

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support



Due November 2, 2015

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2015-2016 Pennsylvania PW/SWPBIS School Recognition Process

I. Overview/Purpose

The Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network (PA PBS) is proud to announce this year’s Annual PA PBSNetwork recognition process. The purpose of the PAPBS network recognition system is to identify and publicly recognizePennsylvania’s Program Wide (PW) Sitesand School Wide (SW) Sitesfor successful implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventionsand Supports (PBIS). It is also affordsPW Sites, SW Sites, and districts the opportunity to accurately self-reflect on their progress implementing and sustaining PBIS.

Once each school year, the PA PBS Network formally recognizesPW and SW Sites that demonstrate implementation and sustainability of the PBIS process through measurable criteria at all three tiers, universal/ secondary, and tertiary.PW and SW Sites that are recognized report a comprehensive system of support and critical elements of PBIS are being implemented with fidelity, and data isutilized within a problem-solving framework to improve the outcomes of students. RecognizedPW and SW Sites may also have developed innovative, creative, and functional ways of implementing PBIS that sets them apart from other PW and SW Sites.

PW and SW Sites that want to be recognized for their implementation of PBIS for the 2015-2016 school year are required to submit an application. Completed applications are to be submitted electronically via email toand are due byNovember 2, 2015. In addition, PW and SW Sites must submit required 2014-2015 “Annual Data” by November 2, 2015 as defined by PaPBS network guidelines (School Age: pTrack). Please note Sites that meet the required criteria will be formally acknowledged at the 2015-2016 PAPBS Implementers’ Forum May 5-6,2016 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center in Hershey, PA.

II. Criteria

The PAPBS Network utilizes fidelity measures from validated tools to assess implementation. Specific criteria are listed within each level of recognition. In addition, data requirements are listed below.

School Wide SiteData Requirements: All implementing Sites must have their annual 2014-2015 -data submitted in pTrack (even if you use SWIS users are to also enter the data in pTrack) for the SWPBIS Evaluation report. This data, at a minimum includes: Benchmarks of Quality, Total ODR, ODR per 100 students, ODR per 100 students per day, Days of out of school suspension, # of students expelled, # of school days in session, number of students, student attendance, referrals to Special Education, students in an out of district placement.

Program WideSite Data Requirements: All implementing programs must have their annual data submitted as specified in the Early Childhood PAPBS Data Requirements document. This data, at a minimum includes: Benchmarks of Quality, TPOT/TPITOS and updated demographic information about classrooms and staff.

With the change in date for this year’s Implementers forum, it is important that all School-wide Evaluation Tools (SETs) and Preschool-wide Evaluation tool (PreSETs) are completed by March 25, 2016 and Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) completed by April 8, 2016.

III. Categories for Recognition: PW and SW Sites seeking recognition must indicate which one of the following categories they are seeking recognition for.

Universal (Tier One) Initial Implementation with Fidelity: PW and SW Sites
For PW and SW Sites that have not previously been recognized.
The criteria that are used to measure fidelity to program implementation includes:
a)Site received a score of 70% or above on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ), which is facilitated by a Network Facilitator,during the Spring of 2015.
b)Application is submitted by November 2, 2015. (Afterthe application is submitted, your Network Facilitator will be notified that your application has been accepted and your facilitator will work with you to complete a Pre SET or SET.)
c)Site received an 80/80 or above on the Pre SET or SET administered by a Network endorsed Pre SET/SET evaluator.
d)2014-2015 Data is submitted by November 2, 2015 when the application is due.
Sitesthat meet the above criteria will receive a banner of recognition for high fidelity of implementation at Tier 1.
Universal (Tier One) Sustained Implementation with Fidelity: PW and SW Sites
For PW and SW Sites that have been recognized in the previous school year and want to apply to be recognized for continual fidelity to program implementation at Tier 1/Universal level.
The criteria that are used to measure fidelity of program implementation includes:
a)Site has been recognized the previous school year.
b)Application is submitted by November 2, 2015.
c)2014-2015 Data is submitted by November 2, 2015 when the application is due.
d)Site completes BoQ for current year, which is facilitated by a Network Facilitator, and receives a score of 80% or above. (Please note that the BoQ must be completed in early spring to be identified prior to the Spring 2016Implementers’ Forum.)
Sitesthat meet the above criteria will receive a badge that adheres to their previously awarded banner indicating this additional recognition for continued high fidelity of implementation at Tier 1.
NEW!!!!!!!Universal and Tier Two Implementation with Fidelity: Recognition for PW and SW Sites
The criteria that are used to measure fidelity of program implementation includes:
a)Site has been recognized the previous school year.
b)Application is submitted by November 2, 2015.
c)2014-2015 Data is submitted by November 2, 2015 when the application is due.
d)Site completes BoQ for current year, which is facilitated by a Network Facilitator, and receives a score of 80% or above. Deadline for completion is April 8, 2016.
e)Site completes Tier II section of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), with their Network Facilitator, and receives a score of 80% or above. In addition, the BoQ walk through is conducted by the Facilitator. Deadline for completion is April 8, 2016.
Sites that meet the above criteria will receive a banner of recognition for high fidelity of implementation at Tier I and II.
NEW!!!!!!!!Recognition of Implementation Fidelity at all three Tiers:
The criteria that are used to measure fidelity of program implementation includes:
a)Site has been recognized the previous school year.
b)Application is submitted by November 2, 2015.
c)2014-2015 Data is submitted by November 2, 2015 when the application is due.
d)Site completes BoQ for current year, which is facilitated by a Network Facilitator, and receives a score of 80% or above. Deadline for completion is April 8, 2016.
e)Site completes Tier II and Tier III section of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), with their Network Facilitator, and receives a score of 80% or above. In addition, the BoQ walk through is conducted by the Facilitator. Deadline for completion is April 8, 2016.
Sites that meet the above criteria will receive a banner of recognition for high fidelity of implementation at all three Tiers.

