Teen Driving Age Research Project


  • You will take a stand on the issue: Should the driving age be raised from 16?
  • Write a strong thesis statementthat clearly states your claim. (E.X. Leave the teen driving age alone!)
  • Gather research from the articles we have read in the textbook and develop at least 3 points that support your claim.
  • Find relevant details, examples, anecdotes, facts, or statistics to support those 3 points.
  • Organize your findings on your planning sheet
  • Create a Power Point presentation to present your argument and findings to your classmates (see the required project template below)
  • Include a visual representation of one of your statistics (Ex. A pie chart, bar graph, table, etc.)
  • Include a Works Cited slide to cite the sources you referenced
  • Save your project as follows:logged onto your student account on the computer (not mms.student)period.lastname.firstinitial, Ex: 1.Bell.J
  • Email your completed project to Mrs. Bell at:

Works Cited

These are the citations for the articles you have to choose from in the textbook. On your “Works Cited” slide (slide 6), you should only list the citations for the articles that you reference in your project. All you need to do on your evidence slides (slides 2-4) to reference your sources is mention the name of the author or the title of the article on the slide.

Steinberg, Laurence. “What the Brain Says About Maturity” New York Times. 2015.

Cheng, Jenny Diamond. “Leave the Voting Age Alone” New York Times. 2015.

Kitman, Jamie Lincoln. “Better Training for New Drivers”New York Times. 2015.

Hofer, Barbara. “A Parent’s Role in the Path to Adulthood” New York Times. 2015.

Thompson, Michael. “Mandatory Service to Become and Adult” New York Times. 2015.

Davis, Robert. “Is 16 Too Young to Drive a Car?” New York Times. 2015.

Aubrey, Allison. “Fatal Car Crashes Drop for 16-Year-Olds, Rise for Older Teens” New York Times. 2015.

Grading Rubric

Teen Driving Age Research Project
3= Excellent
1= Needs improvement
0= Not demonstrated
Component / Points
Includes a decorative title slide with partner names / 0 1 2 3
Includes a thesis statement with a clear claim / 0 1 2 3
Includes at least 3 facts, details, examples or statistics to support the argument / 0 1 2 3
Includes adequate and relevant support with valid reasoning for each of the 3 supporting examples / 0 1 2 3
Includes a visual display clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest(Graph, pie chart, etc.) / 0 1 2 3
Includes a works cited slide to give credit for sources / 0 1 2 3
Project was saved according to the directions= period.lastname.first initial / 0 1 2 3
Mastery of Power Point tools and effects is demonstrated (transitions, etc.) / 0 1 2
Power Point is neat, organized, and has visual appeal / 0 1 2 3
Power Point demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling / 0 1 2 3
Project was saved and e-mailed appropriately / 0 1
Total Points / ___/30

Teen Driving Age Research Project

Planning Sheet


Thesis Statement:______


1st Supporting Point:


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic:______


  • Elaboration______


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic: ______


  • Elaboration______


2nd Supporting Point:


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic: ______


  • Elaboration______


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic: ______


  • Elaboration______


3rdSupporting Point:


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic: ______


  • Elaboration______


  • Text evidence/Fact/Statistic: ______


  • Elaboration______




LAFS.8.SL.2.4- Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation

LAFS.8.SL.2.5- Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest

LAFS.8.L.1.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing