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Office of the Executive EngineerNaogaon O&M Division
BWDB, Naogaon.
Telephone No. 0741-62791 (Office)
0741-62398 (Res)
Fax No. 0741-62791
e-mail: / / wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjxi `ßi
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0741-62398 ( evmv )
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Tender No-01/2011-2012
1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources.2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name. / Executive Engineer, Naogaon O&M Division, BWDB, Naogaon.
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present
5 / Procuring Entity District. / Naogaon
6 / Invitation for / Tender No. 01/2011-2012 / Work
7 / Invitation Ref. No. / EE/NO&MD/BWDB/DA-2/1243(50)
8 / Date / 26-12-2011
9 / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
10 / Budget and Source of Funds. / GOB (Non-Development Revenue Budget)
11. / Development Partners (if applicable) / Not Applicable
12 / Project/Programme Code / Not Applicable
13. / Project/Programme Name. / Bank Revetment Works with C.C blocks, Re-Construction of Embankment (Breach Closing), Repair & Maintenance of Par-Naogaon office Building & EE`s residence.
14. / Tender Packages Nos. / NAO/W-1, NAO/W-2, NAO/W-3, NAO/W-4, NAO/W-5, NAO/W-6, NAO/W-7, NAO/W-8, (8 Nos)
15. / Tender Package Name / As Stated in sirial no-26
16. / Tender Publication Date. / 28/12/2011
17. / Tender Last Selling Date / 23/01/2012upto Banking hours.
18. / Tender Closing Date and Time / 24/01/2012upto 12.00 hours.
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / 24/01/2012at 13.00 hours.
20. / Name and Address of the Office(s) / Address (s)
Selling of Tender document(Principal) / i) Agrani Bank Ltd., Naogaon Branch, Naogaon.
Selling of Tender document(Others) / ii) Agrani Bank Ltd., WAPDA (Irri) Branch, Sopura, Rajshahi.
iii) Janata Bank Ltd, Dilkusha Corporate branch, 29,Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
Receiving ofTender Documents / i) Office of the Executive Engineer, Naogaon O & M Division, BWDB, Naogaon.
ii) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Naogaon.
iii) Office of the Superintendent of Police, Naogaon
Opening of Tender Documents / Office of the Executive Engineer, Naogaon O&M Division, BWDB, Naogaon.
21. / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / Not Applicable
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer / Any Individual (s) or/Firm(s)who fulfills the qualification(s) criteria of each package as stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) and other conditions of the Tender Documents.
23. / Brief Description of Works / As stated in serial no-26
24. / Brief Description of Related Services / Not Applicable
25. / Price of Tender Document / As stated in serial no-26, column 5
26. / Brief Discripton of Goods or Works
SL. No. / Package No. / Identification of Package / Location (Upazilla & (District) / Price of Tender Document (TK.) / Tender Security Amount (TK.) / Time for Completion of works (Days)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / NAO/W-1 / Bank Revetment work along the left Bank of Atrai river at Chalkbalu from km. 30.935 to km. 30.975 = 40.00m in C/W ‘Naogaon Polder-1 Sub-Project’ upazilla-Manda in Naogaon district under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Manda
Naogaon / 750/- / 88,000/- / 90
2 / NAO/W-2 / Bank Revetment work from km 41.684 to km 41.720 = 36.00m, from km 54.865 to km 54.880 = 15.00m. & km 60.485 to km 60.500 = 15.00m Tolal = 66.00m at Enayetpur, near Srerampur Eidgah Math & near Shah Makhdum (R) Mazar Mouja Hastabasantapur, upazilla-Badalgachi & Akkelpur district Naogaon & Joypurhat. in C/W Tulsiganga Sub-project under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Badalgachi
Akkelpur. Naogaon
Joypurhat / 750/- / 90,000/- / 90
3 / NAO/W-3 / Re-Construction of Embankment (Breach closing) from km. 20.991 to km. 21.039 = 48.00m & km 22.400 to km 22.444 = 44.00m total = 92.00m at Kharaswati and Madhakola, respectively upazila-Atrai, district-Naogaon in C/W ‘Nagar vally Sub-project’ under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB, Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Atrai Naogaon / 750/- / 35,000/- / 90
4 / NAO/W-4 / Re-Construction of Embankment (Breach closing)from km 24.139 to km 24.190 = 51.00m, from km = 24.430 to km 24.472 = 42.00 m & km 25.106 to km 25.151 = 45.00m, Total = 138.00m at Hingulkandi & Dharmpur respectivelyupazilla-Atrai, district Naogaon in c/w Nagarvally Sub-Project under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Atrai Naogaon / 750/- / 61,000/- / 90
5 / NAO/W-5 / Repair & Maintenance of Bank Protective work from km 6.120 to km 6.220 = 100m at Muradpur in Upazila & district- Naogaon in C/W Badalgachi flood controll Sub-Project under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Naogaon Sadar
Naogaon / 750/- / 55,000/- / 90
