TEFL Educator TEFL Boot Camp Review 2018

TEFL Educator or TEFL Boot Camp is a company that offers a world-class 120-hour period course that uses a combination of a 60-Hour period of two courses in TEFL Fundamentals. This course involves two ESP (English for Special Purposes) programs and TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners) course. In this course which you are allowed one year to complete.

  • You learn how to teach Business English
  • You learn TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC together with other Standardized Examinations
  • Teaching Young Learners English

How it operates

This two 60-Hour period TEFL course is professional in that it is comprised of everything that is needed by a teacher in understanding the workings of a successful TEFL class. As a learner, you will be taken through several steps and beyond with English ESP modules. These modules will also further enhance your skills in order to provide you with even better and greater opportunities in the job market in the field of Business English as well as Standardized Examinations like TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC .

This program has an inclusion of TEYL module where every teacher has an opportunity to work with young learners. This prepares you well when it comes to teaching kids and equipping you with the necessary skills in teaching challenging as well as rewarding learners.

Earning your certificates

You will be evaluated through an examination that is also consisting of the following;

  • Assigned topic lesson project,
  • Two ESP lessons
  • Young learners lesson

The good thing about the 120-hour TEFL Educator course is that they believe in giving you a second chance. How? Well even if you fall short of attaining the required passing grade, you are told where you went wrong and how to go about it to resolve the issue and resubmit the work.Since your success is their first priority, you will be supported until you successfully complete your course and earn your well-deserved certificates.

Experience is considered

The other great thing about this course is that experienced teachers considered. How? Simple you will not be subjected to the full two 60 hour lessons as you will be exempted from the following:

  • Time taken to work on the examination
  • Time taken to work on the lesson plan projects.


Ample time

Ample time which helps you to achieve your learning goals. Considering that it is a 120-hour course, being given one year to complete is more than enough as you can discontinue and continue as you wish. This allows you to balance between your other commitments and your learning process.


Considering that it is an online course you will still be able to attend to your other commitments and obligations especially considering that it does not present time constraints as mentioned earlier on ample time.

TEYL module

Unlike other courses of the kind, 120-hour TEFL Educator course has an inclusion of TEYL module, therefore, you get practical skills in working with young learners.

Extra steps

You are not confined to the conventional steps as they go the extra mile by going beyond with English ESP modules.

Second chance

Failing their exam is not the end of your journey with the 120-hour TEFL Educator course. They value you too much to leave you at that as they give you a second chance to redo and resubmit your work.

Quality guaranteed

All internationally-accepted standards have been met by this course.


Technological challenges

120-hour TFFL Educator course expects you to deal with your technological issues. Considering that not every one of you has access to the same technology this poses a challenge in accessing and reading their materials.

Discussion board

120-hour TEFL Educator course does not have a form of a discussion board. Considering that these kinds of courses sometimes can seem a bit isolating it necessitates a kind of online forum where their learners and teachers can easily interact and share ideas at their own convenience.


TEFL Educator is a superb opportunity in that upon completion, you will earn yourself FOUR certificates considering that all internationally-accepted standards have been met by this course. This makes it great for those of you who aspire to attain success in working abroad.