IV. Application Process

The PA PBS Network recognition awards will be presented at the annual Implementers’ Forum, as well as posted on the PAPBS website (

PW and SW Sites may apply for recognition by completing the following steps:

a)Download the Recognition Application located on the PAPBS website under the School-wide PBIS/ and/or Program- wide PBISdrop down tabs: School recognition

b)Complete the application, attach to an email and send to:

c)Your regional and/or local Network Facilitator will follow-up as to completion of the appropriate fidelity tool(s).

The regional and local Network Facilitators can also provide more complete information about the process and the requirements.

AWARD RECIPIENTS MUST AGREE TO SERVE AS DEMONSTRATION SITES FOR THE PAPBS NETWORK. As a demonstration site, PW and SW Sites may be asked to share their success in one of, but not limited to, the following ways: (1) welcome representatives from programs, schools or districts to visit your building toobserve PBIS Leadership Team meetings; (2) share experiences and materials/resources related to implementation; (3) provide data and other artifacts of the implementation process for publication purposes; and (4) be willing to provide presentations, as requested.

I.V.Pennsylvania PW/SWPBIS School Recognition Application

(Posted on the PA PBS website –

Instructions: Complete all the following sections.
School Wide (SW) or Program Wide (PW) Site Name (as it is to appear on banner or badge): ______
School/Program Website: ______

Early Childhood Program or School District (Check which applies) PW SW
Program Age or Grade levels served______Total number of students served______

For Schools: Annual 2014-2015 Data submitted to pTrack Yes or No
For Programs: Annual 2014-15 Data submitted as indicated in Data Requirements Document
Yes or No
Primary Contact Person:
Name: ______
Title: ______
Phone: (______)______Ext:______
Fax Number: (_____)______
Email: ______
Please check which level of recognition you are applying for.
Tier OneInitial Implementation with Fidelity

Tier OneSustained Implementation with Fidelity

Tier Oneand Tier Two Implementation with Fidelity

Implementationwith Fidelity at all Three Tiers

Section II: Narrative

Please submit a narrative of no more than 250 words addressing the systems, data, practices, and/or unique features of your PW/SWPBIS process.

Please note that the following questions are sample questions to help guide elements of your narrative. It is not a requirement to address all of the questions.
  1. What makes your team work so well? Please discuss in detail (e.g., what is your administrator’s role on the team, how is the staff represented, etc.?).
  2. What do you see as the overall strengths of your team?
  1. What evidence indicates that Tier 1/Universal level strategies and expectations are in place in your program/school building?
  2. How does the team use data to identify status, need for change, and effects of interventions/strategies?
  3. How is the data shared with all staff?
  4. What evidence indicates that social/behavioral skills are regularly taught in all program/school-wide settings and classrooms?
  5. What evidence indicates that classroom expectations align with program/school-wide expectations?
  6. In what ways are the program/school-wide expectations and strategies communicated to all staff, students, community and families?
  7. How do you know if you are maintaining or improving student outcomes?
  1. What are some of the practices your program or school has adopted that have had a positive impact on students and how does your program or school measure effectiveness of implementation?
  2. How do you teach the universal strategies to students and staff and support their use?
  3. How do you teach social/behavioral skills consistently?

D.Unique Features:
1.Please provide a summary which describes:
  • Your program/school age/grade levels served, total number of students enrolled, percent of ESL students, percent of students with IEPs, percent of students eligible for free/reduced-price lunch, etc. and/or any other information that would be beneficial to include.
  • How student involvement has been enhanced.
  • How PW/SWPBIS has influenced the culture and/or climate.
  • Areas of PW/SWPBIS in which your team/program/school excel (e.g., recognizing students/staff, teaching expectations, data-based decision-making, encouraging family involvement, etc.).
  • Any unique features or obstacles/hurdles related to implementing and sustaining PW/SWPBIS in your school and how these have been addressed.
  • Any other pertinent information you would like to share.

Revised 8/24/15 1