6 / NAO/W-6 / Re-Construction of Embankment (Breach closing)from km 16.825 to km 16.975 = 150.00m, at Taranagar upazilla-Atrai, district Naogaon in C/W Polder-c Sub-Project under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Atrai
Naogaon / 750/- / 88,000/- / 90
7 / NAO/W-7 / Re-Construction of Embankment (Breach closing)from km 138.275 to km 138.325 = 50.00m, at Jashopara upazilla-Manda, district Naogaon in C/W Polder-c Sub-Project under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB,Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Manda
Naogaon / 400/- / 16,000/- / 75
8 / NAO/W-8 / Repair & Maintenance of WD Office Building & EE’S residence at Par-naogaon, upazilla-Naogaon Sadar district Naogaon under Naogaon O&M division, BWDB, Naogaon during the FY 2011-12. / Naogaon Sadar Naogaon / 400/- / 9,000/- / 75
26. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Moktar Hossain Khan
27. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
28. / Address of Official Inviting Tender. / Naogaon O & M Division, BWDB, Naogaon.
29. / Contract details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone No. 0741-62791, e-mail:
30 / Tender Security / Amount of Tender Security is Payable in the form of Demand Draft / Pay-Order on any schedule Bank of Bangladesh. Demand Draft / Pay-order is to be in favour of the Accounts officer, RegionalAccountingCenter, (RAC), BWDB, Rajshahi
31. / Special Instructions. / a)The provisions laid down in “The Public Procurement Rules (PPR) 2008’’, The Public Procurement (2nd revised) Act-2009 and PW2 for procurement of works will be binding upon the tenderers/ contractors.
b)The work order will be issued subject to budget allocation & approval from Competent Authority and payment will be made after availability of fund. In this regards the Authority will not entertain any claim. But the work must be continued and completed within schedule Time.
c)Tender shall have to be accompanied by a Tender Security of the amount as mentioned in the list of works enclosed herewith in favour of the Accounts Officer , Regional Accounting Center (RAC), BWDB, Rajshahi. Tender Security shall be deposited in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order of any schedule Bank of Bangladesh.
d)Copies of the certificates and other requisite papers and for Corporation of joint Venture Firm, Affidavit certificate in addition each in separate/ attested by any 1st class officer of Govt/semi-Govt organization/ Autonomous bodies or by a Notary Public would be acceptable subject to verification with the original ones. For attestation seal with name of the attesting officer is to be stamped below the signature.
e)While Purchasing the Tender schedule interested tenderer shall submit an application to the Bank, selling tender schedule in his/ her original pad (photo copy not acceptable) with his/ her signature.
f)If the tender submission is not possible on the last date fixed in the notice due to any unavoidable circumstances, the tender submission & opening date will automatically be shifted to the next working day.
g)If it is found at any stage that information furnished in the Tender by the tenderer is false and the tender is signed and submitted in a way by adopting fraudulent practice instead of signing by the original tenderer /their authorized signatory. His tender will be outright rejected and action will be taken according to PPR/2008
h)The Procuring Entity Reserves the right to accept any tender or to reject any or all tenders, at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liability to tenderers or any obligation to inform tenderers of the grounds for the Employer’s actions.
i)The tenderer/contractor has to arrange the land for execution of works by his / her own initiative. In this regards no claim will be entertained.
j)The work may totally dropped, decreased or increased as per design/ field condition/ Budget allocation for which no claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased quantity of work.
k)The tendrer, at the tenderers own responsibility and risk, is encouraged to visit and examine the site and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the tender and entering into a contract for performance of the works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the tenderer`s own expense.
l)Tenderers must submit all the documents as required by the undersigned in tender data sheet Failing to comply with the requirements, the tender will be summarily rejected.
m)If a tenderer/contractor stands successfully 1st lowest for more than one package he/she must cover the turn over/ similar nature of works/liquid asset etc.
n)One additional BOQ in separate sealed envelop shall have to be submitted along with the original tender document.
N.B This tender notice will also be available in the website of BWDB address of which is
(Md. Moktar Hossain Khan)
Executive Engineer
Naogaon O & M Division
BWDB, Naogaon.
E:\Others File11\tender notice\Tender notioce TN_03_10-11.doc