Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- This board can be used to give presentations to teachers to better help them to teach their students.
- Review resources to identify quality and appropriateness for use in the classroom. Assist in evaluating teaching.
- Presentations
- Presentations
- Inservices
- Presentations to staff
- Interactive teaching
- Lesson plans
- SMART Boards can be used in classes to bring assignments to life. It will give the students an opportunity to learn about new technology.
- This technology is wonderful in the classroom and also as presentation for groups and Professional Development.
- Observations
- Faculty meetings
- Assist teachers
- Faculty meeting
- Observations
- I can use the evaluation tool to help teachers use SMART Boards to challenge creative thinking.
- The information/rubrics shared by Mr. Phillips will be most beneficial for teachers.
- Faculty meeting
- Observations
- Helping New Teachers w/JB’s.
- The training helped give me a better understanding of how to utilize the SMART Board in the classroom and by administrators. I would like to have a workshop on SMART Boards at my school during the teachers planning.
- 3 E’s
- Teacher Rubric
- Accessing Resources
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Activity designed with student interaction as the central focus.
- Use with existing resources downloads and PowerPoint.
- Provide this information to my faculty through Professional Development during a faculty meeting. Ask them to plan a lesson with an activity from the exchange at least once a week in the beginning of implementation.
- Attendance management
- Professional Development/faculty meetings
- Professional Development for staff
- Meetings
- Use NB to develop new and innovative content, strategies and templates that can be adopted for use in any subject. I used Jeopardy.
- For professional development; cycle of instruction, PST, COMP and Ruby Payne.
- Instruction
- Conducting workshops
- Academic classroom instruction
- Conducting workshops
- Train students to interact with the Board
- Train new teachers/aides/tutors
- Increase student participation and motivation.
- Student engagement!
- Interactive teaching, learning, (cell phone use).
- Safe meetings
- Training
- Professional Development (PD)
- I loved the sites listed and the presentation. I can’t wait to share it with my teachers.
- Professional Development
- Increase teachers’ creativity
- Enhance learning
- To help implement Reading Street
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Training purposes
- Great uses for classroom
- Faculty Inservices/presentations
- Use this with parents
- Give to teachers as a resource
- Knowledge on what is actually student interactive versus whiteboard/overhead use.
- Improve rigor in classroom instruction
- Presentations at Professional Development or faculty meeting sessions.
- 3-E Teaching
- Will use rubric for lesson analysis
- Survey where my teachers are with integrating technology.
- Determine where I want teachers to be in 3 years.
- Develop strategic plan
2) SMART Board
3) Digital Cameras
4) Moodle
- I enjoyed the use of the cell phone in the presentation. This could be a valuable tool in the classroom with students.
- Good way to have faculty meetings.
- Will use in presentations to teachers.
- ESL staff meetings
- Training for classroom teachers
- Small group work with ELLS
- Presentations to teachers
- Demonstration lessons for students.
- Help provide assistance to teachers.
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Provide training on using SMART Boards more effectively.
- Use interactive activities to increase student engagement.
- Make sure teachers are using SMART Board appropriately.
- Monitoring to ensure effective use with engaging activities.
- Monitoring to determine the need for additional Professional Development.
- Great science lessons, activities an assessments to share with teachers who are just getting familiar with SMART Boards.
- Learn how to access SMART Board activities.
- Customize calendar using SMART Board.
- Lessons already created in music and art can be utilized in middle school general music classes, art classes and offer support in instrumental music classes.
- Use with coaches in teaching specific sports.
- Good health lessons.
- Also good lesson on geometric shapes in sports.
- This SMART Board Notebook will be helpful for student engagement for interactive learning from the delivery of information to student digital exposure.
- We can be online learning posting of work, research, interactive listening, etc.
- Faculty meetings
- Open House
- Parenting Day
- Title I Meetings
- 5 levels of implementation for snapshot
- Walkthrough for Instruction in effective integration of technology in lessons.
- I will use this tool to expand the knowledge of all teachers as relates to lesson planning.
- Gives me the opportunity to evaluate teacher performance.
- This increases interaction between faculty and staff and can be used for modeling and training.
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Interactive teaching
- Get writing teacher to use SMART board sounds to enhance student interest in writing. Students will write and then present to class with sound effects.
- This will better assist me to better evaluate teachers and train usage of the SMART Board in the classroom.
- Staff Development to model use to teachers
- Use during professional development and doing staff meetings.
- The websites make lessons easily accessible and will encourage more use.
- Anytime kids can get up and participate in SMART Board activities they are excited and involved. The activities already on wiki are very good!
- Help teachers plan creative lesson.
- Check on teachers uses.
- Teaching tool for teachers, students and parents.
- Help motivate and engage students.
- Allows teachers to provide opportunity for HOTS and creativity.
