Tecumseh Woods Swim Club
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: January 23, 2013
Westminster Pres.Church- 325 W. Ash St.Piqua, Ohio
Board Members:
Present: Paula Schmeising, Alan Lange, Kazy Hinds, Shani Karn, Sheila Friend, Ronnie Fitchpatrick
Absent: Mark Motter, Dawn Widney
Quorum Present: yes
Meeting called to order by Paula at 7:20pm
Minutes from last meeting reviewed. Alan motions to accept and Paula 2nds.
President’s Report:
- Paula conveys appreciation of hard work of the Board and need for continued commitment for successful pool season
Treasurer’s Report:
- Reviewed current reports recently emailed to board members: Balance Sheet, and 2013 Budget
- Board is interested in shopping around for Liability Insurance Rates
Membership Report:
- Sheila met with members of membership committee. Topics included offering door prize at Piqua Senior All Night Party, Getting more involved in the Chamber of Commerce, possibly hosting an After Hours event at the pool. Sheila would like the pool mentioned in their monthly postings which are placed around businesses in downtown area. Also discussed advertising, poss on Time Warner Cable channel 5. Would also like to start/continue to improve on following up with new members with a phone call or welcome mailer to new members.
- Reviewed all different memberships and their current pricing
- Will possibly take part in the Cakes for a Cause event again this year, hosted by the Piqua Community Foundation
Swim Team Report:
- No one present representing Swim team
Old Business
- The Human Resource committee met under the direction of Kazy Hinds. She is in the process of completing a Policy & Procedure/Employee Handbook, which will be one in the same, and will be given to employees. A new job application will be placed on the web site soon. Also on the website will be job descriptions and Codes of Conduct. Kazy is still working on a policy on nepotism, and is reviewing sample policies online. A local attorney will look over new job application. A motion to accept new job application, pending a clear legal review is made by Paula and 2nd by Kazy. Kazy expects to have all documents completed before the pool season begins.
- Capitol Improvement continues to meet under the direction of Alan Lange. An itemized list of needed improvements is presented to the board along with Prioritization as seen by the Improvement committee. The Committee will submit a list with cost for capital improvements at the next meeting for approval. We continue to have filter problems: 1. filter is leaking and 2. certain elements in the bottom of the filter are broken, allowing sand to pass through the filter and into the pool. Alan is working on getting estimates and input from Patterson Pool, the Piqua YMCA, and Porceline, to determine the best course of action to be taken at this time. He is also getting estimates and finding best prices for improvement needs such as pool paint, and paint for bathhouse.
- Alan is continuing to work toward getting materials donated for a paddleboat dock. To date, 3 paddleboats have been donated to Tecumseh Woods. Sheila reports that she has had a member contact her with concerns as to the cost of this endeavor to Tecumseh Woods.
- Kazy has been working very hard on updating the Tecumseh Woods website. It is nearly functional, but we are waiting for our old website name to expire, so that we may keep the same website name with our new site. All forms and job applications will available on the new website and its price is comparable to our old site.
- Dawn is absent so there is no update on new pool furniture
New Business
Paula has been in discussion with Tony Scott, former owner of Dolphin Pool in Troy, reviewing how they managed their pool and returned it to flourishing membership. He is happy to give Tecumseh Woods ideas and direction
Paula and Alan met with a local graphic designer to possibly develop a new logo and explore marketing ideas. His fee of $30/hr for approx 8-10 hours (not to exceed $300) of service was discussed. It is tabled at this time and will be reexamined at next meeting. Sheila will stop in a Quint Sign to inquire about how his services might compare
Possible hours of Pool manager and lifeguards were presented. The board will continue to explore ways to stretch our dollars, possibly for-going an actual manager, but rather hiring managing lifeguards. We will cont to discuss this as we see what type of candidates are interested in these positions
Some discussion over Honorary Memberships and if this is mandated by the by-laws. More investigating needs done on this issue.
Other Business
Brief discussion about possibly offering an Easter Sunrise Service on the grounds of Tecumseh Woods.
Concession stand offerings were discussed. The Board may look into new vendors to offer new/different foods at the concession stand. Sheila reports that she has had some members who have voiced concern that this is an area which could be improved on.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled: Wed., February 20th, 7:15pm at WestminsterChurch
Regular Session Meeting is adjourned,motioned by Paula, 2nd by Kazy