(Regd. No.555 of 2014)
ELECTIONS for the term 2016-18
Er.N.Laxmi Narayana All Branch Secretaries,
DE/ Master Plan/(RR East), TSSPDCL TSPEA.
Election Officer,
TSPEA Elections for the term 2016-18
Ph.No. 9491045257
Fax. 040- 40204241
Lr.No. Election Officer/TSPEA/Elections(2016-18)/D. No.2/16, dt. 04.05.16.
Sub:- Election notification and instructions to be followed in conducting the
elections of TSPEA for the term 2016- 2018 issued – Reg.
Ref:-Lr.No.Election Officer/TSPEA/Elections(2016-18)/D.No.1/16, dt. 04.05.16.
--: O:--
Election notification and instructions to be followed in conducting the elections of Telangana State Power Engineers Association for the term 2016-18 along with Annexure-I, II & III are enclosed herewith.
In this context, I request you to give wide publicity among all the members and extend your full co-operation in conducting the elections.
Further it is to inform that this office has already requested vide reference above regarding preparation of valid voters list and submissionof the same to this office by 10-05-2016. Hence it is once again requested to submit the same within the stipulated time.
Thanking you,
Station: Hyderabad
Date: 04-05-2016
(Er.N.Laxmi Narayana)
DE/ Master Plan/(RR East),TSSPDCL
& Election Officer/ TSPEA
Copy to the Secretary General/ TSPEA for information.
(Regd. No.555 of 2014)
ELECTIONS for the term 2016-18
1.With respect to the Elections of TELANGANA STATE POWER ENGINEERS
ASSOCIATION(Regd. No.555 of 2014) for the term of 2016-18,the nominations are invited in the prescribed proforma(Annexure-III) from the eligible members of TS Power Engineers' Association for the posts detailed in the Annexure-I enclosed. The nominations will be received from 15.05.2016(11:00 Hrs) to 20.05.2016 (17.00 Hrs.) at Room No. D-1, VIDYUT ENGINEERS BHAVAN, 6-3-663, Somajiguda, Hyderabad – 500082, either in person or by post. The contestants are only responsible for any postal delay.
2.The Branch Secretaries are hereby authorized to act as Presiding officers for conducting the elections at their respective Branches for which the polling is to be held on 08-06-2016 by Secret Ballot. In case the Branch Secretary himself is a contestant for any post, any other non-contesting member of that Branch can be nominated as presiding officer to conduct elections The Election Officer may appoint any member as presiding officer for any Branch, if felt necessary for various reasons. The presiding officer should conduct polling at Branch Head quarters at one place only, using one ballot box of required size depending on the number of voters of the Branch. The Branch Secretary shall send the details and postal address of the presiding officer with attested signature to the Election Officer before 23-05-2016. The Branch Secretaries are requested to give wide publicity among members of their Branches regarding the posts for which elections are being held, eligibility criteria and Election Schedule.
3.The Presiding officers are hereby authorized to conduct Branch elections (Branch Secretary, Branch Treasurer and Addl. Secretaries if any) on the same date & place by secret ballot at Branch head quarters only, duly following usual formalities.
4.The Presiding officers of District Head Quarter Branches are hereby authorized to conduct elections for the post of respective District Secretary also along with their Branch elections on the same date and place by secret ballot duly observing usual formalities.
5.Two Separate ballot boxes shall be provided one for Central/Company Office-bearers and the other for Branch Officer Bearers/ District Secretary Elections. Counting and declaring the results of Branch Officer-Bearers/ District Secretary Elections shall be done at Branch itself on the same day of polling. Sealed Ballot boxes of Central/Company Office bearers, unused ballot papers and counter foils shall be sent to Room No. D-1, VIDYUT ENGINEERS BHAVAN, 6-3-663, Somajiguda, Hyderabad – 500082 on or before 10-06-2016, 20.00 Hrs.
6.Any further clarification in this regard can be had from the Election Officer. The decision of the Election Officer will be final in any case during the entire election process.
Encl: 1. Annexure -I, II & III
(Regd. No.555 of 2014)
ANNEXURE-II Election Schedule
1. Receipt of Nominations : 15.05.2016(11:00Hrs) to
20.05.2016(17:00 Hrs.)