- Rubric will be useful
- Embedded Professional Development
- Instruction
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Share notebook lessons explored with teachers
- Use during presentation
- Assist with data and presentations.
- Gather information with clickers.
- Overall instruction
- I will use the training I have received to provide multiple resources for effective instruction for my teachers.
- Staff development opportunities/presentations
- Increased awareness of possibilities
- Unable to access
- Assist with presentations
- Displaying data
- Quick checks using clickers
- Faculty meetings
- Job-embedded
- Getting input from teachers
- Displaying data
- Assist with presentations
- Student engagement
- Increase student learning via immediate feedback
- The presentation in SMART Boards helps me better understand how teachers can use this technology effectively.
- Address all areas of learning
- Different in instruction
- Student engagement
- Use during presentations and tutor teachers.
- Teacher effectiveness
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
SMART Board /
- Presenter timely and informative; broadened knowledge of technology that will utilize many aspects.
- Lessons to help increase teaching/learning.
- Display information during data/PST/SAE meetings.
- To review and show data
- Introduce RTI strategies
- Data presentations – pulling teachers. It would decrease fear of use if ALL participated in faculty meetings.
- Can be used during data meetings/PST meeting.
- Modeling for teachers
- Presenting information to teacher, students, parents, partners, etc.
- EDUCATE Alabama – use of technology
- Staff Development
- Should have been more instruction on use of SMART Board.
- Useable templates to use for lesson plans.
- Games for learning key concepts
- Professional growth
- Professional knowledge
- Teacher/Administrative creativity for student learning
- I will be able to introduce and demonstrate new tools for teacher incorporation into the daily instructional lessons.
- Effective when used as an interactive tool to help engage students.
- Train teachers to use SMART Board to make lesson more interactive.
- Provide an effective resource for improving instruction, engagement, interaction, and empowerment.
- Great new information
- I can’t wait to share.
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks when this tool can increase effectiveness/efficiency (Please list multiple uses, is possible)SMART Board /
- I learned the potential of SMART Boards and what to expect when observing its use.
- Formulate and research lessons and templates
- Give teachers sites to help with classroom activities.
- Professional Development, student engagement
- Great introduction
- Will help teachers improve SMART Board use.
- More hands-on training for administrators.
- Great interactive tool administrators can model
- Sharing lessons with teachers
- Create wiki for teachers to share “like” lessons with each other.
- Use of SMART Exchange helpful
- How to share in
- Planning meeting to increase student achievement.
- Poll everywhere
- Recording device (provide re-teaching or repeat lessons/presentations)
- SAE development/monitoring
- Parenting orientation
- Teacher Instruction/Coaching
- PST meeting minutes/documentation
- Bell ringer/exit slips
- Use in providing PD for faculty/staff.
- Use in presenting parent information.
- Use in encouraging teachers to engage students in own learning.
- Hands on manipulation. Notebook PowerPoint shown
- Use as a resource for improving teacher effectiveness.
- E-mailing sessions
- Individual professional development with teachers
- Group professional development – focus
- Personal professional development
- Discussion threads
- Faculty presentation
- Designing lessons for engagement RTI
- Excellent Professional Development resources for all educational professionals.
- Can be used with professionals who need additional information with certain ideas and strategies.
- Assistance with new teacher book study.
- New concept assistance with struggling teachers.
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
PD 360
- Use as Staff Development tool to introduce to teachers.
- Use in grade level meetings, individual conferences
- E-mail link with follow-up dialogue
- Used to address specific concerns after walk through and observations.
- To help teacher’s access quality professional development video related to specific school related issues.
- New Teacher Mentoring
- Learn strategies to use for Tier 1, 2 interventions to support RTI Students tiers use with teachers when needs are identified.
- PLP’s for Educate Alabama
- To support cycle of Instruction
- To earn hours credit for certification
- Can be used to help evaluate teachers.
- Find out what they are learning and preparing for.
- Focus Professional Development on specific real time issues.
- Send out “Meet Me”” notes and facilitate specific 15 minute professional development conversations with teachers around a pre-determined segment
- Reflection button – use reflection as a check of teacher viewing suggested PD360 video.
- Creating collaborative viewing list
- Creating custom courses and interacting with participants.
- Participants can acquire credits and receive a certificate.
- Address specific Professional Development need for teacher/faculty/staff.
- Locate programs for individual school needs
- In house staff development
- Guidebook for professional development
- Excellent researched activities
- Good questions & answer sessions
- Share a link with tutor/aides in advance of the workshop
- To ensure teachers and others have the resource to enable them to introduce needed materials.
- I would be able to increase teacher learning to increase learning for all students.
- Assign to new teachers in areas of need. Assign topics to teachers to increase learning in areas identified as emerging.
- Professional Development
- Improve Teaching and learning
- Follow-up with teachers
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
PD 360 /
- I will use this for on-going Professional Development with specific grade levels as well as school wide.
