Telephone Appointment Making


Get your 'story' straight:-

· Construct an introduction which conveys positive messages.

· Build a 'hook' into your introduction.

· Look for common links e.g.:-

a. We have provided a quality service to the company in the past.

b. Other parts of the Group have provided a quality service to the company in the past.

c. We have had meaningful dialogue with his organisation in the past.

d. We know (or know of) people he knows.

e. A name he will have heard of refers us, or will make an introduction.

f. We can demonstrate a knowledge of his business which we can relate back to our services.

g. Make the future the key issue.

NB: The more important the 'phone call', the more preparation you should do.

Telephone Appointments - Thoughts


Secretary/a n other departmental obstacle

Empathy and assertion - not aggression.

Be prepared for the "obvious" objections.

a. "Write in"

b. "He's too busy"

c. "What do you want to talk to him about?"

Very few 'rights' or 'wrongs', just sensible tactics:-

a. "Would waste his time or fill his in-tray. 60 seconds on the 'phone would establish if there's scope to move things forward ...... "

b. "Of course .... A very short conversation is all I'm looking for .... when should I ring to catch him?"

c. Refer back to introducer


Refuse/decline to discuss it


Blind him/her with science


Give very scant detail and then back to 'b' above.

NB: Give away only what you have to, and then grudgingly:-

- Your name only.

- Company name only if asked.

Objections from the person you want the appointment with

Have your 'story' ready before you pick the 'phone up. Tilt it towards the person you're talking to

For example:-

· Senior manager ---> The future/bigger picture

· Middle level manager ---> Time/reducing hassle

· Buyer ---> Money/admin savings

Again be ready for the "obvious" objections:-

A. Happy with existing supplier/s.

B. Too busy.

C. Write in.

D. Tell me on the 'phone.