(Please see the note below)
2. Declaration of valid nominations : 23 -05-2016
after scrutiny
3. Last date for withdrawal of nominations : 27-05 -2016 up to 17:00 Hrs.
4. Declaration of final valid nominations : 27- 05 -2016 after 19:00 Hrs.
5. Issue of Ballot papers : 01.06.2016(11.00 hrs) to
04.06 .2016(17:00 Hrs.)
(Please see the note below)
6 Date of Election (i.e. Date of Polling) : 08 -06 -2016 (09:00 to 17:00 Hrs)
7. Receipt of sealed Ballot Boxes and un-used : On or before 10 -06-2016(20:00Hrs).
Ballot Papers and counter foils from branches
to Election Officer at VIDYUT ENGINEERS
BHAVAN, 6-3-663, Somajiguda, Hyderabad,
(please see the note below)
8. Counting of Votes and declaration of results : 11 -06 -2016,09.00 Hrs onwards
(please see the note below) followed by declaration of results
Note for item 1
a)Nominations for all the posts except Branch Office bearers (District Secretary, Branch Secretary, Branch Treasurer and Additional Secretary), shall be sent either by post or in person to the ElectionOfficer at Room No. D1, VIDYUT ENGINEERS BHAVAN, 6-3-663, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500082. The nominations received before the due date and time only will be accepted. Contestants are only responsible for any postal delay.
b) Nominations for the Branch Office bearers post (Branch Secretary, Branch Treasurer and Additional Secretary) if any, shall be sent to the Presiding Officer of their respective Branches.
c) Nominations for the post of District Secretary shall be sent to the Presiding Officer of the Branch at their respective District Head Quarters.
d) The contestant must enclose a copy of Life membership card/membership receipt or a certificate from the concerned Branch Secretary/Treasurer or Secretary Finance of TSPEA that they are valid members of the Association since more than a year.
e) The candidate proposing/seconding for any post shall be valid member of the Association and shall be eligible to cast the vote for that particular post.
f)The contestant shall not be holding any post as an office-bearer of any other Association / Unionrepresenting the Engineers / Employees in TSTRANSCO / TSGENCO / TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL.
g) Any valid member can contest for only one post. After withdrawal of nominations, if any member is found to contest for more than one post, then all such nominations shall be deemed to have been invalid.
h)The members shall not propose/second more than one contestant for the same post. Such nominations will be declared invalid while scrutiny.
i)The nominations received after 20-05-2016,17.00 Hrs will be considered and further nominations are invited from the interested members as per the above.
Note for item 5:
i)Presiding Officers of the Branches are requested to collect the Ballot papers fromthe Election Officer either in person or through their authorized representative from01.06.2016(11.00 Hrs) to 04.06.2016(17.00 Hrs).
ii)The Presiding officers at Branches are requested to make necessary arrangementsalong-with suitable ballot box at their end for conducting elections.
Note for item 7:
i) Soon after completion of the polling, the slit meant for putting polled ballot papers into the Ballot Box must be sealed with a thick paper signed by the presiding officer and the available contestants or their representatives, at polling booth immediately after polling time is over (17:00 Hrs. on 08-06-2016)
ii) The Ballot box is to be neatly covered by the cloth and sealed at various stitching points.
iii) The un-used Ballot papers, counter-foils are also to be sent in a sealed cover with a covering letter containing the details of members participated in voting, No. of ballot papers used, No. of ballot papers un-used and hand over to the Election Officer in person or through their authorized representative along with Ballot Box.
iv) Non compliance of the above, shall lead to invalidation of the votes of the concerned Branch for counting.
Note for item 8:
i) The sealed boxes containing Ballot papers will be opened from 9.00Hrs on 11-06-2016 at VIDYUT ENGINEERS BHAVAN, 6-3-663, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, in presence of the available contestants or their representatives.
ii) Counting will be started after opening of all the ballot boxes on 11-06-2016with required No. of counting tables with two counting officers per table.
iii) Only the contestant or their authorized representative will be allowed inside the counting Hall. No other members will be allowed till the counting process is completed.
iv) After completion of the counting for all the posts, the results will be declared and the report will be communicated to Secretary General, TS Power Engineers' Association with details of votes polled for each contestant, invalid votes and the persons elected.
(Er.N.Laxmi Narayana )
DE/ Master Plan/(RR East),TSSPDCL
& Election Officer/ TSPEA