- Also use for accountability
- We are using PD360 instead of a book study.
- Completing PLP’s with teachers
- Reading across the Curriculum is a focus area for the year. The videos will be used by various departments.
- Creating folders with information specific to certain groups of teachers.
- Learned more about implementing PD360 to fidelity for trainings. Will use in trainings. (Guidebook/reflection)
- Will use to provide targeted training to teachers and paraprofessionals.
- Use with classroom teachers who have questions about working with ELLS.
- Great way to send professional development for review by teachers.
- Great way to share RBS with faculty.
- This session is very good for online courses or grading.
- Align to PLP’s
- Sometimes I forget that this tool is available; thanks for the recap.
- Assign teachers to in-service that will improve their skills.
- Increase Professional Development opportunities for all stakeholders.
- Provide training in small segments so that teachers don’t miss time in classroom.
- Build a Staff Development plan that can be implemented on a teacher’s schedule.
- Quick and easy training for needed topics
- Many varied aspects to involve the learner
- Easy access to Professional Development
- Professional Development credit
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
Moodle /
- It eliminates paperwork for teachers and students, allows for student discussion/forums.
- Teacher can allow students to drop box their work.
- Online Course Management
- Surveys
- Collaborative Work
- Moodle can be used by teachers and administrator’s for different things. I t can be used for online quizzes, drop boxes and forums, etc.
- Great for classes or courses.
- Teacher Professional Development
- Share resources
- Schedule should accommodate Assistant Principal Schedules or compensate accordingly. Teachers are too overwhelmed with INOW to tackle Moodle, Great too!
- Used for book study. Lee vs. Macon etc.
- Power Point for students.
- Can be accessed easily.
- Teachers can communicate information to students in a secure, non-commercial environment.
- Sponsors can set up enrichment activities.
- Another professional development resource to use in connection with participation workshops/services that have been consolidated from various places and in various forms.
- PST’s
- Focus teams
- Students and Teacher data collection
- We just got a rolling cart with mini-laptops, but the teachers aren’t using them. This will give me an opportunity to give them specific examples of how they can use them easily and effectively.
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
- Moodle Access
- Examples of Teacher set-up and program capabilities.
- Professional Development capabilities
- Do the PD360 in a Moodle module
- Collect feedback in the module as well.
- Manage lab assignments and paperwork
- Use for Professional Development
- Can use for branching content, great resource.
- I would use this technology to do a book study with my faculty on classroom spaces that work.
- Lee vs. Macon
- Addressing Disproportionally
- Make Sense Strategies and Positive Behavior Support.
- Organization
- Online resources for tutors
- SMART notebook lessons for Staff Development
- Teacher can use for student interaction.
- Teachers in upper grades need this for technology use for kids.
- Was very new to me.
- Lab Work
- Online experience for 10th grade students
- I want to share this with my teachers and play around with it.
- Yeah! Great
- PACE and to challenge upper level students.
- I don’t have a computer lab or class set to implement.
- I can have five teachers and students to use this to complete assignments.
- Enhance learning
- To help implement Reading Street
- To save assignments
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
- Would like this
- Not available
- Utilize this with teachers and students for effective sharing and collaboration.
- Use by teachers to collect assignments
- PD support provided for teachers.
- Not just a course but a place to put stuff.
- To measure success of programs – SAE Data
- Communicate to parents
- Students and community school functions.
- Parent, staff student surveys.
- Collecting data from PLT”s and PST’s.
- Share with teachers to use for various forums
- Moodle will encourage use to eliminate jump drives and student access to lessons and assignments.
- Valuable information
- 21st Century learning
- Would love to attend the hands-on session.
- Will use to gather information from teachers in my assigned schools.
- I can use it to support Math teachers in the district.
- Students participate (forum/photo galleries)
- Moodle consolidates several types of services.
- Use for PD/sharing and collecting resources.
- Teachers can use to organize assignments
- Students can drop in assignments.
- Learned what “Moodle” is.
- Online course management.
- Full evaluation – surveys
- Posting important dates
- Pertinent information – uniforms, open/close, handbooks
Technology Tool Application
Technology Tool / Specific Administrative Tasks When this ToolCan Increase Effectiveness/Efficiency
- Survey my parents, students and teachers to gather input.
- Boo Hoo – not offered!
- Moodle, ( online assignments)
- Will provide training for faculty. Also will be focus of feeder school.
- Teacher Tools
- Multiple uses for professionals and students.
- Homebound, extended absences of students and/or teachers for lessons.
- Book studies
- Surveys (choice)
- Home/School Connection
- Professional Development for faculty
- Communicating between teacher and students
- Way to interact online
- Multiple uses for professionals and students.
- Homebound, ext – absences of students and/or teachers for lessons.
- Book studies
- Surveys (choice)
- Home/School Connection
- Professional Development for faculty
- Communicating between teacher and students
- Way to interact online