SE 4730 – Software Engineering Project IISpring 2018

Instructor: Dr. Yan Shi

Office: 210 Ullrich;phone: 608-342-1512; email:

Office Hours: see

Course Description:

The project started in SE 4330 is continued and carried to completion. In-depth study of several software engineering topics introduced in earlier courses, such as software construction tools and issues; unit development, review, testing, and maintenance; software reuse; and metrics. An introduction to current research issues in software engineering. P: SE 3730, SE 4330.

Course Goals & Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to

-Work effectively as a member on a large team project

-Design, implement, and test a significant application

-Present project work in oral and written form

-Be an effective participant as any member of a formal technical review

-Understand and discuss current software engineering topics

Software Project:

All participants in this class will be "hired" by the Pioneer Software Engineering (PSE) Company. The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be responsible for developing part of the project. I will be head of the department. Each group will have a leader who is responsible for making job assignments, monitoring progress, and ensuring that deadlines are met. Group members will report directly to the group leaders who in turn will report directly to me.

The class will participate in the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and integration stages of the development of each release of the project. There will be several releases as determined by the class and the customer. There will be deadlines that must be met for each release. Group members will participate in reviews (e.g.,design, code, test), and will give presentations on their progress. All work will be documented and adhere to standards.


Each person will be hired at (a fictitious) $50,000. There will be two Performance Evaluations at which time raises will be distributed on the basis of contribution to the project. At each raise period, a total amount of money equal to 5% of the total gross pay for the department will be allocated. This money will be distributed amongst the department members as follows:

3% raise:Given to those who complete assigned tasks within the deadlines, and whose documents and reports meet minimum standards.

> 3% raise:Given to those who perform meritoriously, e.g., jobs "especially well done" and/or "extra tasks performed". Usually, the maximum raise will be 7.5%

< 3% raise:Given to those who miss deadlines, submit poor quality work, etc. Note that those who consistently miss deadlines and/or submit poor quality work can expect a negative raise (cut in pay).

This distribution will be determined by myself, with input from the group leaders and the group members themselves, and based upon work evaluations. To assist in evaluation, all group members must enter detailed time log entries into CSSE_Hub. Each entry must have a comment that states clearly what was accomplished during that session. It is not sufficient to say “I worked on XXX”. Punch-in, punch-out must be used. Manual entries should only be used under special circumstances. All entries must be up-to-date and accurate. In addition, each group member will submit a Performance Summary as input for each of the two Performance Evaluations.

The distribution of raises will also be based on Continuing Education credit. There will be some assignments and/or assessments (in addition to the project), and the grade you receive on each will be used to set your raise during the Performance Evaluations. Approximately 5 - 20% of each raise will be determined by these, and 80% - 95% will be determined by your contribution to the project.

To reflect the added responsibility of the group leader, s/he will receive an extra $2000. In addition, group leaders will generally be rewarded and penalized more. For example, a group leader will be penalized if one of their group members misses a deadline (unless there are extenuating circumstances).

I expect attendance every class day. You will be penalized $250(on your final salary) per class hour for an unexcused absence. Excused absences include University sanctioned activities and Doctor's excuses for illness. Furthermore, you will be penalized $100 for being more than 5 minutes late to class.

Grades: Grades will be determined by the final salary:

= $55,700 / A / $52,100 - $52,399 / C+
$55,400 - $55,699 / A- / $51,000 - $52,099 / C
$55,100 - $55,399 / B+ / $50,700 - $50,999 / C-
$52,700 - $55,099 / B / $49,100 - $50,699 / D
$52,400 - $52,699 / B- / < $49,100 / F

To receive the final paycheck, all employees must participate in the final presentation during Senior Design Open House Day, which is Wednesday, May 16, 2018, unless there is a final exam conflict. All employees must also participate in a written analysis of their accomplishments and professional growth, which is due Thursday, May 17, 2018, 8am.

Other "Required" Statements:

  1. Academic misconduct: You are responsible for honestly completing and representing your work, for appropriately citing sources, and for respecting the academic endeavors of others. You will be penalized for violating these standards and may even be expelled from the University. See Chapter UWS 14 (p. 172) in the Student Handbook for details.
  1. You have the right to miss class for religious observances. If you wish time off for this reason, let the instructor know within the first two weeks of the semester.
  1. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, and psychiatric disabilities. Please discuss any accommodations you may need with the instructor. A VISA from Services for Students with Disabilities authorizing your accommodations will be needed.