TU 18.03.16 Item 4.1.1
A meeting of the Board of Governors was held on 15 January 2016.
Present: Dr J Atkinson Mr A MacColl (Chair)
Mr R Bloom Professor P Croney
Mr D Eagle Mr R Cuffe
Mr C Fleetwood Mr J Hogg
Mr A Howe Mr J G Irwin
Ms S Khan Ms A Mehnert
Ms J Morgan Ms S Kiddle
Mr A Waite Mr S R Tonks
Apologies: Mr P Booth Mr D Heaton
Mr E Kunonga Mrs B Simpson
Mrs A Skelton
Officers: Professor S Hodgson Mr M Page
Professor M Simpson Professor J Turner
Mr M White (Secretary)
It was NOTED:
1. That Mr D Eagle declared an interest in Item 5.3 on the agenda – Banking Mandate – Sports Injury Clinic. No member has declared a conflict of interest in matters on the agenda.
It was NOTED:
1. That the Chairman and the Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of the Nomination Committee, have scheduled a meeting with the Chief Executive of the South Tees NHS Foundation Trust.
It was NOTED:
1. That the Special Committee appointed to advise the Board as to the appointment of Chancellor is considering nominations.
2. That additional nominations would be welcome.
3. That the next meeting of the Board will incorporate an extended planning meeting.
It was AGREED:
4. To extend the warmest best wishes and appreciation of the Board to Mr Mark White on his retirement from the University on
29 February 2016.
It was AGREED:
1. To approve, as an accurate record, the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the Ordinary Meeting held on 20 November 2015.
It was NOTED:
1. That the University Executive Team, and the Chairman, are considering a range of options in respect of the National Horizons Centre and will report to the Board in due course.
It was NOTED:
1. That members have been provided with an update on the positive progress on student recruitment and that, at this stage of the cycle, applications are currently showing an increase on the same point last year across all streams.
2. That a full marketing and recruitment campaign continues to support all streams.
3. That the key deadline for UCAS applications is 15 January 2016.
4. That the University Executive Team are giving particular attention to the International Strategy of the University, including:
4.1 International Partner and Agent Activity
4.2 The international portfolio of the University
4.3 The currency of the Risk Register in terms of international activity
4.4 Compliance with UKVI requirements including visa refusal rates
It was AGREED:
5. To ask the Audit Committee to consider a report on risk management of international activities and to advise the Board.
It was NOTED:
1. That, in 2009, the Board had agreed that the University should become the main sponsor of the Thornaby Academy and The Freebrough Academy.
2. That the Board established a charitable trust – the Teesside University Trusts for Academies (TUTA) - as a part of the governance arrangements for the academies, chaired by
Mr David Heaton.
3. That the University is responsible to the Secretary of State for achievement of the performance, vision, and aims of the academies (as determined by the University in consultation with co-sponsors).
4. That the current OFSTED status of the Freebrough Academy is “good” (previously “requires improvement”). The current OFSTED statue of the Thornaby Academy is “requires improvement” (previously “inadequate”).
5. That extensive consideration has been given within the University, within the TUTA, and in discussion with co-sponsors, as to whether the University has the necessary internal resource, or the capacity, to drive school improvement (particularly in the case of the Thornaby Academy).
6. That there is uncertainty that the University has such current capacity and resource to drive school improvement with the priority that is required.
It was AGREED:
7. That, accordingly, members of the Board will support the Vice-Chancellor in conveying to the Regional Schools Commissioner, the University’s decision to relinquish the current sponsorship arrangements in favour of an appropriate alternative agency.
The Chair welcomed Ms Liz Jolly, Director, Library & Information Services, and Mr Chris Robinson, Assistant Director (Major Building Projects) to the meeting.
It was NOTED:
1. That, members received a presentation relating to a major refurbishment of the Library building proposed for the first, second and third floors and the creation of a postgraduate space on the fourth floor.
2. That, in addition to enabling further strengthening of our strong Library and Information Resources provision, it will represent a further significant addition to the student experience.
It was AGREED:
3. To approve the Library Refurbishment Project – Phase 2, 3, and 4, and investment of £6m.
4. To authorise the Chair to appoint contractors for the project, following conclusion of the relevant procurement processes.
The Chair thanked Ms Jolly and Mr Robinson for a detailed presentation of proposals.
It was NOTED:
1. That, on 6 January 2015, the University acquired the shares of the Teesside Sports Injury Centre Ltd (the Company).
2. That, the University now has complete ownership of the Company.
3. That, the banks accounts currently held by the Company are with HSBC, and that it is intended that these accounts be closed, and new accounts be established with Barclays Bank, who are currently the University’s bankers.
It was AGREED:
4. To approve the opening of a new Barclays current account and savings bank account for Teesside Sports Injury Centre Ltd.
UT 3098 RESOURCES COMMITTEE – 13 January 2015
It was NOTED:
1. That the Committee has considered:
1.1 The Comprehensive Spending Review.
1.2 The third Students’ Union Update for 2015-16
1.3 The business case for the proposed Library Refurbishment – Phases 2, 3 and 4.
1.4 The third Treasury Management report for 2015-16, detailing activities for the period 1 August 2015 to
31 December 2015.
It was NOTED:
1. That the Students’ Union are supporting the University’s proposal to move to semesters and improve timetabling in the coming academic year.
2. That a number of campaigns are underway, including:
2.1 The Nap Room Project
2.2 Yes to Respect
2.3 Pride in My Sport
3. That a number of successful campaigns have been held, including:
3.1 Children’s Christmas Craft Day
3.2 “This girl can”
5. That the SU on Tour brand is now in its 4th successful year and Officers are engaging in more techniques to encourage students to give feedback.
6. That Teesside students are generally having a positive experience, with many enjoying their course and particularly appreciating the work of their tutors and lecturers.
7. That an Impact Report 2015 has recently been published, celebrating the success of not only the Students’ Union, but the success of our students, and reiterates the Union’s mission, vision and values.
8. That the draft student submission of the HER Self Evaluation Document has been submitted.
9. That the Students’ Union Strategic Review is underway.
It was NOTED:
1. That the following dates and times have been scheduled for meetings of the Board.
Friday 18 March 2016
Friday 20 May 2016
Friday 15 July 2016
Friday 18 November 2016
2. That the graduation ceremonies will take place from
18 July 2016 to 22 July 2016.